See also: Fauna
The following is a list of plants and fungi that appear throughout the World of the DreamWorks Trolls franchise in alphabetical order. They range from non-sentient ones to those that are sentient. Many are based on real-life plants. Some are food to the Trolls, or help with their day-to-day life, and others are carnivores that would eat them.
The Trolls eat small apples (compared to them) and a Granny Troll apple was seen in "Life of Pie".
The "Granny Troll Apple" is likely a reference to the Granny Smith apple.
Bamboo Balloon[]
The Bamboo Balloon is mentioned in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Troll Rangers". The actual plant isn't shown, but the Venus Troll Trap mimics it.
Blue-ack gets its name from the fact the plant turns any part of a Troll's body blue if they touch it. It imitates Poison Ivy. It appeared in the episode "Gal Pal Getawaycation" and is a small vine-like plant.
Candy Corn[]
Mentioned in the book Poppy Follows Her Nose!, Bridget claims that it's her favorite vegetable in the whole world.
Carol Coral[]

Tug Duluth's submarine moving past some Carol Coral
Appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Dark Side Of The Lagoon", Carol Coral are a type of coral that sing. Their name is a play on how "carol" and "coral" are almost the same spelling except the "a" and "o" switch places.
Checkers on the Cob[]
Seen in "The Fun Harvest", they are a corn like plant that grows Checkers pieces.
They are named after corn on the cob.
Cheery Glo-mato[]
Appearing in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode of the same name, this glowing tomato-like fruit is grown by cheering at it. Holly Darlin’ grows one to show it at the Country Corral fair but Val replaces it with a new one as an apology for smashing the first.
Its name is based on the cherry tomato.
Chocolate Truffles[]
These are fungi that grow once a year in crags deep in the forest. They are a delicious treat and used for making desserts tasty.To find them, one must traverse the crags they grow in. The easiest method to find these rare treats is to use a Pig Critter like Holly Darlin's Pig Critter Pigtail, as her species can smell and traverse crags very well.
The name is a reference to the Chocolate truffle and is a play on words with the fungus known as a Truffle.
Creamy Swamp Moss[]
Mentioned in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Giggleyum" by Branch.
Crunchy Swamp Moss[]
Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Giggleyum". Branch has a jar of it among his rations, and according to him, it tastes better than Creamy Swamp Moss. He tells Poppy and Smidge to try it, but they're put off by its smell.
Dance Plants[]
Dance Plants are a plant species cultivated by the Techno Trolls. They appeared in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode of the same name. It was unknown if the plants would be able survive out of water, but not only did the thrive they accessed to more caused them to grow much bigger; the result was that Mr. Dinkles began to eat them without explanation. Later, when the plants grew into one large plant, it was revealed via Biggie that the worm knew they would grow bigger and was eating them for this reason. Once back in water, they restore to their original size.
They are most likely a reference to Triffids, whose weakness was saltwater. They may also be a reference to the real-life "dancing plant" called Codariocalyx motorius, which gets its name due to how droplets of water cause its leaves to "dance".
Diced Fruit[]

Diced Fruit
Appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Funsgiving", the Diced Fruit is a giant fruit shaped like a dice, and is a traditional main course meal of Funsgiving.
The name is a play on "diced" which means "to chop something up finely", often referring to food prep.
Dis-glow Ball[]
A Dis-glow Ball is an underwater plant with a disco ball-like bulb that is hollow on the inside. Laguna Tidepool tried to wear one as a DJ helmet in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Daylight Ravings Time" (even though she could not see out of it) after her DJ D-ssert helmet was accidentally smashed.
Disgruntle Weeds[]

Val Thundershock and a group of Disgruntle Weeds
Appearing in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode of the same name, Disgruntle Weeds are a tumbleweed-like plant similar to the Tumbleweed seen in Trolls World Tour. Disgruntle Weeds are attracted by anyone who is complaining and generally grumbles.
They are seen around Lonesome Flats from time to time. They're ill-tempered and are attracted to grumbling. The only solution to get rid of them is rounding them up and taking them to Grumble Gulch, where they can grumble and roam free. Due to their constant complaining, their grumbling causes other critters to turn on them; they are at the bottom of the food chain, as they make even docile critters want to eat them.

