Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia


Creek is the secondary antagonist of Trolls, and a recurring character in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, while making a brief appearance in Trolls: TrollsTopia. He is a former member of The Snack Pack, owed to the events of Trolls and replaced by Branch shortly after the film.



Creek is a purple-skinned Troll with blue, teal and green long straight hair. He has thick blue eyebrows and a peach-colored nose. He has blue eyes that can sometimes look purple in certain lighting. He wears yellow yoga pants sewn with a darker yellow thread. He also has a deep purple hug-time bracelet on his left wrist.

Creek is considered attractive by female Trolls in Troll Village, and concept art indicates he was designed to be somewhat of a "pretty boy" Troll.


He mostly has the same appearance as Trolls. Although, a notable difference is that his hair is now entirely teal rather than shifting from blue to green.

He has the same design as in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!.

Official Bios


Creek is the most positive, supportive, reassuring Troll in all of Troll Village, approaching everything with Zen like wisdom. He’s calm, collected and capable.

But being beloved by everyone sometimes has its drawbacks, and literally lands Creek in hot water.

  • He always knows what to say to cheer up others.
  • His freckles are made of glitter.
  • When he sings, other Trolls listen.
  • Somehow, Creek always manages to steal the spotlight and be the center of attention.
  • Creek seems to befriend bugs.[1]
—DreamWorks, 2016


Creek has a serene, Zen-like state of mind. Like most Trolls, he's positive, excitable and deeply dislikes "bad vibes". His personality, from his belief of things such as "auras", indicate he was based on a hippy.

Creek often sees the bright side of things, and tries to put a positive spin on everything. Even when he betrayed the others, he spun things around to make it look like he was doing a favor to Poppy by letting her get eaten with a clear conscience. He states that he in contrast will have to live with guilt for his betrayal. Despite his calm outward perspective, Creek is in reality a coward who was willing to betray his whole Tribe just to save his own skin. He can also be deemed as a charismatic manipulator, who earns trust on others so he can approach them with a veer of trustworthiness, and keep them in the dark about his true intentions.

When Creek returns to Troll Village in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, he asks for forgiveness, under the claim that the events of Trolls have left him enlightened. Though everyone eventually welcomes him back, he has grudges against Branch. He is shown to be a lot more selfish than in the movie despite being "enlightened", and even taking advantage of his rivalry with Branch, who sees Creek as manipulative and untrustworthy. Despite his inconsideration, in the series it was shown he rarely lied and in "Tall Tail" turned out to be telling the truth. This despite Branch noting the absurd claim of his story in the episode and always having excuses for not doing something.

In the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Mouth Guitar", Val Thundershock acknowledges Creek's inconsideration to other Trolls in comparison to Blaze Powerchord. Oddly enough, Creek (who usually denies his behavior) agreed with her notion.


Queen Poppy

Princess Poppy and Creek holding hands

Poppy went from caring about Creek the most...

Creek was one of Poppy's closest friends, to the point that when Chef attacks she tried much harder to save his life than the other members of The Snack Pack. Additionally, she couldn't accept he had been eaten by King Gristle Jr., and even stopped Branch from attacking him when Branch realized Creek sold them out. Moments later, when Creek confessed about it, Poppy tried to strangle him herself.

Tim Heitz confirmed that they were not in a pairing and that Poppy just found Creek cute until he showed his "True Colors".[2]

2437638 hating him.

In the prequel book Follow Your Art, Creek was shown to be very supportive of Poppy, and even had a very close relationship to her. It was noted in the book that both Poppy and Harper found him attractive and in terms of their feelings towards him as a male Troll; they considered him "perfect" due to his attractiveness and personality.

Even though Creek returns in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, it is clear that he is not among Poppy's closest friends anymore, instead being just another Troll in the village. This is understandable, as his original betrayal hit her the hardest. This is also evidenced by her replacing him with Branch among her friends' photos. Creek doesn't appear on Poppy's "best friends wall" from "Meet the Peppy" either, with Branch being included as her newest entry.


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Creek mocking Branch's paranoia

Branch and Creek, similarly to Branch and Poppy, have contrasting personalities. Creek is a foil for Branch being unlike him; he's also positive much like Poppy. However, Branch is brave and willing to risk his life for others, with some nudging from Poppy initially, whereas Creek is cowardly and into self-preservation.

In Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, the other Trolls may have forgiven Creek, but Branch didn't and the two remain rivals throughout the series. Branch believes he's the only one who sees Creek for who he is, and the other Trolls put too much trust in him, allowing him to manipulate them; well until Branch decided to also forgive him by singing a song of apologies to him, when he didn't think he really reformed.

