See also: Flora
The following is a list of creatures encountered throughout the World of the DreamWorks Trolls franchise in alphabetical order. Their size ranges from as small as Trolls to as large as Bergens; different specimens of some species can vary by that size alone.
Trolls use "critters", which refers to small insects and animals, as part of their everyday lives. They generally look after them. That said, some of the larger animals of their world aren't so friendly and will prey on the Trolls. Some are also eaten as food. Species will take on the form of the area they live in, so can have musical theme variants, the most common is the Pop variant. Species with variants include Angler Buses, Furrybats and Voilints.
Note: Each fauna will be listed under its first known name. Other names will be noted under that entry. The sole exception is concept art, as this name is often only a placeholder and will be ignored. It will only be used when no other name is available.

Holly Darlin' on an Adorabull
Adorabulls are Country critters first seen in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Buckin' Branch". They are wild animals which are required to hug for the Country Corral rodeo, though doing so isn't as easy as it sounds.
Their name is a play on "adorable" and "bull".

King Gristle Jr. has a pet alligator named Barnebis (known as "Barnabus" in Trolls: The Junior Novelization and Trolls Holiday: The Junior Novelization). He plays a minor role in Trolls (where he is voiced by Mike Mitchell) and Trolls: The Beat Goes On!.
These are some of the largest predators in the franchise. While not as big as the Greygon, they are several times bigger than Growl Beasts and adult Cuddle Pups.
Angler Buses[]
Angler Buses are leather-clad large creatures that the Rock Trolls use for transportation, as seen in Trolls World Tour. They have the ability to fly and swim, and are all-terrain transport creatures. Queen Barb uses the largest one. Their mouths have teeth shaped like zippers and they may have a tuft of hair on the top of their head. They have amplified speakers in their mouths to turn up the volume of the rock trolls’ instruments. While Barb is seen rocking out during "Crazy Train", these speakers run with their mouths open to project her playing and singing.
They are the Rock equivalent of the Pop Trolls' caterbus.
They're based on the real-life Anglerfish; Barb's resembles a female member of the species, while the other ones resemble male members. The latter also have a holding cell in the back for transport of captured Trolls.
The female is bigger then a caterbus though the male is smaller by far, they both has less room inside, but more overall capabilities. According to the Trolls Remix Rescue concept art, the smaller ones are called a "Angler Bus Purse". A variant of it is shown in the game called "Angler Bus Baggage". This is a nod to what their based upon, resembling a "purse" or "baggage" accordingly. There are variants for Classical and Funk.[1]

Ant-Critters from the Ant-Critter Queendom
Ant-Critters are a fictional species of anthropomorphic ants which was seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Tour Guide Of Duty". The batch of Ant-Critters seen there resided in an anthill known as the "Ant-Critter Queendom", wherein they have a queen. Other than that, not much else was explored from them, especially since said batch had their anthill destroyed in the episode, forcing them to flee away to somewhere else.
Given their size in relation to the Trolls (which are only 6 inches tall), they are extremely small even for a species of the Trolls World.
Armadillo Bus[]

Rhonda, a example of this species
Similar to the Caterbus and Angler Bus before it, the Armadillo Bus is a living creature that doubles as transport for the Trolls. This one being loosely based upon the Armadillo, although its behavior is more inclined to a dog's.
It has a lot more range then previous buses and is more kitted out for longer journeys, including having a button for the Hustle Dimension, a quick way to travel. It has a super sense of smell in addition and can dig underground very well. While they are not waterproof (despite John Dory claiming otherwise), they can swim just fine they just flood leak inside if they are submerged. Their feet can become rollers to go along smooth terrain faster, and their eyes can glow like car headlights.
It is implied by John Dory that Armadillo buses are carnivorous, and those untamed might actually be dangerous.
They are also the largest of the "buses" shown in Trolls, Trolls World Tour and Trolls Band Together and are big enough for a Bergen or Mount Rageon to carry in two arms.
Beetle Bikes[]

A Beetle Bike behind Riff
Beetle Bikes are Hard Rock-themed insects ridden by the Rock Trolls, appearing alongside the Angler Buses.
In a mid-credits scene from Trolls World Tour, Barb is seen teaching Queen Poppy how to ride one, though judging by her expression, Poppy's flying skills were a bit too much, even for Barb. She and Branch later ride on a beetle bike to the horizon in the end.
They are based on motorcycles, which are commonly associated with Rock music due to certain models having been linked to rebellion and freedom, similar to Rock. They are often seen alongside the rock'n'roll, and Rock eras having been both originally products of the 1900s popular culture.
Bellow Bug[]

The Bellow Bug
The Bellow Bug is a 400-year old insect from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! that is male. It appears only once every 5 years and sleeps for the rest of the time. The Trolls love listening to it when it emerges, as it always comes out singing a song. It is easily spooked and it is the job of the leader of the Village to make it feel comfortable.
The Bellow Bug is seen in the episode "Bellow Bug Day". The song it sings in the episode is "Queen of the Night aria".
Another Bellow Bug is briefly seen in "Lost In The Woods".

