Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

BroZone is a boy band hailing from the Pop Troll tribe that was first seen in Trolls Band Together.


BroZone was a large phenomenon among the Pop Trolls during its relatively short period of activity, and remained well-known even after it split up. Its members were Branch (the youngest one) and his four older brothers: John Dory (oldest member and leader), Spruce (second-oldest), Clay (middle brother) and Floyd (fourth brother). All of them were in their youth during their time in the group.


The group was famous before its break up and the top boyband of the Pop Trolls, their music was so notable even Poppy knew of them having listened to them growing up. She did not know of Branch's involvement because he went by the official stage name of "Bitty B", Floyd's bio on the BroZone website indicated the group existed before his birth as Floyd was originally considered "the baby" of the band being the fourth youngest.

They had several hit songs including:

  • We All Wanna Want
  • Love and Stuff
  • Girl I Love Your Love Girl
  • Girl Baby Baby
  • Baby Baby Girl
  • Baby Baby Baby Girl Woman

These aforementioned songs were all written by John Dory.

The Last Concert

The group was at the height of their career and on the verge of making history, however several things went wrong during their performance.

  • John Dory promised the fans they'd perform a perfect family harmony. This had never been done and achieving it would have made sure BroZone made history. Perfect Family Harmony can shatter diamonds and is incredibly powerful. This put pressure on himself and his brothers to be perfect.
  • Spruce was under pressure to maintain perfect abs due to his image of the heart throb. This caused him to spend most of his life working out, as well as working out before every performance. This was exhausting to him and he wasn't laid back or relaxed.
  • Clay was known as "the fun one" and was constantly pressured to maintain that image, even though he was growing up and becoming serious.
  • Floyd had relied upon his brothers for support to hide his nerves.
  • Branch was nervous and inexperienced.

During the performance of the song "Perfect" at the Troll Tree arena, John Dory saw a chance to perform a perfect family harmony, so without warning took the lead and went into a unplanned dance routine. The brothers became reluctant to follow John Dory's lead when he called it as it was unplanned and caught them by surprise. In addition, Branch's inexperience led to him failing to balance out a dance move which saw all 5 brothers stacking. A loose vine sends the brother tied up at the ceiling then come crashing down before Branch's eyes. Branch blamed himself for the fall even though the blame was jointly held between them.

Brozone's Break Up

There was a row between John Dory, Spruce and Clay after the failed concert and John Dory in rage quit. This caused the other two to quit. Floyd then realized that he too must leave and this left Branch alone to be raised by Grandma Rosiepuff. Though Floyd promised to return, he never did and BroZone was scattered.

John Dory took up the life of a hermit in an attempt to break his bad habits. Spruce ventured to Vacay Island where he loosened up and became relaxed. Though he remained a heart throb, he didn't maintain his body. Clay's situation was somewhat different as he appeared to have stuck around and was involved in The Last Trollstice, since he was among the Putt Putt Trolls tribe, led by Viva. Floyd remained largely unknown but according to background information released related to the movie originally went on a soul searching journey.

According to his own words in Trolls Band Together, John Dory did return to the Troll Tree but found no one there so he did not know until Trolls World Tour Branch was still alive. Branch's involvement in the The Rock Apocalypse and Queen Barb's defeat allowed him to find out his brother was still alive.

The Reunion

During the events of Trolls Band Together, BroZone was reunited by Poppy, Branch and John Dory. They had to rescue Floyd who was trapped in a diamond bottle by Velvet and Veneer.

After gathering Spruce and Clay, the four brothers prepped to save Floyd before he died, but old issues reignited. This time, however, Branch walked out on them because he found out they were not interested in being a family after saving Floyd and were complaining to John Dory but all three were treating him as the baby brother they remembered. After hearing the life Branch had growing up and Grandma Rosiepuff got eaten by a Bergen, John Dory, Spruce and Clay realized that their actions exposed their two youngest brothers to danger. They also had second thoughts in leaving each other again as they come to realize that Branch and Floyd need them and they not only need them, but also need each other no matter how many mistakes they have made.

BroZone were captured (except Branch) and Velvet and Veneer began the concert of their life. However, they were stopped by Poppy, Branch and Tiny Diamond, aided by the help of Crimp, Bridget and King Gristle Jr., with Branch taking the led instead of John Dory this time. Floyd was revived after apparently giving his last bit of life force, cause by his brothers showing concern for him and each other. However, the four brothers own life force and love for Floyd is what also revives their brother.

The group held a concert at Vacay Island and allowed Branch to write his first song for them. They were joined by Branch's other former band Kismet. Branch also invites Poppy and Viva as honorary members.


Known Fans

Known Songs

Trolls Band Together

Storyline Notes

Their break up is mostly impacting to the storylines related to Branch and Poppy.

For example, though it is unknown if Grandma Rosiepuff would still be doomed to perish, Branch would have had his brothers for support. Branch's bio notes he hoped to sing with his brothers forever. Ironically, the band split soon after his debut, and due to the events related to Grandma Rosiepuff, he gave up singing for at least 20 years. The split is the catalyst that leads to Branch's life spiraling into unhappiness to be there for him - Branch is left being raised as an orphan with no other family. Since Poppy's main reason to give Branch so much attention in Trolls was his unhappiness, it may have even impacted Poppy and Branch's chances of coming together.

Despite being in the Pop Tribes no.1 boyband, Branch remains forgotten because of his very brief time in the band, of which he spent it under the name of "Bitty B".


Their name is a portmanteau of "ozone", "bro(ther)", and "zone".


  • DreamWorks made a website for the band, which can be seen here.
    • The site is made to resemble a late 1990s style website with a minimalistic layout and basic format.
    • This may explain why the visitor count at 11,172,300 doesn’t expand as BroZone hasn’t updated the website for 24 years (Trolls-universe specific).
    • With the website, Branch's age as of Trolls Band Together is now confirmed to be at least 24+. Until this point it was only noted for Trolls and Trolls World Tour he was at least 21+ years old and at least a year older then Poppy who was a baby when the Pop Trolls escaped Bergen Town. The only confirmed details for Branch's age was that he was less then 25 years old as a "young adult". As a result of the age difference betwen him and Floyd, the rest of the band are likely in their 30s.
    • BroZone also listed the names of Pop Troll singers and Pop Troll bands for the tribe that were around when the band existed on their website. These names of songs, musicians and bands are all Troll-based puns.
    • Despite being Pop Trolls, many of the members like a variation of Rock music.
  • They make various references to real boy bands such as NSYNC, Boyz II Men, One Direction and the Backstreet Boys, as in the trailer, they sang "Backstreet’s Back".
  • Branch's membership is likely a nod to how his voice actor Justin Timberlake was once a member of NSYNC.
  • The name of the songs on their album is meant to be a joke, as Side B has songs with very uncreative names. But it also suggests that John Dory, who was the lead writer for the group and therefore wrote those songs, was running out of ideas and in turn is a subtle hint of the problems the group was facing.
    • Traditionally B-Side tracks aren't that impressive. A-Side is normally the side most music lovers focus on, and thus the main song or hit songs of the album are placed on that side. B-Side is reserved traditionally for a copy of those songs, experimental or filler songs. Occasionally, a vinyl would lack a B-Aside and have two A-Side tracks. Regardless, studios often only promoted (known as "Plugging") the A-Side tracks and B-Side tracks rarely get a focus, one such example is the song Juliet which became famous when it was randomly played by a pirate DJ who focused on the B-Side of tracks.