When the two were tied together in "Haircuffed", it was because their rivalry caused them to drive the rest of the village crazy, thus Poppy did a special knot in their hair to force the two to get along. The duo were doing nothing but getting on each other's nerves, with them ruining each other's enjoyment of their favorite activities. The two managed to trick Poppy into untying them and thus achieved the goal the knot was, but didn't notice it as they were too busy bragging to each other about defeating Poppy.

Other Trolls

According to most of his official material, he was popular among the female Trolls of Troll Village, which was referenced in Follow Your Art, when both Poppy and Harper felt he was "perfect". He was generally considered by the entire village as a good person.

In Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, it was noted that because of Creek being such an impressionable and valued member of Troll society in the past, he had even managed to have a week-long event named after him. This event is named "Creek Week", and continued despite the events of Trolls.

Skills & Abilities

He has most normal Troll abilities, as well as the abilities of his Tribe.


Creek is into Yoga and meditation. He has served as the village's yoga instructor and regularly holds yoga activities in group. Despite many of the spiritual beliefs and reasons for partaking in both these activities, due to Creek's attitude his talent in them makes them a hypocritical contrast to his true self, meaning that he actually holds very few of their spiritual values to heart in reality. However, no one else in the village can instruct other Trolls, and thus Creek's abilities are in demand within Pop Village.

In the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Follicle Fitness", it is shown that Creek works for the Hairnasium where he teaches how to balance hair in different shapes.


In "Big Poppy", when Creek was auditioning to compete in the compliment rap battle, he is seen playing a bongo while rapping.

In "Haircuffed", he was shown to sing a duet with Branch.


Creek is mostly competitive when facing off against Branch. He likes to prove that he's better then Branch. This leads him to play foul at times. In the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Bad Luck Branch", he exploited Branch's misfortune to get under his skin by repeating the word "jinx" to him. In "The Fast And The Friendliest", his determination to beat Branch using his pupil Priscilla led him to put her life in danger by using a Boaster Bug to make her go faster, an act which cost both her and Branch's pupil Keith's opportunities to finish first.

Other Skills

In Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, Creek was shown to have very few other skills outside of yoga and general spiritual activities. He mostly makes it a habit of expoiting oppotunies. For example, in "Haircuffed", he took a bite out of Branch's Noisen Berry that he spend much hard work growing, and claimed that it was a product of mother nature. He was also seen cutting in line without queuing up for ice cream, claiming equally that the universe has no rules, taking advantage of no one challenging his behavior and everyone being tolerant of him. Creek is generally noted for his habit of coming up with excuses not to do things, making him even less likely to do things and display other skills.

In the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Lost In The Woods", Creek's excuse to get out of helping with Archer Pastry involved his "imaginary pet". When Branch criticized Creek for this, the "pet's" lead suddenly sprung up and ran off, even though there was no indication that the pet was real and it was just an excuse Creek came up with to get out of helping with Archer. This was similar to Blaze Powerchord's Mouth Guitar technique which is able to menifest a imaginary guitar using only his passion.


Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

Season 3
Season 6


  • The ending of Trolls is considered to be Creek's canonical fate, but others exist:
    • Trolls: The Junior Novelization and Rock'N'Troll Collection book no.2 Branch and the Cooking Catastrophe give a different fate for Creek compared to Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. The books state that there were rumors that Chef lived in the forest somewhere, scrubbing dishes with Creek's hair. The chapter book is an official licensed material, but isn't considered canon. The novelization, however, is loosely based on the original plot of Trolls before last minute rewrite, so this was possibly the originally intended ending for Trolls.
    • The Treasure Trove adaptation of Trolls has Creek and Chef banished to live together unhappily ever after.
  • The comics from the Trolls Annuals, Trolls Magazine and Trolls Graphic Novels generally gloss over the events of the Trolls movie, and treat Creek as any other named Troll.
  • Creek and DJ Suki are the only two major Trolls from Trolls to not return in any future movie installments.
  • Creek's name was trademarked by DreamWorks, but as of 2017 it is abandoned. It's likely that DreamWorks has no current plans to bring back Creek in future movie installments of the franchise.
  • Creek was incorrectly labelled as a "Rainbow Troll" in the Top Trumps Trolls cards. The mistake likely occurred due to his bright coloration.
  • In "Haircuffed", Creek threw a large puzzle Branch wanted to do into a fire. In "The Search for Piece", it was revealed that puzzles have a significant meaning to Branch and by throwing the puzzle into the fire he actually showed far less care for Branch's hobby then it seemed at the time. For Branch, puzzles are his remaining connection to his grandma and a way of recreating that happiness he felt with her.
  • Creek sold out the other Trolls in Trolls and in turn betrayed Poppy. This is contrasted by Branch in Trolls World Tour who threw himself in front of Poppy to save her from Queen Barb who threw the power of the Strings at her.