A crowd of Bergens
See Bergens for more details'
A species of bipedal "giants" that used to eat Trolls until they befriended them.
They are ruled by King Gristle Jr. and his wife Bridget.
Bizzy Buzzer Bugs[]

A page from Too Many Cupcakes! showing the Bizzy Buzzer Bugs
Bizzy Buzzer Bugs are seen in the book Too Many Cupcakes!. They're hard-working insects that like doing jobs. Unfortunately, they don't know when to stop, and if left unattended will work as long as they can.
Black Birds[]
Seen in "Life of Pie", they are a group of black crow-like birds that jokingly hung around in "4 and 20" groups in the episode.
Bloodhound Bugs[]
Bloodhound Bugs first appeared in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Remote Out Of Control", though they weren't named until the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Piney & Lord Prickles". They have a good sense of smell.
They were mistakenly called "Cuddle Pups" in "Snow Day", despite the fact that this is the name of a completely different critter.
They are based on bloodhounds.
Bobsledge Bugs[]

Poppy pushing Satin & Chenille off a cliff, who are in a Bobsledge Bug.
Bobsledge Bugs are insects from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! shaped like bobsleighs. The Trolls like to have fun by riding these. They were first seen in the episode "Sibling Quibbling".
They also appear in "Snow Day", where Smidge entered the Bobsledge competition to win a 1st-place medal. After Poppy's snowball takes Smidge out, her Bobsledge Bug continued on and won 1st place without her as "Unmanned Bobsledge".
A creature from Trolls Remix Rescue, they are a four legged creature that resembles a drum.[1]
Booster Bugs[]

A Booster Bug
Booster Bugs are bugs from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! able to produce a burst of force pushing an item forward. When used in conjunction with Flyer Bugs, this makes them go extremely fast. However, experience at using this burst of speed is important, as it's easy to lose control. Booster Bugs were seen in "The Fast And The Friendliest", where Branch briefly considered letting Keith use them, but declined because of Keith's lack of experience. Creek decided to use them on Priscilla's flyer when Keith later starts to win the race; she begins to push the bug more and more to go faster, but it eventually reaches its limits and fails, losing control of her flyer in the process.
Boring Beetles[]

A swarm of Boring Beetles
Boring Beetles are a species of beetle attracted to quiet, boring areas that often follow the wake of Whimsy Wasps. They infest areas unless there is too much "whimsy" in them. Partying and loud noises, as well as other excitement will make them to leave. They appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Whimsy Wasps". They often cause damage due their large size and heavy body.
They're a nod to a pest family of insects known as the Woodboring beetles, except the "wood" part was dropped and the meaning of "boring", which is "to dig" was changed to "dull and uninteresting".

A Buffalo grazing
Appearing in Trolls World Tour, these buffalo-like creatures live in the sandy fields of Lonesome Flats. The Country Trolls collect and drink their milk and hunt them for meat, which is used to make their own version of the real-life burgers. They're loosely based on the real-life American Bison.

The Cater-beast
Appeared in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Three Trolls-Keteers", the Cater-beast is an imaginary bug originally created as part of a play seen in the episode, where it was made from a prop driven by Poppy and several other Trolls. At the episode's climax, the Cater-beast is used again to scare the Snermit out of the Sunflowers' village.
Caterbugs are caterpillar-like bugs that Trolls use as skateboards. Their name is a pun on "caterpillar", "skater" and "bug".
In some Trolls merchandise, they're also called "Critter Skitterboards", the reason behind the naming inconsistency is unknown.

Trolls entering a Caterbus
A Caterbus is a caterpillar-like bug that's capable of holding Trolls inside of itself. It has seats and a steering wheel inside it, and can be steered to a specific destination. Traditionally used by the Pop Trolls, one was featured as the means of transportation in Trolls Holiday between Pop Village and Bergen Town. In the end credits of Trolls World Tour, the other Troll tribes also use Caterbuses to come to Pop Village for a party.
The aforementioned species was seen in some episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and Trolls: TrollsTopia as well, albeit with a different appearance. Its most notable use was in the former series' episode "Branch Bum", wherein a Caterbus that held several members of The Snack Pack getting into a wormhole is what starts the episode's plot.
In addition, several merchandise pieces focused on these large bugs.
Currently, these are among the smallest of the "bus" animals shown. They also have the least overall capabilities of any "bus" species and are pretty much just capable of being driven as a normal bus.
Cactus Birds[]

Cactus Birds
These birds appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "CJ's Wooferbug", where they pop some balloons holding up CJ Suki's new Wooferbug while DJ Suki is trying to deliver it.
A living vechicle creature that Chaz has named and themed after himself.
Appears in Trolls Remix Rescue.[2]
Chorus Flies[]

A pair of Chorus flies
Chorus flies are seen in Trolls during songs such as "The Sound of Silence". They like to sing along to songs.
Clapper Bugs[]

Clapper Bugs
Clapper Bugs appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Adventures In Dinkles-Sitting". They only appear if they hear a clapping sound, which startles them and makes them light up; otherwise, they're completely invisible. The louder the clapping is, the brighter they'll glow. Biggie, getting excited, clapped as loud as he could, causing an extremely bright light that left him blind for a few days.
Cloud Sharks[]
Cloud Sharks are shark-like creatures made of clouds who debuted in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "The Cloudback Whale", wherein they attack Poppy's cloud lifeboat.
Cloudback Whale[]
Cloudback Whales are creatures made of clouds who can't be damaged physically, but are highly susceptible to emotional damage. Despite the fact that they love lollipops, anyone who makes an effort to apologize to this creature would be considered forgiven in the whale's eyes. This species debuted in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "The Cloudback Whale".
This is a large brightly colored orange and yellow creature that slithers through holes. It has a large mouth, and was ridden by Evil Cloud Guy in Guy Diamond and the Rainbow Roundup, the one that appears is the largest anyone has seen according to the story.
Critterchords appear in Trolls Holiday: The Junior Novelization. They, along with a group of Tunebugs, trap Fuzzbert, Satin & Chenille in the middle of them, forcing the trio to sing until they cannot; the insects had no intention of letting them go. They were defeated when Guy Diamond sung very loudly.
Cuddle Pups[]