Branch and Poppy with an Eyestalk
Appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Eye'll Be Watching You", the Eyestalk is a plant with a single eye, based on the real-life eyestalk that is part of the anatomy of certain animal types.
It is watchful, careful and overbearing. When it senses danger, its eye flashes red and it will do whatever is possible to prevent danger. If it can't reach the threat, it will drop more seeds to make more Eyestalks until there's one that can reach the Troll in danger.
However, it usually knows no difference in terms of threat level, such as between dangerous flying and misplacing a card in a game that could throw the entire game; and when it manifests itself in Troll Village, it saps all the fun out of the entire village. The Trolls were just suspended in air unable to do anything at all, as that's how the Eyestalks saw the Trolls could be safe. They were also prepared to dispose of Poppy when she hurt Branch's feelings to protect him from her hurting him again. One eyestalk is used as a stoplight for trolls when they ride on their flyer bugs.
The name is a reference to Eyestalk of a creatures such as a lobster, snail or slug and is a play on "plant stalk".
Fang Flowers[]

Fang Flowers attacking Poppy and Branch
Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Coop, Where's My Guy?" (voiced by Sean T. Krishnan & Kevin Michael Richardson), these flowers are vampire-like bloodsucking plants that go after anything near them, such as Trolls. They don't like bright lights, and live in coffin-like plant pods.
A fruit mentioned but not seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Tall Tail". Creek was meant to bring a Fazzlefruit fondue to Guy Diamond's fondue party, but due to the episode's events never got to deliver it.
The name is a nod to the "Dazzle Fruit", a nickname of the Dazzle Apple, an apple noted for its bright red, glossy appearance, and sweet taste, the ready-to-eat apple is noted to be considered incredibly tasty compared to other varieties.
Firework Flowers[]

CJ Suki shows Poppy her Firework Flower
Appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Scrapbookmobile", Firework Flowers shoot out rocket-like projectiles that mimic fireworks.
Flare Flowers[]

Poppy holding a bunch of Flare Flowers
Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Coop, Where's My Guy?", these flowers produce a bright flare that shoots out of them when their stem is pulled. The resulting flare produces an arrow pointing to where the flower was pulled from; the Trolls use them to call for help. They grow in a reel-like manner.
Flavor Berries[]

Flavor Berries surrounded by Quick Glitter
Flavor Berries are a type of berry appearing in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Branch Out of Water", which Branch and Synth end up picking during the episode's events. The Berries are surrounded by "Quick Glitter", putting any Troll attempting to pick them in a risk of death.
In "Girls' Night", Val Thundershock admits that she likes Flavor Berry lip gloss.
In "Life of Pie", the bushes that are "fresh" are shown to be aggressive and attacking Trolls trying to pick berries.

Members of The Snack Pack about to eat Fluffleberry cake, shortly before they find it foul-tasting
Fluffleberry is mentioned twice in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, first in "Fluffleberry Quest" and the second time in "The Interns". In "Fluffleberry Quest", Poppy other members of The Snack Pack go through a lot of effort to recover Grandma Rosiepuff's recipe for Fluffleberry cake for Branch. In "The Interns", Nova Swift asks for a Fluffleberry latte.
Fluffleberry has a taste that most Trolls find disgusting. However, Branch and Nova are eccentrics, and thus they both enjoy this acquired taste. Despite being mentioned, the actual plant is never seen, save the small purple berry on top of the cake in Fuffleberry Quest.
Funk Fruit Bush[]
The Funk Fruit Bush is a bush which produces long branches with fruit, one on each branch. It is a Funk-Tribe plant that packs an extra funky surprise; it deepens the consumers voice. It first appeared in "Dance Plants".
Fuzzybeans are seen in the book Poppy Follows Her Nose!, where Biggie has a picnic with them as the focus.
Giggle Fruit[]