Trolls characters
Trolls - Main Characters
King PeppyPrincess PoppyBranchCreekCooperBiggieSmidgeGuy DiamondSatin & ChenilleDJ SukiFuzzbertGrandma Rosiepuff
Trolls - Minor Characters
HarperMoxie DewdropCookie SugarloafMandy SparkledustKeithDariusUncle Ron Sr.
King Gristle Jr.BridgetChefKing Gristle Sr.Chad and ToddBibblyCaptain Starfunkle
Mr. DinklesCloud GuyBarnebis
Miss GuffinAspen HeitzCybilMaddyKarma
Trolls: The Beat Goes On! characters
Trolls - Main Cast
Queen PoppyBranchBiggieSmidgeGuy DiamondSatin & ChenilleDJ SukiCooper
Trolls - Supporting Characters
King PeppyCreekFuzzbertAspen HeitzHarperGia GroovesSky TorontoNova SwiftKeithPriscillaCJ SukiCybilMeadow SpriggsBella BrightlyMilton MossTug DuluthDr. MoonbloomRufusRipley WispGemma FurTimpaniCeline StarburstMaddyBahaMags GumdropVioletDennisHank MontanaVega SwiftToby PoppitsDare-lene J. McGuffinLaroux LarouxSmargeAliceBrianElliotNateKlaus Von FroustingMaster Controll
King Gristle Jr.BridgetChad and ToddGrothNangus SkullcrusherBernice
Other Characters
Cloud GuyMr. DinklesGaryParty Crashers (BashArcher PastryPeter) • Marshtato MarySir Tandeth and Certain DeathTae-Kwon Joe and Tae-Kwon KevinPistil Pete and Pistil PatrickDad Cloud and Mom Cloud
Trolls: TrollsTopia characters
Pop Trolls
Queen PoppyBranchDJ SukiGuy DiamondTiny DiamondSatin & ChenilleBiggieSmidgeCreekFuzzbertKing PeppyKeithPriscillaCJ SukiHarperRufusGia GroovesMeadow SpriggsMags GumdropDr. MoonbloomKlaus Von FroustingSky TorontoStriped SmileyMaddyRhonda SparklemenH.T. HairnumRaisin RubyGrandma Rosiepuff
Rock Trolls
Val ThundershockDemoBlaze PowerchordPetraBilly ReverbRomperRose
Country Trolls
Holly Darlin'Gust TumbleweedAnnie ApplecoreHaystack WigginsSlim Stuck 'Em
Classical Trolls
Dante CrescendoMinuet SonataLudwig van BeetrollvenForte Crescendo
Funk Trolls
CooperLownote JonesRhythmBluesDr. Groovetavius Ravenhug
Techno Trolls
King TrollexSynthLaguna Tidepool
Other Trolls
ChazBi-Na, Young & Min
Other-Dimensional Trolls
Pushy PoppyDingy Diamond • Cockney Trolls (Hollizabeth Darlintonshire)
BarnaldKing Gristle Jr.
Other Characters
Cloud GuyMr. DinklesGaryCaruthersMarshtato Mary
Pop Trolls
Sub Tribes:
King Peppy (former) • Queen Poppy (current) • Viva (Hole N' Fun)
Other named members:

The Snack Pack (BranchDJ SukiGuy DiamondTiny DiamondSatin & ChenilleLegslyBiggieSmidgeFuzzbert) • CreekKeithAspen HeitzCybilMaddyKarmaCookie SugarloafMandy SparkledustMoxie DewdropHarperUncle Ron Sr.DariusGrandma RosiepuffJohn DorySpruceFloydClayAblazeHypeBoomTrickee

Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

Gia GroovesSky TorontoNova SwiftMags GumdropPriscillaCJ SukiGemma FurBahaDr. MoonbloomDennisRipley WispRufusTug DuluthKlaus Von FroustingMilton MossMeadow SpriggsBella BrightlyMaster ControllCeline StarburstTimpaniHank MontanaToby PoppitsDare-lene J. McGuffinVega SwiftVioletLaroux LarouxSmargeAliceBrianElliotNate

Trolls: TrollsTopia

Striped SmileyRhonda SparklemenH.T. HairnumRaisin Ruby


Miss Guffin


Dr. Plum PlimsyGinger JoWimArabesqueRudy

Misc. related articles:
Pop StringTroll TreeTroll ForestPop VillageTrollsTopia