An adult female Cuddle Pup and her puppies
Cuddle Pups are puppy-like creatures that are friendly when young, but grow up to become monsters. They're smaller than Trolls, and are puppy-like in behavior.
An adult female is overprotective of her pups, and the species is classified as a type of predator that could harm Trolls. They first appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Royal Review". They're much bigger than a Troll, and significantly larger than a Growl Beast.
Their feces are considered great natural fertilizers, and a small group of them leaves a lot of it around.
Nova Swift has an adult Cuddle Pup as pet, which is seen in "Vega Swift".
In Trolls: TrollsTopia, Rufus tells Poppy of a Cuddle Pup migration coming through the village in "The Buddy System". It is explained to Branch that once every few years their patterns bring them through the village in what is known as a "Puppy Parade", an adorable event for the Trolls. The Parade that happens in the episode was several times bigger then prior parades leaving impressions on the Trolls that got to see it.
Dream Sucker[]

The Dream Sucker
The Dream Sucker is a parasitic, red, jellyfish-like creature that attaches itself to another creature and administers ideal dreams. To escape, the victims have to shock themselves awake. If not, the victims could risk getting trapped in the dream permanently. In the dream, everything looks normal but Inanimate objects can talk and they are edible, The dream is controllable by the victims while inside, but the Dream Sucker's dreams are persistent; attempts to keep the victim in the dream will persist as they resist.
It appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Branchception", where Branch and Biggie are seen falling prey to this creature. In Branch's dream, he was adored for keeping the village safe via laying traps. Branch woke up from his dream by dropping Gary from a great height. Biggie's dream was filled with Mr. Dinkles all around him; he also managed to escape the dream, but it is unknown what shocked him awake.
Dust Bunnies[]

Dust Bunnies
Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Royal Review", Branch had Poppy clear out a group of Dust Bunnies living in his bunker in the ventilation shafts. At first they look cute, but soon turn hostile on Poppy.
In "A Flower For Poppy", Smidge notes to Branch that after hiding under his bed for a few days, he had a serious Dust Bunny problem in his bunker in general.
In real life, a "dust bunny" is a collection of fluff and dust that has gathered into a lump forming under furniture in a home. This is often due to an area being either rarely cleaned or hard to clean up, such as under a bed or sofa.
Eighth Goats[]

Eighth Goats being herded by a Classical Troll
Seen in Trolls World Tour, Eighth Goats are sheep-like creatures that the Classical Trolls tend to, made up of a cloud for body and eighth notes for legs.
Instead of making a "ba"-like sound, they say "Bach".
Fashion Beasts[]
A creature species from another universe, they closely resemble Cuddle Pups. They have a lure with a dress-on, and attempt to lure out those who are into fashion. They appear in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Across the Fashionverse".
Finders-Keepers Critters[]

A group of Finders-Keepers Critters
A crab-like species also known as "Grabby Crabs" and "the selfish shellfish". When they work together, there is no way to stop them. They have a habit of grabbing things that belong to others, dragging them into the water to keep for themselves.
They first appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Dark Side Of The Lagoon", wherein they had nabbed everything the Trolls ever dropped into the lagoon. The crabs formed into a larger cluster to create a bigger one in order to get their stolen belongings back. The crabs are relentless, and will try to recover their loot if taken in any possible means.
They also appeared in "Queen of the Castle", where it's shown that they can be communicated by using Castanets. Smidge managed to get them to cooperate with Poppy in building a giant sandcastle of King Peppy's design, only to find the crabs had decided soon afterwards that they wanted it. The crabs then destroyed the castle by taking it into the water, failing to understand a sandcastle and water won't mix.
In the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "The Party Pooper", Marshtato Mary used Finders-Keepers Critters to raid TrollsTopia.
Flopper Hoppers[]

Milton Moss' Flopper Hopper
Flopper Hoopers are rabbit/frog hybrid-like creatures appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "To Catch A Critter". Catching it is fine, but if it makes it to water, it is gone for good. Milton Moss has one of these among his critters.
Flyer Bugs[]
A general term for several species of flying bugs from Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. These bugs are used by the Trolls, and are a plot device in episodes like "Eye'll Be Watching You" and "The Fast And The Friendliest". Children aren't allowed to ride these until trained by an adult, and when they are ready are entered in "The Junior Flyer Grand Prix". The Trolls can be quite careless and reckless while riding these at times.
Flying Sluggy Bugs[]
Seen in "Race to the Crest", they live in the maintenance shaft the Pop Trolls built to Classical Crest. They look like slugs with wings and leave slime everywhere. Their completely harmless and just drip slime everywhere.
Seen in Trolls Holiday: The Junior Novelization, Freezyfluffs are creaturs that don't like others among them, whom they see as trespassers. In the novelization, they attack Poppy, Branch and Cloud Guy by hurling snowballs at them.
Fun Meter[]
The Fun Meter is a caterpillar-like creature seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episodes "The Party Games" and "New Anthem".
It reacts to the excitement and joy of the Trolls. It lights up, turning from grey to a rainbow coloration from its tail to head. Upon reaching the maximum amount of "fun" from the Trolls and being completely lit up, it starts to bloat and explodes, producing a swarm of butterflies.

The Funphibian jumping over Poppy while expressing its approval of the Trolls' song
The Fun-Phibian is a large turtle-like creature that appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Hitting The Sky Note". It enjoys the Trolls singing in harmony, but one wrong note will make it leave. If it likes what it hears, it will join in by settling off a show of noise and lights.
The Fun-Phibian doesn't really care how good the music is; it just cares that the Trolls sing in harmony. If a struggling Troll like Sky Toronto is incapable of singing well, then the Trolls need to match their notes, not have that Troll match the rest of them.