Giggle Fruit trees dropping their fruit thanks to Smidge
Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Giggleyum", the Giggle Fruit is a purple fruit with a smile drawn on it. It is an essential ingredient in "Giggleyum" flavoring. To harvest the fruit from its tree, one has to make the tree laugh. When this is done, the tree will produce a giggle sound and drop the fruit.
"Giggle Fruit" normally refers to a particular range of varities of gooseberry, noted for their fuzzy appearance and pleasent taste.
Globis Shimmulatum[]

Priscilla with a Globis Shimmulatum
The Globis Shimmulatum appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Troll Rangers". Also known as a "Disco Weed", it is mentioned to be an easily overlooked plant. Its bulb is a disco ball.
Hair-eating Crunch Clover[]
Seen in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Darlin' Dos", the Hair-eating Crunch Clover is a plant that likes to eat Troll hair.
Hair-Jitsu Tree[]

Tae-Kwon Joe
The Hair-Jitsu Trees (separately named Tae-Kwon Joe, voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson and Tae-Kwon Kevin, voiced by Sean T. Krishnan) are a pair of trees that appear in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Hair-Jitsu".
Hard Rock Hedges[]
These are a Hard Rock Troll tribe plant, they grow like normal bushes but have purple leaves and spikes. They are fed fire rather then water. It first appeared in "Dance Plants".
Mentioned in the book Poppy Follows Her Nose!, it was the scent of which Chenille's new perfume was based on.
The Inst-Ivy is a plant species seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Glamping".
Jack Fruits[]
Appeared in "The Fun Harvest", they are a type of pear-like fruit that grows "Jacks" inside the fruit.
"Jacks" is another name for Knucklebones, the fruit itself is named after the Jackfruit.
Kabloom Shrooms[]
Kabloom Shrooms are big mushrooms capable of bouncing Trolls to the point that they're sent flying. Seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "A Flower For Poppy", they're located in a section of Budding Valley (which is referred to by their name) between the Field of Blossoms and the Grotto of the Flowers.
Mentioned in the book Poppy Follows Her Nose!, it was the scent of which Satin's new perfume was based on.
The plant later appears in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Dance Plants", thereby moving it from non-canon to secondary canon.
Makeover Flower[]

The Makeover Flower reacts after giving Poppy a makeover and being criticized by Branch.
The Makeover Flower appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Branch Bum", where it eats Poppy only to open its mouth again to reveal it had given her a makeover. Branch doesn't believe it's harmless, as a plant that gives makeovers is considered by him to have no evolutionary value.

Branch standing in Marshtato Mary's lair, surrounded by her collection of Marshtatoes
The Marshtato is a plant from Trolls: The Beat Goes On! that is a potato-marshmallow hybrid, hence the name. Seen in the episode "Marshtato Fairy", it's a favorite of the Trolls, who have a special event for it named "Marshtato Day". The day celebrates the visit of the Marshtato Fairy, who visits once a year and leaves behind Marshtatoes for the Trolls to enjoy.
Unknown to the Trolls, their holiday is based on a lie; the plants actually grow throughout the entire year, but are picked by Marshtato Mary, except for one night of the year when it's too foggy. She likes to hoard them to herself, and doesn't like the fact that the "Elves" (as she calls the Trolls) like to "steal" them on that one day. Branch learnt the truth behind the events of the holiday, and was given the choice between letting his friends know the truth and spoiling one of their favorite holidays, or let them have their blissful ignorance. When he chooses to not spoil their fun because he didn't want to ruin anyone's childhood after he had his ruined, Mary attempted to spoil it anyway, but he turned the tide on her by making up a story about her being the Marshtato Fairy's rival.
In the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "The Party Pooper", Mary also used Marshtatoes as ammunition against the Trolls while attempting to exact her revenge.
Melon Ball[]

