Bergen Town is the home of the Bergens.
Bergen Town is mostly made of dull greys and greens with litter in places. Due to its citizens' lack of happiness, the town shows a lot of self-pride as the Bergens don't see a point to make it look better. Plus, they hate glitter, bright lights and lots of color.
According to some versions of the Troll Kingdom map in Trolls World Tour, Bergen Town is far southwest of Pop Village, and somewhere south of Vibe City. Despite the Bergens going after the Pop Trolls, the Funk Trolls are actually shown to be the closest population of Trolls living near them in this version of the map. The map with their town included can be seen in the books Trolls World Tour Look and Find and Trolls World Tour Big Golden Book. It is located in the woodland area that the Pop Trolls once called home; the Bergens have littered that area over time. In Trolls Band Together, Bergen Town was shown outside of Troll Kingdom and south of it entirely.
It is shown in Trolls that traveling there by foot - for Trolls, at least - it takes an entire day, and this is only with aid of the Tunnels of Certain Death to speed up the last part of the journey.
There was also a bus tour titled "Bergen Town Bus Ride" which was only mentioned by Tug Duluth in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Tour Guide Of Duty".
The majority of Bergens live in the town. The only Bergens not shown in the series to live in Bergen Town was Chef, who lived for 20 years in Troll Forest looking for Trolls, and Barnald who was shown in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Bygone Bergen" to live by himself also in the forest. Chef briefly returned to the town during the events of Trolls before she was sent flying.
Troll Tree[]
The Pop Trolls used to live in this tree constantly singing, dancing and hugging while being happy. The Tree is located in a woodland area and is on top of a hill. After a Bergen discovered and ate a Troll and became happy, the Tree had a cage built around it. Over time, Bergen Town was created around the Tree; it is therefore the most central point of the town.
On the day of Trollstice, the Bergens would gather around the Tree and taste happiness. The event ended on King Gristle Jr.'s first Trollstice when the Trolls escaped through a hole they had created in the center of the tree. They lived in the forest after this away from the Bergens. The Troll Tree had died by the time Poppy and Branch returned to Bergen Town to rescue The Snack Pack during the events of Trolls. It was restored by the end of the movie.
Despite the tree's restoration, the Trolls continued to live in the forest. During the events of Trolls Holiday, King Gristle Jr. cut the tree to make it look like Troll hair.
The tree was surrounded by bars. While this wouldn't stop a Troll from escaping, it would keep the Bergens out during Trollstice. The Trolls seen alive at the Tree were King Peppy, Princess Poppy, Branch, Grandma Rosiepuff, Aspen Heitz, Darius, and Mandy Sparkledust. It is unknown of the Trolls who else lived there. Out of all these Trolls, Grandma Rosiepuff never escaped, being the only named Troll death.
Peppy and Poppy's Pod[]
It was the pod that King Peppy and Princess Poppy lived in. It was later recreated in Pop Village.
Grandma Rosiepuff's Pod[]
This was the home of Grandma Rosiepuff and Branch. It was restored when the tree was restored at the end of Trolls.
The split of BroZone occurred in her pod at the Troll Tree. Between the scene of the brothers leaving and the introduction of the Trolls Band Together movie, Rosiepuff had redecorated her pod. Most of the bands instruments and pictures on the wall were gone and replaced with decorate leaf and vine designs. Objects like her table, couch, phonograph and dressing table were still present in both the past and present scenes.
Bergen Castle[]

Bergen Castle from the outside
When Bergen Town was created, the Bergen Castle was built as a place for the royal family to reside. It is currently owned by King Gristle Jr., who inherited it from his father, King Gristle Sr.
There is a number of staff members in the castle, only a few of which are known. Such staff members include Bridget: the former scullery maid, who is now the Bergens' queen; guards Chad and Todd; and Chef: the former head of the kitchen staff.
A number of rooms exist in the Castle, though only a few are known:
- Throne Room - the room from where the Bergen ruler rules from. Originally there was just one throne, but in Trolls Holiday Bridget's throne was added, it was brighter lit since the curtains (which are on the right side and have chains in front of them) had always been drawn in Trolls. On the left is a fireplace and all walls without windows have paintings hung.
- Kitchen - where Chef prepares meals, including Trolls.
- Bridget's room - located at the bottom of a staircase, she only has a tiny window to see the outside world from. There is a chute as well that goes from the Kitchen to her room. She has a larger room by Trolls Band Together.
- King Gristle Jr.'s room - the room belonging to Gristle.
- Dungeon - Though it was mentioned in Trolls it was not seen in the movie and instead was seen in "Funishment", it is the place that Bergen's that break the law are sent.
Captain Starfunkle's Pizzeria[]
An arcade and pizzeria owned by Captain Starfunkle, which is seen in Trolls and various episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! In Trolls, it was where Bridget and Gristle Jr.'s first date took place.
Bergens | ||||
Leader: | ||||
King Gristle Sr. (former) • King Gristle Jr. | ||||
Other named members: | ||||
Chef • Bridget • Bibbly Bibbington • Chad and Todd • Captain Starfunkle • Miss Maxine • Aunt Smead
Groth • Nangus Skullcrusher • Bernice • Buzby
| ||||
Misc. related articles: | ||||
Bergen Town • Trollstice • Party Crashers |