Debbie, a Furrybat
A Furrybat is the name of the species that are found in the Rock Trolls domain of Volcano Rock City. They are small fluffy bats much smaller then a Troll. They are loosely based upon the Honduran white bat species. They were named in concept art for Trolls Remix Rescue. Despite being assoicated with the Rock music genre, there are also classical and funk variants as well as more violent versions of each.[1]

The Fuzzbumble is a creature that briefly appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "What Did I Miss?", laying between Milton Moss and Smidge's feet.
Fuzzy Wuzzbert[]
Fuzzy Wuzzberts are a species of creatures seen in Pet Problem!. Ginger Jo has one of these as a pet.
A Glampire is a Glitter Troll who was bitten by bats, leaving a supernatural urge to wear clothes. The victim slowly turns into a "Glampire". Glampire Helpers such as Laguna Tidepool generally study and counter such occurrences. The Trolls are still Trolls despite all things, meaning their species nature and habits haven't changed.
For Glitter Trolls, becoming a Glampire is a living nightmare due to the fact most adore showing off their naked bodies and beautiful glittery skin.
In the episode "Once Bitten, Twice Guy", Guy Diamond was thought to have become one but it turns out that he never became a Glampire. He was just discovering a new "self" and opening up to new possibilities.
Glitter Fish[]

A caught Glitter Fish
Glitter Fish are a species of fish seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "The Bunker List". A part of Branch's bunker list involved him having to catch a Glitter Fish. Branch cheats by letting Rufus catch it and then distracting him, stealing his catch.
Glitter Gators[]

A Glitter Gator alongside a sign saying the species
Glitter Gators are type of alligators that appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Glitter Loss".
Glitter Worm[]

Milton's sick Glitter Worm, "Mr. Sprinkles"
Glitter Worms are species of worms seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "To Catch A Critter", where Milton Moss was examining the health of one he owned, named "Mr. Sprinkles". In the results, Milton said that it had only 1 of its 5 hearts working; while the first is just fine, the other 4 have stopped beating.
Glowflies are a species of insects based on fireflies that appear throughout the franchise. Their bodies completely glow, though the glow is more prominent in their abdomen. When Trolls sing in 3D animation, the Glowflies normally join in, especially at night, and "dance" to the beat of the music. They also rarely appear in Trolls: The Beat Goes On! with a significantly different appearance. Despite being mostly shown as green, they actually come in a variety of colors.
In Pet Problem!, Ginger Jo has one as a pet.
The Rock Trolls also have their own equivalent of these, named "Rockflies".
Glow Jellies[]

Glow Jellies
Glow Jellies are jellyfish from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! that inhabit Troll Lagoon. Appearing in the episode "Dark Side Of The Lagoon", they glow to the beat of music.

A fake Greygon (left) and the real one (right)
The Greygon is a scary predator from a tale Bridget told in "The Poppy Horror Picture Show". It is one of the largest predators in the franchise. It not only hunts Trolls, but also Bergens based on Bridget's tale, where it attacked two young Bergens. The Greygon is strong, normally aggressive and breathes fire, growing as large as a teenage Bergen.
The Trolls thought it was a fake creature, but it turned out to be real. The creature is quite fearsome and doesn't back down. The only reason it left Poppy and her friends alone after it attacked was because they used a fake version to attract its attention.

Perky, Poppy's pet Grinchilla and BPF
A small animal shown in "BPF". They are loosely based on Chinchillas but they act more like cats than rodents. Despite having a big heart, They can claw at Scrapbooks.

A pack of Grossums
Grossums are pack animals that resemble small raccoons. They have bad eyesight and hunt Swampkins, which blend into their environment to avoid detection. The Grossums are able to spin their tail to create a buzzsaw effect. They like music, but not traditional Troll music, instead preferring experimental noises and sounds.
They first appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Critter Comfort". In "Coop, Where's My Guy?", Cooper was showing Poppy and Branch what happened to Guy Diamond, and he led them into a dark place with Grossums living in it. The leader of those Grossums challenged Cooper to a dance battle, which was just a distraction to attack.
One grossum appears in the Trolls: Trollstopia episode "Wormhole Scavenger Hunt". It is found living in Dingy Diamond's hair in the place of a Tiny Diamond counterpart, which scared Guy Diamond and Tiny Diamond off.
In "BPF", Poppy attempts to get one as a pet and BPF, but their more nocturnal nature results in a failure.
Growl Beasts[]

3 Growl Beasts
Growl Beasts are predators and hunters of Trolls in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. They're herd animals. Their presence nearby is easily identified by their deep growling, which can travel some distance; the Trolls are able to hear them from inside their village some distance well away from where the Beasts are at the time. They first appeared in "Unhealthy Competition", making multiple appearances in following episodes.
They're several times bigger than the Trolls, but significantly smaller than adult Cuddle Pups.
In "Troll Playing Game", Poppy says their type of cat when she faces off against Branch's video game character, which breathed ice.
In "Piney & Lord Prickles", Poppy owns a growl beast cuddle buddy named "Growley McGee".
Helicopter Bugs[]
Helicopter Bugs are, as their name implies, large helicopter-esque insects used by the Trolls as a form of traveling. They were seen in several episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and Trolls: TrollsTopia.
Hostile Hornets[]
These insects are aggressive and are at least known to appear in the Volcano Rock City domain. They appear in a flashback in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Hopscotch Extreme" and chased Val Thundershock into a Hopscotch Extreme course. She completed the course by a fluke as she was too busy trying to escape the bugs to notice that she had run the course.

3 Humworms
Humworms are fuzzy worms of different colors, which appear during songs in Trolls and Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, most notably The Sound of Silence.
In Pet Problem!, Ginger Jo has one of these as a pet.
Hustle Man[]

Hustle Man
The Hustle Man (also known as "The Interdimensional Hustle Traveler" voiced by Walt Dohrn) appears in Trolls Band Together and is seen when Tiny Diamond hits the "Hustle Button" in Rhonda. When Tiny hits the button Spruce, Queen Poppy, Branch and John Dory become 2D animated characters flying through an animated and colorful world, they merge into one and become Hustle Man.
He has pink hair, 3 eyes and blue skin. He is more human-like in his facial features than the Trolls.
Jazz Birds[]

