Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

Chad and Todd are two minor Bergens who appear in Trolls, Trolls Holiday, and several episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. They're among the many royal guards at Bergen Castle.

Chad was initially set to return in Trolls Band Together, but was later removed.[1]



Chad is a quite tall Bergen with dark green skin. On his neck, chin and large nose, different sizes of moles can be seen. He has bright red eyes with a yellow sclera that are quite small and circular-shaped. He has black hair that appears to look unbrushed. His teeth are uneven and unstraight, and also stick out a bit. Chad is always seen wearing a red and black hat and guard uniform with golden adornments, as well as white gloves. He carries a spear during most of his screentime.

Todd bears most of the same traits as Chad, including the physical appearance, hairstyle and clothing. The only difference between them is that Todd's hair color is dark green and his skin is of a more yellowish tone.

They have the same model as each other in the 3D animation, as well as most other guards and the kitchen staff that serve Chef. The pair are the only named characters with that model; the other characters who share the model are just recolors. This makes them distinct, as most other Bergens are created via the random Bergen generation.

They have the same appearance as in Trolls.

Their designs are mostly the same as in Trolls and Trolls Holiday.


King Gristle Jr.[]

Chad and Todd are among the many royal guards who serve King Gristle Jr., though not much is known about their exact relationship with him. Based on how they're with Gristle more time than other guards, it's possible that they're his bodyguards of choice.

Gristle tends to fail to distinguish them, such as seen when he mixes up their names in Trolls Holiday.

Skills & Abilities

They have most normal Bergen abilities.


They were seen playing trumpets in Trolls.


Since they both have partisans, presumably they are trained in a form of spear polearm fighting and it was part of their training to be royal guards. In addition, since they are royal guards to begin with, presumably they also have some form of military training related to their jobs.


  • Trolls Holiday mocks the fact that Chad and Todd have the same model, as Gristle fails to make a distinction between the two when Chad announces Poppy's mail to him. He even calls them "Tad and Chodd" by mixing up their names as well.


Trolls characters
Trolls - Main Characters
King PeppyPrincess PoppyBranchCreekCooperBiggieSmidgeGuy DiamondSatin & ChenilleDJ SukiFuzzbertGrandma Rosiepuff
Trolls - Minor Characters
HarperMoxie DewdropCookie SugarloafMandy SparkledustKeithDariusUncle Ron Sr.
King Gristle Jr.BridgetChefKing Gristle Sr.Chad and ToddBibblyCaptain Starfunkle
Mr. DinklesCloud GuyBarnebis
Miss GuffinAspen HeitzCybilMaddyKarma
Trolls Holiday characters
Queen PoppyBranchBiggieSmidgeGuy DiamondSatin & ChenilleCooperFuzzbert
King Gristle Jr.BridgetChad and ToddBibblyCaptain Starfunkle
Mr. DinklesCloud Guy
Trolls: The Beat Goes On! characters
Trolls - Main Cast
Queen PoppyBranchBiggieSmidgeGuy DiamondSatin & ChenilleDJ SukiCooper
Trolls - Supporting Characters
King PeppyCreekFuzzbertAspen HeitzHarperGia GroovesSky TorontoNova SwiftKeithPriscillaCJ SukiCybilMeadow SpriggsBella BrightlyMilton MossTug DuluthDr. MoonbloomRufusRipley WispGemma FurTimpaniCeline StarburstMaddyBahaMags GumdropVioletDennisHank MontanaVega SwiftToby PoppitsDare-lene J. McGuffinLaroux LarouxSmargeAliceBrianElliotNateKlaus Von FroustingMaster Controll
King Gristle Jr.BridgetChad and ToddGrothNangus SkullcrusherBernice
Other Characters
Cloud GuyMr. DinklesGaryParty Crashers (BashArcher PastryPeter) • Marshtato MarySir Tandeth and Certain DeathTae-Kwon Joe and Tae-Kwon KevinPistil Pete and Pistil PatrickDad Cloud and Mom Cloud
King Gristle Sr. (former) • King Gristle Jr.
Other named members:

ChefBridgetBibbly BibbingtonChad and ToddCaptain StarfunkleMiss MaxineAunt Smead

Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

GrothNangus SkullcrusherBerniceBuzby

Trolls: TrollsTopia


Misc. related articles:
Bergen TownTrollsticeParty Crashers