"Bro, Team! Bro!" is the second segment of the 2nd episode of the fourth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 55th overall episode in the series. It premiered in September 2, 2021.
Synth breaks out his pom-poms and becomes a TrollsTopia cheerleader, but when a silly cheer mistake causes his team to lose, he takes it very hard and decides to give up cheering for good.
It is the play-offs of one of TrollsTopia's favorite games, Hug Ball. Poppy and Holly are the game's commentators. The Red Team results to sending out Synth, their best player due to his unique cheerleading skills. Branch and Cooper are sat in the "cheer-side seats" as they watch Synth cheer. Synth's cheerleading makes the Red Team play better. It is the final breaths of the game and during this moment Synth tries to ring up a final cheer, but as he does, a beach ball that is being passed by the crowd knocks him down, ending his cheer. As the Red Team notices Synth is down, the Blue Team takes the ball from them and this breaks Synth's mojo. Synth's mind tells him to pull it together, but he struggles with coming up with a new cheer in a hurry. In a messy confusion, Synth tries to get another cheer together, but fails completely to even muster one single cheer.
The game ends with the Blue Team winning. The Red Team is still in the play-offs, and Poppy is sure he will bounce back tomorrow. But Synth can't see that and decides to quit. He drops his pom-poms, which land near his fins. Holly tries to reason with him, stating that it wasn't his fault the beach ball hit him. Synth notes this was Cheerleading 101; always know the location of the beach ball, but before he finishes the ball hits him again. Poppy suggests that he simply needs a reminder of how great he is.
The next morning, Poppy creates a no-pressure situation, and tells Synth that all he has to do is make a cheer for Branch as he goes to make a shot. But his subconsciousness makes Synth worry so much about messing up that he ends up doing so, and in turn Branch also does it. They try a simpler idea: Cooper yo-yos and Synth cheers him. His inner voice tells him to just "say anything" which causes Synth to say anything to cheer on Cooper and in turn, he messes up again and causes Cooper to mess up. They make it even simpler; now Synth just has to cheer for a rock outside of Branch's bunker. But even a simple cheer turns into an "er" and the rock catches fire. A critter puts out the flame and tuts Synth's efforts. As Poppy tells him not to give up, Synth comes up with one last trick: pure spectacle.
At the game, the Red Team is facing off against the Green Team, and Synth is using special effects to put on a show. So far this is working, and Poppy and Holly are pleased by the results. With 2 minutes left to go, Synth's subconsciousness accidentally tells him not to think about what they did last time. This instantly causes him to think about the mess he made last time and he loses control of the water fountains he's maintaining. The water goes everywhere and the Red Team's player with the ball loses her footing as she slips on the water, losing the ball to the Green Team.
Seeing how everyone is reacting to his mess, Synth gives up again. Holly tells Synth he didn't listen to Poppy before. Poppy repeats that he can't cheer on others if he isn't cheering on himself. Synth says he hears them, but Poppy questions if he is hearing them. He suddenly realizes what she means and both him, his subconsciousness and his subconsciousness' own subconsciousness go "oh!". The subconsciousness begins to cheer for Synth and even triples in number. Synth goes back out and cheers his team to victory.
His subconsciousness is then hit by a beach ball as Cooper rolls in, saying he does not know how he got in here.
- The title is a play on the phrase "Go, team! Go!".
- "Cheer-side Seats" are a reference to "Ringside Seats", which are considered the best seats in the house for seeing all the action.
- The role of "cheerleader" was originally meant to drum up support for their team, by encouraging supporters to start cheering and thus boaster morale amongst the players. During a game, morale can be hampered by booing fans, or larger support for the opposing team. Over time, it has expanded to also be a promotional display, with some cheerleading teams being as much about the flare as cheering on their teams.
- A storyboard animatic of the episode was uploaded here.