Two Jazz Birds about to attack Cooper
Appearing in Trolls World Tour, these weird-looking birds showed up when Cooper set off to find Trolls like him. They have zig-zag-like bodies, black eyebrows and 1-5 teeth with snail-like eyes and orange lips, which have 2 sprout/mushroom-like things. They live in a grassy forest area outside of Vibe City, and can spit rocks. They make a deep bass sound with their mouth, and their legs are similar to those of the Funk Trolls.
They don't appear to be familiar with Trolls as they act defensively when approached by Cooper, using bird calls to confuse a possible predator while one of them grabs it with their mouth and spits it away.
In Trolls World Tour, their bird calls play "Bring It Here" by Wild Sugar.
They also appear in Trolls Remix Rescue.
Kitty Critters[]

Kitty Critters digging in the sand, as seen in "Queen of the Castle"
Kitty Critters are a species of critters in Trolls: The Beat Goes On! that vary drastically in size. The first one of these, which appeared in the episode "Smidgician", was larger than a Cuddle Pup adult. It was so playful that it was dangerous to the Trolls.
Kitty Critters are the fastest diggers of sand. However, there is a reason for their speed, as they use sand for relieving themselves in. A group of them appeared "Queen of the Castle"; these ones were smaller than the Trolls.
In the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "The Party Pooper", Marshtato Mary used a Kitty Critter who was between the two previous sizes, nicknaming it as her "Doomsday Critter" but it betrayed her because of Guy Diamond’s dancing.

Leviathan Lurker about to swallow Poppy
A Lurker is a fish first seen in Trolls and later named in Trolls Remix Rescue. They come in "Youngling", "Adult" and "Leviathan" form, the latter is seen in Trolls.
Maraca Snakes[]
One of these appeared in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Surprising Gust". According to Gust, they're cranky by nature. They don't talk, but rattle their "maraca" to communicate. Once they break down and communicate they can be quite emotional, as their crankiness causes them emotional problems with situations and others. The individual in the episode, however, was a fake and not a real Maraca Snake.
They look like a mixture of a cobra and a rattlesnake in appearance.
Moderation Moles[]

Trolls being interrupted by a Moderation Mole
Moderation Moles are large predators attracted to areas of considerable balance between "whimsy" and "boredom". They appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Whimsy Wasps", following in the wake of Whimsy Wasps and Boring Beetles.
Moto Critter[]

Petra and Val Thundershock on a moto critter
Another motocycle-looking creature from the Rock Troll domain. It's very fast on land.
It's first seen in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Bad Hair Day".
Mount Rageons[]

A group of Mount Rageons
See Mount Rageons for more details
Though children and adults of their species are known to exist, the overall name of the species is unknown as "Mount Rageons" only applies to the teenage members of their species. Mount Rageon is therefore only the name of the inhabitants of Mount Rageous. They are a tall "giant" race.

Muck-Wallowers are creatures that live in mud and love to be covered in dirt, hence their name. One was seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Glamping"; however, it was an exception to its species, enjoying being clean instead of being covered in mud. It took Poppy, Branch, Keith, CJ Suki and Priscilla so it could use their hair as a scrubbing brush to wipe dirt off of it, and was only convinced to let them go when Guy Diamond gave it his Glampervan.
Party Crashers[]

Some of the Party Crashers
See Party Crashers for more details.
They are a relative of the Bergens and appear in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. They are teenagers of various ages from an otherwise unknown species of creatures, being runaways who left their home to travel and party crash parties. They use up their supplies and then move onto the next target, each time sending scouts like Kaboom and Peter, these scouts are usually members of the group who've fallen out of favour with their leader Bash.
Pig Critters[]

Pigtail, Holly Darlin's Pig Critter
Pig Critters are tiny pig-like critters. Holly Darlin' has one as a pet called "Pigtail". Pig Critters are good at finding Chocolate Truffles, they have a highly sensitive nose and are good at navigating crags. They are known to destroy things from time to time and Holly's pet Pigtail is particularly devious when she wants to be.
From Guy Diamond and the Rainbow Roundup, this is a small creature that lives up to the "pinch" part of its name. It is covered in bright purple and yellow stripes, two long pinchers that it waves and snaps, and a third on the end of its long tail. Its tail is long and makes the creature twice the length of the Trolls' height, since it goes above its head.
It's likely based on a Scorpion.
Probequitoes are insects from Sector 12, they are transdimensional insects that suck energy, they are about the same size as the Trolls themselves. In "What's in a Nickname?", they attacked Vibe Town. Their name is a portmanteau of "probe" and "mosquitoe".