A child Troll dressed up as a representative of the Melon Ball
The Melon Ball is mentioned in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Funsgiving". The actual fruit isn't shown, but a child Troll dresses up as one during the childrens' patent. The melon is ball-like, which makes it good for games involving balls, such as basketball, golf, bowling, etc.
Mittensettia are a flower whose petals resemble mittens. They are seen in Trolls: Holiday in Harmony where a bouquet was given to Poppy by Branch. She commented they were her favorite - too bad she is allergic to them. She then proceeded to sneeze the petals all over him before he had enough and threw them over the side of Sheila Balloon. They are named after the Poinsettia plant, which in some countries is a common plant seen at Christmas.
Noisen Berry[]

A Noisen Berry with a bite from Creek
The Noisen Berry is seen in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Haircuffed". Branch had grown several of it, but to his annoyance Creek took a bite of one of them. Despite the fact that the berries belonged to Branch as he had farmed them, Creek justified himself by saying the berries belonged to nature, and it was the sun and water that grew them, thus Branch was merely the middle man for nature's own work.
The Noisen Berry resembles an airhorn. When squeezed, it makes a sound.
The berry's name is likely a pun on "boysenberry", a real-life hybrid berry species.
Orchestral Orchid[]
A plant grown by the Classical Trolls which has flower shaped like various instruments, the flowers sound like orchestra. It was first seen in "Dance Plants".
The name is an alliteration noting the first 4 letters of both words being the same.
Organ Orchid[]
Seen in the episode "Race to the Crest", this unique flower is sacred to the Classical Trolls and blooms once every 20 years and only for 20 minutes, this plant makes a sound so beautiful that Trolls bark like a dog with joy.
The name is a alliteration noting the first 2 letters being identical in both words.
Peril Patch[]

The Peril Patch, after setting up a miniature golf course
The Peril Patch is a highly deceptive plant that preys on a Troll's desire to play games. It was the focus of the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode of the same name, where it took the form of a miniature golf course. The Peril Patch lures in Trolls and waits until they're having so much fun that they don't notice they're in danger. The Peril Patch will then attempt to trap the Trolls inside.
King Peppy had encountered this plant before, so he knew what it was and told Poppy in time to save everyone else. Branch and Poppy almost end up victims of it when Branch failed to notice it attempting to trap Trolls, because he had put headphones on to block Poppy from distracting him while playing. It is only when the plant is discovered or has enough Trolls inside it that it reveals its true nature. Once this happens, it attempts to keep the Trolls it lured in inside, and once trapped tries to subdue them into submission. Once it begins its offensive against the Trolls inside, it becomes lethal and tries to kill them.
The solution to destroy it is to hit the last 19th hole, a difficult task as it is. When destroyed, the plant disintegrates, leaving nothing behind but dust.
The Peril Patch is likely based on the Yellow Peril, otherwise known as the "Ragwort", "Yellow Terror" or "Yellow Specter", which is known for its highly toxic chemicals. Unlike most other poisonous plants, the Yellow Peril doesn't have any indication that it is dangerous to eat, instead resembling common non-poisonous flowers such as daisies. As such, animals often eat the plant without realizing it's highly poisonous, and thus die from it.

Plushrooms are mushrooms with a furry appearance. In the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Fluffleberry Quest", it is mentioned that Grandma Rosiepuff used them as a plate to serve Fluffleberry cake on for her grandson Branch. The mushrooms can only be found inside the summit of Slippery Slope. Getting to where they can be found is hard enough for Trolls, and the mushrooms are surrounded by bubbles that could explode any moment, releasing a slippery, soapy lubricant onto its surroundings.
The name is a portmanteau of "plush" and "mushroom".
They appear in several episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, and are based on the real-life vegetable of the same name.
Punch Plants[]
Seen in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "The Party Pooper", these flowers produce a single bloom yellow flower on top of a stem. They grow quickly and once grown can deliver a punch from their flower heads. They are one of the flower species grown by Meadow Spriggs on the Finders Keepers Critters.
Purfles are plants found only in Misty Meadows that first appeared in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Critter Comfort". They are a food source for the meadow's Striped Dopplings, but if eaten by a Troll, they can cause indigestion.
Red Gourd[]

