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Trolls Trollpedia

The Bunker List was a plot device first mentioned in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Model Behavior", and later seen in "The Bunker List".


The list was made by Poppy when Branch made a vow in panic to be a better Troll. At the time the pair looked like they may fall to their death, it only turned out that the height they were suspended over wasn't that large. Poppy took Branch's promise to be a better Troll seriously, and made a book for him named "the Bunker List". On it were items she added to improve Branch and make him a Troll again, though it is also hinted that he added a few things himself. When ticking off an item, a figure appears saying "You're one step closer to being normal". Poppy also has a copy of the book to keep track of his efforts.

Eventually, Smidge and Guy Diamond got fed up with his list as over time, Branch became reluctant to do some of the items on it. Poppy would set up events for Troll Village to partake in so Branch could knock items off the list, only for him to bail. Guy and Smidge make a bet that Branch could do it all in one day; if he succeeded, they would dress as babies for an entire day, but if he failed he would have to; he simply needs photographic proof he did all the items. Poppy stated there wasn't time limit on the list, and he should do it at his own pace as the goal was to make him a better Troll after all.

Eventually, he does all the items on the list, but Poppy calls him out on this, pointing that no one appeared to be happy with him in his photos. He forfeits his victory and wears the baby costume for the day, but Poppy notes that it makes him better for it, and ticks off an item on her own list: "Make Branch a better Troll".

The list was never mentioned again in the series after this.


The following is a list of known items that were on the Bunker List.

  • Take a bath
  • Eat cooked food
  • Befriend a glowbug
  • Get ripped
  • Learn to play sweet jams
  • Find Baldo
  • Get a make over from a friend
  • Hug a baby Puffalo
  • Learn to love again
  • Bare your soul in verse
  • Catch a Glitter Fish with a local fisherman
  • Tell someone a dark secret
  • Wash Cooper
  • Learn a new musical instrument
  • Read a "Trollmance" novel to cover
  • Turn a frown upside down
  • Serenade a friend
  • Trust a stranger with a deep secret
  • Catch a butterfly
  • Host a backyard slumber party


  • "Befriend a glowbug" is likely a nod to a Hasbro small figurine depicting Branch carrying a lantern with a glowfly in it.
  • "Find Baldo" is a reference to the children's book series Where's Wally?, also known as Where's Waldo? in the United States and Canada.
  • "Trollmance" is a pormanteau on "Troll" and "romance".
  • "Turn a frown upside down" means to cheer up someone who's upset or sad and make them happy. It refers to the mouth shape of someone gloomy and happy being the opposites to each other.
  • "Wash Cooper" is a joke on "wash the dog", which is a common household chore for dog owners.