Troll children being pulled by a Puffalo
Puffalos are creatures from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and Trolls: TrollsTopia resembling a cross between a buffalo and a sheep. They're considered by the Pop Trolls as adorable.
They appear throughout the two aforementioned series, and range in size from smaller to slightly larger than an average Troll.
A female Puffalo can have at least 16 babies at once, as seen in "Coop, Where's My Guy?".
In “Val Serves Murray Duty”, a Puffalo named Murray is used as a mascot for Hug Fest.
Rhyme-a-saurus (voiced by Travis Scott) is a creature that has a nose as a book on it that was seen in Trolls: Holiday in Harmony. Tiny Diamond met with him when he's at the Rhyme-a-Saurus swamp to get his flow back when the Rhyme-a-Saurus appears that shows Tiny Diamond that rhymes with Climate and they show through Wind Breeze.
The name of the creature is a pun on Rhyme, Dinosaur and thesaurus. It is likely based on a sea monster.
Appearing in the episode "Hide & Go Hug", these pests are from the Rock domain and are a Rock themed critter pest. They appear after a area has been cleared of all Trolls and raid the location. They are difficult to get rid of and cause mayhem once present. They are generally mean and aggressive and any signs of weakness leads them to attack Trolls who try and stop them. They however cannot resist a good beat regardless of the music and are easily lead away by such music.
The "Rock" version of Glowflies. They look exactly like their "Pop" counterparts, except their bodies are black and only their abdomen glows. They first appeared in Trolls World Tour when King Thrash came out of the toilet, implying that their habits are similar to common house flies, which are often joked to be attracted to bad smells.
Rock Unicorns[]
The creature appeared in Trolls: Holiday in Harmony, and was later named on the Catherin Cubillan Reyes' own artist gallery.[3]
They're a pale pink horse with several piercings and a spiked armlet around their a front hoof. their manes and tail are half black with streaks of color mixed in. their fur is glittery with prints with a twinkle star design printed on.
The first unicorn was seen wrapped up as the gift from King Thrash though it is unknown who it was for. As he wheels away in his wheelchair he leaves it behind pulling the wrapper off of it. The unicorn walks off disinterested.
Later, an alien Troll doll is seen being pulled by several Rock Unicorns.
Saddle Spiders[]
Saddle Spiders are a type of spider with a horse-like appearance first seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "DJ's Got Talent". According to Poppy, Pop Trolls used to ride these plant-eating critters all the time, but due to their rather difficult nature, it fell out of fashion.
But it was shown that they can be tamed through sheer grit and determination. DJ Suki had trouble taming one until she finally gets the horse-like spider to trust her with a cupcake.
Saddle Spiders made more appearances in Trolls: TrollsTopia, used as a common mount by the Country Trolls. It would seem that Saddle Spiders also lived in the Country Western area of Troll Kingdom.
In “Disgruntle Weeds”, Holly Darlin', Poppy, Val, and Gust Tumbleweed rode them to lead the Disgruntle Weeds to Grumble Gulch.
Shutter Beetles[]

A Shutter Beetle stealing the spotlight from Smidge
Shutter Beetles are a type of beetles seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "To Catch A Critter". Milton Moss has one of these among his critters. They like to pose in front of cameras and can't resist doing so.
They're a reference to the act of "photo bombing", wherein an unexpected event occurs and someone ruins/changes the photo. Thus, the photo "bombed" (failed) to capture its original intended subject.
Snail Mail[]
First seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Big Poppy" and returned in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Nowhere to Fun, Nowhere to Hide", Snail Mails are mailing animals that travel slowly, but get where they have to be and are reliable.
Their name is a joke on postal services worldwide, which have gotten a reputation as being one of the slowest methods of communication in the 21st century and was outdated by inventions such as Radio, the television and the internet as means to give much quicker messages out. A snail is also slow and rhymes with mail, hence the term "snail mail".
Snail Slime[]

A revived Snail Slime shocks Biggie and Branch
In the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Truth or Dare", Branch dared Biggie to eat a jar of dehydrated Snail Slime. Despite the grossness of the feat, it's confirmed that it isn't "half bad" by Branch, though very dry. However, contact with a lot of water will re-hydrate the Snail Slime and make it alive again.
Snail Spiders[]

Three Snail Spiders
Appearing in Trolls World Tour, these spider-snail creatures live on the shorelines between Techno Reef and Symphonyville. They're small in size, and live on rocks on the seashore.
They resemble and act like the spiders in Pop Village, except that they don't hang on webs and they crawl on the ground.
Their appearance is based on Hermit Crabs.

A Snake about to chase Poppy
Snakes are snake-like creatures with an orange body, several different-sized teeth, snail-like eyes and purple lips. One is seen in Trolls chasing Poppy during the song Get Back Up Again.
As seen in Trolls, they don't like to be disturbed.

The Snermit
Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Three Trolls-Keteers", the Snermit is a crab-like creature who is proportionally larger than the Trolls. In the episode, it sought to take over the Sunflowers' village, to which Pistil Pete and Pistil Patrick a pair of them plead for help to Biggie, Guy Diamond and Smidge to save them from the Snermit (after mistaking a play the three Trolls were acting in as a real fight scene). Guy, who was the only one to intervene, mistook the Snermit as an actor whom the Sunflowers wanted him to play with; it wasn't until Cater-beast used in the previous play was sent by Poppy when the Snermit was taken out of the village via getting scared.

Lownote Jones showing Poppy his pet Snug-a-lug
The Snug-a-lug is a creature from Trolls: TrollsTopia that's adorable to Trolls. However, once hugged it doubles its number. After a certain level of hugs, the creatures will resort to hugging each other forgoing the need for someone else to hug them. As long as the creatures continue to hug, their numbers double. The longer time the creature is exposed, the more of an urge to hug it a Troll will have, which breaks down even the toughest of Trolls, and Lownote Jones is possibly the only Troll who can resist it.
Even the Trolls who are the most resistant to things (including Branch, Val Thundershock, Laguna Tidepool and Gust Tumbleweed) ended up starting to crave when looking after Lownote Jones' Snug-a-lug in "The Snug-a-lug Situation".
In "The Funk Wash", The Clean Team used two Snug-a-lugs to help them clean up Vibe Town. Despite multiplying after being hugged, Lownote, and Dr. Ravenhug had a theory that if the snug-a-lug was hugged a specific way, the duplication could be reversed, but requires extreme precision. Even the slightest error could be catastrophic. This was shown in "To Hug A Snug-A-Lug", where the theory was proven to be true; specifically, hugging the original Snug-a-lug correctly gets rid of all of its duplicates.
Snug-a-lugs were included as a toy in the "Hair Surprise" series and Squad mini.
Snuggle Squid[]

Poppy freeze tags the Snuggle Squid
The Snuggle Squid is a large squid which appeared in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Blank Day" during Biggie's "Snuggle Squid Appreciation Day" holiday pitch and the occurance of "Everyone's Holiday". It's very friendly and loves to snuggle with up to 8 Trolls. Despite its size, it's scared of Puffalos, and will go on a panic rampage if it sees one until calmed down.
A similar squid was seen in the Season 1 episode "Bellow Bug Day" in the library, illustrated on a scrapbook in the "Hugs Continued Continued" section. It's unknown if it was another Snuggle Squid.

