"Bygone Bergen" is the second segment of the 5th episode of the fifth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 73rd overall episode in the series. It premiered in December 9, 2021.
When Holly and Val encounter a Bergen for the first time, Poppy makes it her mission to prove that the Bergen is a gentle giant who won't eat them.
Poppy is laughing with Cooper when Val and Holly interrupt. Holly and Val were playing "Holly Ball" (same as Volleyball, except Holly is involved), she put a bit too much into a pass and the duo went looking into the woods deeper then they'd ever been. They then saw a monster that was huge, mean and its clothes were tacky.
Poppy wants in on the next game of Holly ball as the game sounds amazing, Poppy then identifies the monster as a Bergen. She corrects them when they say it has a "want to eat a Troll" look, but Poppy ensures them Bergens don't want to eat Trolls. She asks them to take her to the Bergen so she can show them how kind they are.
Holly kicks the ball in the direction of Bergen nervously. They locate the ball and Val and Holly sees the Bergen. Val and Holly are terrified, but Poppy goes to great it. The Bergen greets himself as Barnald. He speaks in a mild-mannered and pleasant manner. Val and Holly won't come out of hiding so she gets them. The Bergen invites them back to his cottage. When Poppy says that he won't eat them, he corrects her that he is definitely going to eat them. Before they can react, he grabs the trio.
At his house, the trio sits in a cage and Val sarcastically comments on the situation with Poppy's remark about the Bergen. Holly is angry that his sweet-talk was a show, but he says that he talks like that anyway, but he is still just as mean ad stinky as any Bergen. Poppy tells Barnard that this is a mistake as Bergen's don't eat Trolls anymore since they sang and danced together and learned the meaning of true happiness comes from within. He doesn't believe her and tells her he hasn't lived in Bergen Town for years and doesn't believe Bergens would up and change their way of life because they got and sang a song. Poppy stresses it was a really good song. Barnard states that since they are here, he knows someone who will have a very good Trollstice next month - him.
Holly and Val begin planning to escape, but Poppy believes she can turn him into a friendly Bergen. They berate the idea of befriending him. She asks Barnald what he likes to do, but everything he does is related to the act of, or idea of, eating Trolls.
As Barnald reads a cookbook, he eats the pages and catches his arm on a splinter. Seeing an opportunity to get Barnard on her good side, she escapes the cage to get the splinter out. He thanks her and for a moment she thinks he is coming over to her way of thinking. However, he points out that she has now demonstrated that they can get out of his cage and he puts the Trio in a more secure cage.
Holly and Val are not impressed with Poppy's results. But Poppy thinks Barnard and her were starting to connect until he put them in a new box. Val says that it is time to trick him into opening the box and then yanking him by the nose hairs and get out. But Poppy will not give up on Barnard. She gets out and sings to him, at first, it seems to work as a montage plays. Barnard says he can't eat her on Trollstice - he has to eat her right now. He explains the song was so dreadfully cheerful he can't listen to it again and also complains it was a little pitchy.
As Barnard puts her in a sandwich to eat her, Val and Holly beg her to run. Poppy refuses to run and the duo get nervous. As Barnard gets her close enough to eat, she pulls on his nose hair and escapes. Barnard knocks over the cage while in pain, Popy and the Trolls make up and the Trio escapes. Barnald knocks himself unconscious and opens the door of his cottage as he falls. They escape from his home completely.
Later Holly comments on Poppy's handling of the Bergen, Holly is sorry she had to give up the idea of making friends with the Bergen, but in reality, Poppy has not. Poppy says she has not given up it just might take a little longer.
Barnald gets a letter from Poppy. Although he likes it he still comments he will eat them.
- Unlike normal episodes of Trolls: TrollsTopia, this one is dramatic at the end of the episode when Barnald breaks the 4th wall saying "Yeah, I’m still gonna eat ‘em."
- Until this point, the only Bergen that has appeared was in "Piney & Lord Prickles", being King Gristle Jr.. The Bergens had all but disappeared from the 2D animation timeline by the end of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, and their large absence not only in 2D but also 3D media has been noted by fans.
- Most episodes are an lesson-style and therefore end with a Troll either resolving or accepting a issue with some sort of lesson to be learnt. This episode remains with Barnard still willing to eat Trolls and not accepting friendship with the Trolls. Though Poppy continues to attempt to befriend him despite this, its obvious that they are not yet friends. This episode is odd therefore for its the start of a lesson or bigger plot, rather then having the Trolls involved learn everything in one episode.
- One of the continued differrences about the series is how Trolls: TrollsTopia has embraced "friendship takes time" note from Trolls World Tour, as oppose to Trolls: The Beat Goes On! where most friendships were earnt in one episode, with the only exception being Archer Pastry because he resisted.
- The song Poppy refers to when she speaks to Barnard is Can't Stop the Feeling!, which was by Justin Timberlake. It was a hit song reaching no.1 in a number of charts. This is why Poppy says "it was a really good song", because of its successful and critical acclaim it technically is.
- The book title of the cookbook Barnard reads is "Cookin' Trolls", it is likely a nod to Chef's cookbook Cookin' With Trolls.
- Barnald's complaint of Poppy's song being "pitchy" means she sang it flat or sharp and was not in the center of the note. It is considered a sign of a singer who can't do pitch right.
- Poppy curtsies for the third time in the franchise after greeting Barnard. First being in Trolls Holiday and second being in Trolls: The Beat Goes On! Season 8.