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Episode Info

"Finn Cascade" is the first segment of the 6th episode of the seventh season of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, and the 87th overall episode in the series. It premiered on August 27, 2019.


Branch is introduced to Finn Cascade. He tries to befriend the fish, but ends up making a different sort of friend.


Poppy is doing training with Branch to increase his tolerance towards shows of affection. Guy Diamond tells Poppy to come quick as Finn Cascade is back. Both celebrate and rush off.

Branch chases after them to ask who Finn Cascade is. They explain that he is a daredevil who wanders into town every so often, he drifts in every so often and puts on a show and drifts out again, taking all their hearts with him. Branch asks how comes he hasn't heard of this Troll, and Poppy states he is not a Troll.

It turns out Finn is a large fish, and upon finding this out Branch wants to leave, but is stopped by Guy and Poppy as he hasn't seen the fish in action. Poppy grabs his attention as Finn starts to show off, and Branch realizes he is a cool fish. Finn then performs a stunt that wows Branch and he wants a photograph after seeing other Trolls taking photos with him. Branch goes to greet Finn and get his photo, but messes up basic greetings and it soon becomes awkward. Poppy tells Branch that Finn only lets photos be taken to those who are his friends, and that takes to be patient towards him.

Branch ends up waiting all day for a photo while Finn gets one with every other Troll around and it soon becomes night. After Poppy tells him there's always tomorrow, and seeing Mr. Dinkles even get a photo with him, Branch is serious about the next day.

Branch tries to impress Finn with a stunt, but this doesn't work as he fails. Finn then gets annoyed because of Branch's stunt a number of small fish were left out of the water.

Branch next tries a fish flake brownie, and Poppy tells him he's making way too big of a deal out of this. Branch states that every fish in the lagoon likes her, and the fish confirm that by saying they love her. He takes a raft to the middle of the lake, but the smaller fish attack the brownie. While defending it, he falls in and ends up getting swallowed by Finn.

Branch is alive but now trapped inside Finn's mouth. His attention is drawn to a female voice, which turns out to be another trapped Troll named Baha, who offers him a kelpcake. He refuses and she gives him a tour of the place she has made her home, and says he'll get used to it. She shows him a large tally chart of how long she has been there for. Branch realizes he's trapped and Baha states it's more like a holiday from a home that they can't leave.

As her hug-time bracelet goes off, he stops her and says they need to find a way out. She claims that she tried everything, but he's not convinced. He pulls out a tooth and water leaks in. Tickling on causes them to be tossed around in Finn's mouth. Branch tries to get him to cough but it turns out he doesn't cough out of his mouth but rather his blow hole, and Branch's head goes through it, the fish in the lagoon tell Branch that they don't like him.

Baha pulls Branch down and Branch realizes he should have listened to Poppy. Branch states he got swallowed while trying to get a photograph with Finn and Baha reveals so did she; she wore a worm costume and got eaten. Branch looks at the tally chart and decides to not give up. Baha states the mouth is shut tight and they can't use the blowhole to escape as it's too small. Branch pushes a camera into the blowhole to block it and they hang onto Finn's uvula and pull it. This forces Finn to open his mouth as he can't cough out of his blowhole.

The pair shoot out of Finn's mouth and land on the shore. Poppy is glad Branch is alive, and is also glad to see Baha. Turns out she had brunch with Poppy earlier that day, and she spent 356 minutes inside Finn, which were actually what the hashmarks represented. Branch and Baha laugh at how weird each other are, and then Finn appear and clears his blowhole, sending them back the camera.

The pair guess they will never get a picture now, but Branch is happy he made a new friend to the delight of Poppy and she takes their photo. As the camera clicks Finn jumps out of the water and the pair finally get their photo with him.



Physical distribution

This episode is available on the "Trolls: The Beat Goes On! - Complete Seasons 5-8" DVD.


  • Branch when telling Baha how he got swallowed says he did it while jet-skiing; this wasn't true, as he tried to feed him a brownie. Baha reacts as though he's telling her about the "fish-flake brownie", making it likely that the episode went through a re-write, and the production team just used the wrong version of Branch's line. Poppy's reaction upon seeing Branch indicates another hint of this, as she knows he got eaten, even though she didn't see him.
  • Baha states they can't escape via the blowhole, but Branch got his head through there earlier. His head is wider than his shoulders, in fact so is Baha's.
    • Fish also don't have blow holes - whales and their relatives do.
  • Real-life fish don't have uvulas.
  • The episode's plot is likely a reference to the biblical story of Jonah, whose tale involves him being swallowed by a fish.


Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episodes
Season 1
A New Bergen-ing/Laugh Out CloudTwo Party System/Fun BranchRoyal Review/FunishmentBad News Bergens/Unhealthy CompetitionCloudy With A Chance Of Hugs/Creek WeekThe Giver/Bellow Bug Day
Season 2
Prank Day/Adventures In Dinkles-SittingEye'll Be Watching You/Sorry Not SorryBig Poppy/Neighbor WarRemote Out Of Control/Critter ComfortThe Poppy Horror Picture Show/Dinkles Dinkles Little StarThe Party Games/Trolly TalesModel Behavior/Pillow War
Season 3
The Imposter/The FrenemyHair-Jitsu/Crushin' ItMeet The Peppy/Party Crash CourseTrolly Tales 2/RainbowmageddonCoop, Where's My Guy?/Fluffleberry QuestFOMO-OPUP/Lost In The Woods
Season 4
Party CrashedWeekend At Diamond's/BranchceptionThe Bunker List/The InternsThree Trolls-Keteers/The HelperSmidgician/DJ's Got TalentPeril Patch/Sibling QuibblingMusical Thrones/Branch Bum
Season 5
Wormhole/Ear WormDon't Worry Be Peppy/Two's A CloudGlitter Loss/New AnthemDark Side Of The Lagoon/Mr. GlittercakesSnow Day/Guy Misses OutScrap To The Future/Bringing Up Birdy
Season 6
Blank Day/HaircuffedMarshtato Fairy/Do The BiggieHitting The Sky Note/Hug FestChummy Sparklestone/GiggleyumGlamping/A Flower For PoppyThe Partier's Apprentice/Hair Ball
Season 7
Freeze Tag/Whimsy WaspsThe Fast And The Friendliest/Much Achoo About NothingExtreme Sleepover Club/Vega SwiftScrapbookmobile/Troll RangersDoc Doc, Who's There?/Tour Guide Of DutyTroll Playing Game/Finn CascadeGem Day/Bad Luck Branch
Season 8
Queen of the Castle/Truth or DareFriend Matching/Trolly Tales 3Apple of My Ire/FunsgivingBunker Break-In/To Catch A CritterCJ's Wooferbug/What Did I Miss?Tall Tail/BFFFSwitcher-Ruby/Bye Bye Bunker