A flock of Songbirds
Songbirds were introduced in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "CJ's Wooferbug". They later appeared in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Glitter Rush". In the former episode, they distract CJ Suki's new Wooferbug while DJ Suki is trying to deliver it, making the bug fly off after them. In the latter, they show up when Synth throws seeds. Despite being named in this episode, they appear as early as "Prank Day" in the series.
In “Glitter Rush”, they briefly appeared when Synth’s suggestion of using bird seeds as substitute for glitter attracted them.
They have the same name as the real-life bird species that are members of the Passeri clade.

Seen in Trolls, these are the bugs Branch uses to revive Poppy. They produce electricity when rubbed together.
In Trolls Remix Rescue, they are called "Zapper" bugs. They come in Rock, Classical, Funk forms in addition to Pop. According to the game, the movies variant is actually a young version, while the adult is much bigger.[1] The Rock variants face resembles the makeup worn by Kiss.
Mentioned in Pet Problem!, Ginger Jo has several of them as pets.

A spider saying "Hello" to Branch
These small spiders appear in Trolls, Trolls Holiday, Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and Trolls World Tour. They have a green body, 6 legs with green puffs at the end, black eyes and fang-like teeth. They seem to always hang from a web somewhere.
They live in and around Pop Village.
The largest one of these was seen in Trolls Holiday.
Spotted Golden Cricket[]
A small golden cricket that is mentioned but not seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Bad Luck Branch".
Stench Bugs[]

Cooper standing next to a tunnel full of Stench Bugs
Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Coop, Where's My Guy?", Stench Bugs smell awful and live in groups in dark tunnels.
Seen in Poppy and the Mane Mania!, Stingerbugs a lot like bees and have a queen. The bugs captured Karma, which made Poppy, Smidge, DJ Suki, Satin & Chenille to go looking for her, only to eventually be also captured by them.
Striped Dopplings[]

A pair of Striped Dopplings
Striped Dopplings are yellow donkey-like creatures with green stripes that appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Critter Comfort". They were identified in Branch's safari tour of Misty Meadows. Satin & Chenille started taking photos of them. One of them began to pose and fulfill the twins' requests for poses, until the two decided that stripes were last season, to which the Striped Doppling made an annoyed gesture.
They are based on Zebras, which are actually more closely related to donkeys than they are to horses.

The Submarine carrying passengers underwater
The Submarine is a fish-like creature used by Trolls as a submersible vessel. It appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Dark Side Of The Lagoon" and the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game Room".
Subtle Sloth[]

Milton's Subtle Sloth making its slow escape
Subtle Sloths are creatures with a black stripe on their back, appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "To Catch A Critter". Milton Moss has one of these critters, which escaped and went missing in the episode until it was found by Guy Diamond.
Sugar Sloth[]

The transformed Sugar Sloth in front of a sprinkle miner Troll
The Sugar Sloth is a creature that resembles the Subtle Sloth, appearing in the same episode of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! as it. The difference between them is that the Sugar Sloth doesn't have a black stripe on its back. The Sugar Sloth also transforms in the light of a full moon, but that means the nude buttocks of a Troll. Once transformed, it has an appetite for sugary sweets.
Smidge tried to pass off one as a Subtle Sloth by drawing a black line across its back when she couldn't find Milton's missing Subtle Sloth. The plan worked fine, until Guy Diamond found Milton's Subtle Sloth and the light shining off his butt made the Sugar Sloth transform back. It was adopted afterwards by one of the miners of a sprinkle mine the Sugar Sloth raided, who found it cute.
Swag Stags[]

Swag Stags with their King
Swag Stags are creatures appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Meet The Peppy". Trolls hunt them for swag by tickling them until they cough it up. Their King is the most majestic of them, but also the meanest. He's not easily tickled, but Branch accidentally found his weakness, which was dropping his shorts and standing only in his underwear. Up until that point, no one knew what the King's weakness was. The King dispenses gold-plated swag instead of the ordinary kind.
Swamp Monsters[]

A Swamp Monster
Swamp Monsters are creatures appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Don't Worry Be Peppy". They have furry bodies, green eyes, and red lips.

Swampkins are cat-like creatures appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Critter Comfort". They have 6 legs and live in mud. They're a predator, but are also prey to Grossums; they blend in with their surroundings to avoid them.
The Swampkins are almost always constantly meowing, with a sad look on their face. They can also be rather clingy, and don't make much effort into walking when taken for walks. The Trolls tried to improve their life after seeing their sad expressions by taking them to Troll Village, but ended up returning them to their habitat since they found them too annoying.
The Trolls also thought they were cute, until they saw one devour a smaller duck-like creature.
A Swampkin also appears briefly in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Across the Fashionverse".
Sweetbugs were part of the plot of Biggie and the Disastrous Dance. Biggie, Guy Diamond and Cooper were forced to get their sticky sap in order for Herman the Hermit Troll to cooperate. These bugs bite, but every Troll enjoys their sap. They're difficult to find, and only Branch knew where to find them.
Also named "Tarantacapuffacus" in some media while in concert art for Trolls Remix Rescue, they are called "Tarantacapoofs".[1] These large spiders first appear in the Trolls movie when Poppy falls through their webs. They also appear in several episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and other related media.
They're a predatory species that will hunt Trolls. According to Milton Moss, they're very territorial, and go to sleep at sundown, meaning that violence is not necessary when dealing with them. Even though, they're aggressive, going as far as to beat their prey before devouring them.
They have a green tuft of hair on their head in Trolls, though this tuft is pink in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!.
Poppy tries to keep a baby Tarantacapuff in David Lewman's short book Pet Problem!, which she dubs "Sweetpuff". In the Trolls comic "Along Comes a Spider", the Trolls befriend an injured Tarantacapuff they dub "Spidy".
Their name is a pun between "tarantula" and "puff"; the latter term refers to their hair tufts. At one point, DreamWorks trademarked their name for toys and games, as well as clothing.
There are also Classical, Rock and Funk variants.[1]