Keith with a Red Gourd
The Red Gourd appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Troll Rangers". When someone squeezes it, it acts like a streamer squash.
Root Bridges[]

Poppy showing CJ Suki and Priscilla a fully-grown Root Bridge
Appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Troll Rangers", Root Bridges are natural roots that Trolls tend to look after and grow because they help cross streams. A little piece of fertilizer is enough to grow a root bridge, though it takes 100 days for a completed one to form. If too much fertilizer is given at once, the root bridge will grow wildly out of control.
Russet Dominos[]

Russet Dominos just after being pulled from the ground
Seen in "The Fun Harvest", these are plants that grow domino pieces.
They are named after the Russet potato.
The name is a pun on "Russian Dominoes", an alternative name for Matador.
Sparkle Berry[]
Four berries briefly appear in "Don't Make Me Laugh!", stuck to Cooper's feet.
Sparkle Melon[]

An image of the Sparkle Melon
The Sparkle Melon is a subject of the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Giggleyum". It was Smidge's favorite fruit, but Sky Toronto stopped its production due to its lack of popularity and the risk of getting it posed to his employees; they have to travel throughout the Bummer Territory, which contains the most dull landscapes known to Trolls, such as "busy-work bog", "the valley of watching paint dry" and "the bland canyon".

Ripe Stoutberries
Appearing in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Unhealthy Competition", Stoutberries are purple berries that form around their plants like necklace beads. While they're easy to pick (they simply have to be sliden along the vine), they're too tough to break open, but their juice is tasty to Trolls. Only Smidge has the strength to open them physically. Guy Diamond found an alternative way by putting a zipper on, which began a Stoutberry juice competition between the two that got out of hand. Guy put glitter in his juice to make "Glitterade".
It gets its name from the beverage known as stout, which the episode and future references often alluded to.
They appear in several episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, and are based on the real fruit of the same name.
Swat Trees[]
They appear in Guy Diamond and the Rainbow Roundup, these are trees that don't like music or being touched. They move their branches to swat away pests and Trolls alike, hence the name.
Tickle Grass[]
Tickle Grass is a species of tall grass first seen in "Puffalo Express".
As its name suggests, it is ticklish by touch.
The grass is named after the real life "tickle grass", otherwise known as Agrostis scabra.
The Trollberry is mentioned in the book Poppy Follows Her Nose!, where Branch carried juice of it to King Gristle Jr..
A food known as "Trollberry pie" (presumably made of Trollberries) is mentioned in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Trolly Tales 3", making it move from non-canon to secondary canon.

The Tumbleweed's character poster for Trolls World Tour
The Tumbleweed is a sentient plant based on the real-life tumbleweed.
It appears in Trolls World Tour, during "Born to Die", wherein it is chased by a pair of young Country Trolls and then chasing them itself. When Poppy, Branch and Biggie perform the "Trolls 2 Many Hits Mashup" medley, the Tumbleweed shouts "You suck!" at them.
It was voiced by Justin McElroy.
Venus Troll Trap[]

The Venus Troll Trap as revealed by CJ Suki
The Venus Troll Trap appears in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Troll Rangers". It is a carnivorous plant that tricks Trolls by simulating the Bamboo Balloon plant.
The name is a reference to the Venus Fly Trap.
Wheeping Willow[]
The Wheeping Willow is a Country Troll plant first seen in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Dance Plants". It literally cries.
It is named after the real world plant Salix babylonica and is named so after its branches, which "wheep" downwards like tears compared to most other Trees whose branches grow upwards.
- †: retired lore