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Episode Info

"Buckin' Branch" is the second segment of the 7th episode of the first season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 13th overall episode in the series. It premiered on November 19, 2020.


The Country Trolls see something special in Branch, and invite him to a try-out for their rodeo. But when Branch struggles to keep up, he has to resort to increasingly desperate attempts to keep his "special" status, especially once the Country Trolls discover that Biggie is a rodeo savant.


In the market, Biggie is panicking as Mr. Dinkles is up on a tree and is stuck clinging to part of the it. Branch rushes to the rescue. After he saves Mr. Dinkles, Biggie walks off telling the worm about not climbing trees with his teeth. Holly Darlin' and Gust Tumbleweed approach, having seen Branch's skills at reangling critters. When Gust says that Branch has something "special", Branch latches onto that word. They invite him to try out at their rodeo, as Gust gets a gut feeling that he will do great.

At Country Corral, Poppy and Smidge show to give him support. Branch greets the girls dressed in a cowboy get-up and mimicking the Country Trolls' mannerisms. Pressed for an explanation, Branch says that they called him "special" before. Poppy claims she says that about him all the time, but Branch replies that she tells that to everyone. Pulling a random Troll in front of him, Poppy is asked to describe her, but struggles to not say that this random Troll is special.

At the rodeo, Gust explains that they will value the Trolls on three main events: piñata lassoing, catching a greese balloon and hugging a wild Adorabull. If the Trolls can pass all three events, they'll make it into the rodeo and may even get a chance with "Fluffy". Branch fails to lasso a piñata, failing his first task. Holly and Gust try to motivate him, but he fails even worse and lands on the greese balloon, resulting in him failing that. He lands on an Adorabull and is thrown off, then next finds three of them chasing towards him as they do a leaping hug onto him. Holly and Gust's song ends.

The two let him know they have never seen any Troll try harder, but it wouldn't be safe to let him into the rodeo. Branch says that they said he was special, to which Gust notes that his gut isn't the best thing to base a decision on.

Poppy finds Branch showing up to the rodeo, even though he didn't make the cut. When he turns to her, she's horrified as he has bloodshot eyes; Branch has spent all night practicing his lasso hoping to show Holly and Gust so he can be in the rodeo. But when he grabs their attention, he accidently fumbles and latches onto one of the Adorabulls. He's dragged out of the rodeo and the Adorablulls head out of Country Corral and into the market area, where they cause chaos. Biggie and Mr. Dinkles are sent flying and he lands on one of the Adorabulls. He loses balance and falls, hugging the critter and finally calming it down.

Gust, Holly and Branch check on him and the two Country Trolls are impressed by his actions. Branch hears them say Biggie has something special and is surprised. Biggie tries out for the rodeo and is good enough to be in it. In the stands, Poppy comments that she's impressed with Branch that he has put it behind him, but as she talks, Branch rushes off to try again.

This time he wants to try with "Fluffy", who has become a cocoon unbeknownst to him. As he opens the shed, it hatches into a raging butterfly. Poppy offers to go get help, but Branch still sits on the fact he was called "special". The creature breaks free and Branch runs away terrified. Biggie sees the monster and chases it down. He leaps over Adorabulls and onto a piñata. Biggie lassos the beast. The beast takes off with Biggie onboard, who hugs it and Fluffy calms down. Biggie is thanked by Branch for saving him, and then lifted up and carried away by the Country Trolls to celebrate.

Holly and Gust ask Branch what he was thinking over trying his luck with Fluffy on his own. Branch apologizes and explains that he was trying to prove that he's still special and admits that he shown have known better. Gust and Holly kindly explain that they do think Branch is special, but he just needs to work a little harder, which is the most Country Troll thing that he can do.

Later, Poppy catches Branch trying to lasso a piñata. This time when she goes to applaud him for giving up trying to impress the Country Trolls he stops, but Branch says this time she's right. After one more lasso, he nails it, but his Country lingo results in Poppy telling him to quit while he is ahead.



Pop Trolls
Country Trolls



  • The title is a reference to "Bucking Bronco", a nickname given to an untamed horse that tends to throw their rider off via "bucking".
  • The echoing word "special" mimicks how Branch had the word "friend" echoing in his head during the events of Trolls World Tour, when Poppy "friendzoned" him.
  • The adornment of the Country outfit and Branch taking on the Country persona is a continuation of part of his Trolls: The Beat Goes On! characterization. When Branch gets too comfortable or confident on something, he usually acts like he knows it all and even like he's better than everyone else in around him. However, the result is almost always a disaster whenever he does this.
Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes
Season 1
TrollsTopiaThe Buddy System/Kick-Off PartyBring It In/Branch Out of WaterThe Ballad of Holly Darlin'/Across the FashionverseManager Poppy/The Snug-a-lug SituationGirls' Night/Cloud ControlClassical Rock/Buckin' BranchRhythm & the Blues/Mouth GuitarGlitter Rush/Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game RoomCheery Glo-mato/Highly AmusedThe Makeunder/Smidge in the SaddleExtra Tootering/The Last ScrapbookDarlin' Dos/Bad Hair Day
Season 2
Cakes on a Train/It's Dad-urdaySmooth Operator/Funtography DayHopscotch Extreme/The Funk WashHair Fracture/Palentine's DayThe Party Pooper/My Dinner with DanteHairicane/Piney & Lord Prickles
Season 3
Potluck Poppy/Blaze and the Blazing BlazesClash of the Battle Piñatas/R&B in R&DDisgruntle Weeds/Extreme Sleepover Club: Spooky Edition!Surprise-O-Tron/Dante the EntertainerSurprising Gust/Daylight Ravings TimeNowhere to Fun, Nowhere to Hide/The Joy ChordWormhole Scavenger Hunt/The Fabyrinth
Season 4
Dance Plants/Mini Mini GolfTrollection/Bro, Team! Bro!The Bunker Sitter/Domin-Uh-OhsShiny Diamond/Flyer's EdPuffalo Express/Merry CloudmasDon't Make Me Laugh!/Hair-aldine: The Musical
Season 5
Trollvial Pursuit/Life of PieBig Brother Dante/Art BreakerThe Fun Harvest/The Tunnel of FriendshipBPF/Follicle FitnessThe Not So Good Sport/Bygone BergenStop the Presses/R&B Are On It!To Hug A Snug-A-Lug/The Search for Piece
Season 6
Bubbled In/Fastest Draw in the WestThe Cloudback Whale/Truffle TroubleBig Sis B/Journey to the Center of TrollsTopiaRace to the Crest/What's in a Nickname?Ready, Set, Calendar!/The Party SwitcherooKeep It Up/Be My Val In Time
Season 7
A Life Less Score-dinary/The Trolls-a-ThonAir Apparent/Under New ManagementGive Me A Break/Once Bitten, Twice GuyThe Troublesome Trio/Hide & Go HugFunder Construction/The Tech-less BreakfastThe Farmer and the Hound/Val Serves Murray DutyGal Pal Getawaycation/Troll Exchange Program