Various Trolls from the 6 major tribes
See Trolls for more details.
Trolls are magical, Musical creatures that are bipedal and are noted for their long hair. They are the main focus of the DreamWorks Trolls franchise and are from the flagship Good Luck Trolls brand name.
In DreamWorks Trolls they come in 6 major tribes; Pop Trolls, Rock Trolls, Funk Trolls, Techno Trolls, Country Trolls and Classical Trolls. There are also small Hinterland Trolls like Yodelling Trolls, Reggaeton Trolls, K-Pop Trolls and Smooth Jazz Trolls. Mentioning of "disco" in Trolls World Tour implies there are extinct tribes like Disco Trolls.
There are also subtribes like the Putt Putt Trolls, Glitter Trolls and Fuzzling Trolls.
Tunebugs are seen both in Pet Problem! and Trolls Holiday: The Junior Novelization. In the latter book, they, along with a group of Critterchords, entrap Fuzzbert, Satin, and Chenille, forcing the trio to sing until they can no longer do so; the insects had no intention of letting them go. They were defeated when Guy Diamond sung very loudly.
Ginger Jo has one of these as a pet.
Two-Horned Hecklers[]

Milton's Two-Horned Heckler
Two-Horned Hecklers appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "To Catch A Critter". As their name "Heckler" suggests, they like to criticize bad jokes. They have two musical horns on their head, which they use to express dissatisfaction. Milton Moss has one of these among his critters.
Their name is a reference to the act of heckling, which refers to when an audience "heckles" a performer by shouting insults and harassment at them.

A trio of Vacaytioners
See Vacaytioners for more details.
A bipedal race of creatures from Vacay Island that are larger then Trolls but smaller then "giant" races like Bergens and Mount Rageons. They are laid back and live a care-free life.
They appear in Trolls Remix Rescue and are a Classical Troll critter. They resemble a bug and are based upon a voilin. The game shows a "rookie" and "expert" variant. They also have a Funk version.[1]
Their name is a pun on "Violin" and "Violent".
Western Golden Cricket[]

The Western Golden Cricket is large cricket seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Bad Luck Branch"; it's very big compared to the Trolls. Cybil told Branch it was a good luck charm.
It's based on a myth from Asia that says crickets are lucky. It was believed that when crickets stopped chirping, it meant there was danger nearby.

King Trollex's Techno Whale
First seen in Trolls: TrollsTopia episode Troll Exchange Program as a way for King Trollex to go from Techno Reef to TrollsTopia and back.
Whimsy Wasps[]

Whimsy Wasps
The Whimsy Wasps are migratory insects attracted to "whimsy", first seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode of the same name. While one or two are tolerable, the Wasps' swarm consists of thousands. They tend to devour all party food, making a pest of themselves. If no partying or other crazy antics are taking place, they'll ignore that area and continue with their migration. They migrate past every 20 years.

The bib with a Wing-Dingle on it
Mentioned in Branch and the Cooking Catastrophe, the Wing-Dingle is based on the creature on the bib from Trolls that Bibbly Bibbington presents to King Gristle Jr.. They're a large, vicious bird that attacks Bergens and Trolls alike. Even though, due to their larger size, Bergens are more likely to be targets if the bird is given the choice, as a Troll's size, speed and agility makes it much easier to escape their talons, though they won't pass up the chance to take a Troll if they can.
Wooferbugs are a type of bugs that Troll DJs such as DJ Suki and CJ Suki adore. They live in Wooferbug Valley. According to "Troll Rangers", it is traditional for a aunt to take her niece to the valley when they get badges from all of their "Junior Troll Ranger" tasks.
The Wooferbugs have two turntable-like appendages, and a woofer (a type of bass-tone speaker) for a mouth. When beats are made on their appendages, they make noises. They're quite large, and DJ Suki is often seen riding hers. In the intro to the Trolls movie, when charged with enough energy, they will explode into lots of small butterflies.
In "CJ's Wooferbug", DJ Suki gets a Wooferbug delivered for CJ Suki's birthday. Her bug proves to be easily distracted and very stubborn, needing to be tamed. DJ wasn't able to tame it in time for her niece's birthday, so she had to deliver the untamed bug as it was. Unknown to DJ as well, she wasn't aware they could fly until CJ's flew away at one point.
In The Art of the Trolls, DJ's Wooferbug is referred to as "DJ Stage Bug".

Biggie (left) with his pet worm Mr. Dinkles (right)
Biggie owns a pet worm he calls Mr. Dinkles. The worm is yellow and green with pink stripes; in 3D animation, his eyes are also glittery. In 3D animation, he squeaks and says "mew" most of the time, while in Trolls: The Beat Goes On! he says "meep". Biggie has no issue understanding his worm, considering worm speak "a romantic language" in "Queen of the Castle". The worm has many natural enemies like birds, so Biggie has to protect him.
The only other worm of Mr. Dinkles' species seen in the franchise is Mr. Blinkles, who appeared in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "The Helper".
A creature that attacks Guy Diamond and DJ Suki in Guy Diamond and the Rainbow Roundup. It is a small furry creature with bulging eyes and a long neck. It has a pointy green "zapper" in its forehead that it can fire lightning from. Fortunately, the beasts are slow and can't fire and run at the same time, with it lacking the ability to attack someone travelling in a zigzag pattern.
Its most likely based on a Wolverine.
Zip Beetles[]
Mentioned in Trolls Holiday: The Junior Novelization, Zip Beetles are bugs that were being used by the Bergens and Trolls to send mail between the two populations due to their fast flying speed and the distance between Troll Village and Bergen Town. They can pass long distances in a matter of a short timespan, which would take the Trolls at least a journey of several days.
- †: retired lore