"Cloud Control" is the second segment of the 6th episode of the first season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 11th overall episode in the series. It premiered on November 19, 2020.
Branch discovers that he's not the only one in TrollsTopia who Cloud Guy annoys - there's someone from every Tribe except the Rock Trolls. Upon discovering that Val is the secret to avoiding Cloud Guy, Branch attempts to ward him off and help everyone live an annoyance-free life.
Branch wakes up to breakfast in bed - literally. Cloud Guy is celebrating his "annoyversary" with Branch. It has been a year since he began to harass him. In the village, Cloud Guy is pointing out all their "memories". Poppy overhears and goes to get gifts.
Cloud Guy spots Laguna Tidepool digging up an ancient Pop Tribe disco ball. As she notes it is so rare and well preserved, she suddenly finds out that the disco ball is actually Cloud Guy. It turns out that Cloud Guy also likes to annoy Laguna; with a "down low", she is aware that he will pull his hand away and say "too slow", but can't resist testing a hypothesis, and so tries to see if he will, falling for his trick. Cloud Guy notes that he has to thank Poppy for her TrollsTopia idea as it has brought together all of his favorite Trolls to annoy.
In his bunker, Branch calls the first meeting of "the United Council against Cloud Guy". The first meeting reveals the others he likes to annoy in addition to him and Laguna are Lownote Jones, Dante Crescendo and Holly Darlin'. Holly tells how Cloud Guy stole her win from her at the Cutie Pageant, robbing her of her fourth victory in the contest. Branch is confused why Lownote is here, but it turns out that although he is able to maintain his coolness, Cloud Guy easily makes him lose it and is the only one able to do so. Dante notes that it is impossible to beat Cloud Guy's whit. Branch suddenly notices someone is missing; there is a Troll from each Tribe except the Rock Tribe.
It turns out the one Cloud Guy chose to pick on was Val, but his antics don't work on her and she turned the tables on him just by giving him an icy glare which literally froze him solid and broke him down to pieces. She agrees to teach the others how to do it.
Some time later, Branch and his friends are looking forward to meet Cloud Guy. On cue, he appears and takes group photos with them in a relentless number of uncomfortable shoots that leave them dazed and groggy, before he suggests next they shoot pictures... with the lens cap off. Val appears, sardonically applauds his efforts and Cloud Guy looks worried. She begins to tell a story about a rocker girl and an annoying cloud, with him getting more and more worried. She begins to belittle him on things like him failing "Cloud Collage". But the time he is done, he admits it is not as fun as it usually is, and rains himself as he rushes off. Branch celebrates with the others. Their celebration is cut short by an irate Poppy, who asks what did they do to Cloud Guy.
They find Cloud Guy wallowing and playing a harmonica. Poppy spent all day looking for the perfect "annoy-a-versary" present, and asks why this is how she sees Cloud Guy. Branch is sure that he is fine, so he walks up to him and asks him what's all this. Cloud Guy questioned that he's wallowing too much, he will give it a rest. Branch asks him that he's living out here.
Cloud Guy confirms it and tells him that Val was right about him, so he decided to live out there despite it being cold and a Growl Beast eating his last pair of socks, which made him make a pair out of tree bark, which is painful to wear. He then apologizes for all the trouble he has caused as he enters his stick shelter. Branch tells them Cloud Guy is fine, but Lownote tells him that he has to admit this is really sad. He states that they went too far involving Val in their plan and they should help him. Branch points out that they have beaten Cloud Guy and Holly states no one deserves to live out here all alone. When Branch brings up the pageant, Holly replies that she had been taking the pageant way too seriously and losing freed her to try new things.
Poppy states that it seems like in Cloud Guy's way, he actually helped them. Branch denies it, but then realizes that all the time he dealt with Cloud Guy had pushed him out of his comfort zone and actually helped him become a better Troll. He agrees that they have to help Cloud Guy, and goes on to apologize to him, telling him that they don't want him to live out there alone, and even though he pushes their buttons he actually ends up helping him. They then sing by telling Cloud Guy that he ends up helping them in in his own way.
Cloud Guy is touched and Branch tells him they appreciate him. Cloud Guy tells him that means a lot to him... before he reveals that he and Val teamed up to fool the others into confessing they appreciate him (preferably in song form), annoying them all yet again. Val comments that they look hilarious when annoyed. Cloud Guy then reminds them it is their "annoy-a-versary" and proceeds taking pictures with them. The episode ends with Branch, Holly, Lownote, Laguna and Dante getting flashed, and Cloud Guy comments that he forgot the camera lens are on.
- The title is a pun on "crowd control".
- It's revealed that Cloud Guy annoys one troll from each tribe, much like he does with Branch: Laguna Tidepool from the Techno Trolls, Holly Darlin' from the Country Trolls, Lownote Jones from the Funk Trolls, Dante Crescendo from the Classical Trolls and Val Thundershock from the Rock Trolls. However, it appears that Val doesn't mind Cloud Guy very much, can take his jokes and even turn the tabels on him.
- Aside from Laguna, the other Trolls Cloud Guy likes to annoy are the ambassadors who represent each Tribe.
- Despite the pranks to other Tribe members, Cloud Guy is only ever shown harassing Branch through the rest of the series.
- In "Rhythm & the Blues", Holly wasn't present in the scene where the Trolls were cloud gazing, hinting that she doesn't really admire Cloud Guy at all.
- Based on Cloud Guy saying that it's his and Branch's "annoyversary", the episode takes place about a year since Cloud Guy started to annoy Branch.
- The episode references past Trolls: The Beat Goes On! locations. The North Troll Pole was last seen in "Wormhole", the pixel world is from "Bellow Bug Day", and the Mr. Dinkles scene is a reference to Biggie's dream from "Branchception".
- This episode received a large backlash from fans and heavy criticisms over its ending, making it the least liked 2D animated episode by fans.