Floyd is a main character of Trolls Band Together. He is the shy and sensitive member of BroZone, and Branch's fourth oldest brother.
Floyd, as a teenager, was the second youngest of the brothers[2] of BroZone. He had reddish-pink hair and a white pearl earring on his right ear. He otherwise had the same hairstyle as his brothers and was the second shortest, being only taller than Branch who was a baby. Although, unlike the other BroZone brothers, Floyd is the only one without blue eyes, instead having purple eyes. Towards the end of their band, Floyd was seen wearing a leafy vest, which he passed on to Branch shortly after.
As an adult, Floyd has dark magenta pink hair, although later having roots of which are paled white after having his talent essence drained by Velvet and Veneer. Half of his hair is twisted around his head and partly covers the left side of his face while having a single lock of hair curling over the right side of his face. He is now smaller than his younger brother Branch and the shortest among all his brothers. He is shirtless and has black ripped shorts and a large brass belt-buckle. His earring is now dark black in color. Floyd's design incorporates elements of the emo style of the 2000s, befitting his sensitivity and alienation.
Floyd's hairstyle is a nod to the "emo-style" where one eye is covered. This is a reference to emo music being emotional and a partly covered face signals hiding one's true emotions and having a shy and meek personality. He also appears to have the same ear design as Branch.
If Floyd ever feels shy or uncomfortable in the company of new Trolls or other species, he hides one eye with part of his hair. But if he is around people he feels comfortable with, he moves his hair out of the way where you can at least see part of his eye.
Official Bios[]
Official Website[]
“ |
Floyd is the "emo" second-youngest brother of the family, just older than Branch, always emotional and brooding. Though he escaped the Bergens, Floyd was captured by pop stars Velvet and Veneer of Mount Rageous. Floyd’s essence has been keeping the duo talented all these years, but Floyd doesn't have much of his life force left and it's up to Branch and the rest of the brothers to save him. |
” |
—Amazon Prime Video, 2023 |
“ |
The 'emo' of the group, always emotional and brooding. It's up to Branch and the rest of the brothers to bring his life-force back! |
” |
—HMV, 2023 |
“ |
I might look charming on the outside, but on the inside, I tend to be more sincere. I love being with my brothers and performing together for our fans.[3] |
” |
—BroZone's official website, 2023 |
Floyd was the shy and sensitive member of the group. He always tried to maintain the dynamic together for the sake of his brothers.
As an adult, he has embraced his more emo side, but still retains his sarcasm. He still cares for his brothers deeply, despite the tension he had with them. He is also clever, such as knowing how to play dead to trick his enemies from using any more of his talent.
Due to years of traveling and soul-searching, Floyd has developed a strong sense of resilience and fortitude, even when undergoing severe physical and mental sufferings.
While having endured many hardships, notably being separated from his brothers and later trapped in a diamond bottle, Floyd remains compassionate, understanding, and even forgiving. Despite his family disappointing him with a huge fallout and Veneer not being true to himself, Floyd gives them time to reflect and change themselves, and always forgives them when they have come to understand their respective mistakes. As long as they don't deny or excuse their own faults, he is willing to help and comfort them when they need him. Upon witnessing his brothers willing to risk everything to help him, Floyd became inspired to do the same for them and learns that some sacrifices are worth it for those you love.
Grandma Rosiepuff[]
Although not many interactions are displayed between them, Floyd is displayed to have trust and love for his grandmother. This is evident when he left Branch in her care, and also him telling Branch to occasionally allow her to win in betting games.
It is currently unknown if Floyd has been informed by any of his brothers that their Grandma got eaten by a Bergen during his absence.

Floyd with his younger and three older brothers.
Despite their different personalities and John Dory's obsessive perfectionism, Floyd loves all of his brothers deeply, and is the only brother who holds no form of grudge against any of the others. When Clay and Spruce had a go at John Dory for his constant demands for perfection, Floyd tried to beg Clay and Spruce to stay, but they ignored him and left anyway. Floyd was unable to stay because of the break up, and was saddened to leave Branch with their Grandma. In the end, Floyd has forgiven and reunited with his brothers after they revived him with the perfect family harmony, their essences and love for him.

Floyd and Branch hug.
Branch is Floyd's younger brother and is closest to him out of all of his siblings as they were the two youngest, and they got along well. He was also the one who gave Branch his leafy vest. In fact, out of all the of the brothers, Floyd is the one who shows his care to Branch the most, such as reassuring Baby Branch before their last performance, and was the saddest when he had to leave Branch behind but did promise to return unlike the others. He was incredibly emotional when he finally reunited with Branch again, even though both brothers were separated by Floyd's confinement. Also, Floyd was the only one of Branch's brothers who didn't treat him like he was still a baby during their reunion and actually recognized Branch as a man now, much to the latter's appreciation. In addition, Floyd smiles with pride when he sees Branch taking the lead and their older brothers are listening to him. He even sheds a tear out of pride and happiness when he witnesses his youngest brother share his first kiss with Poppy.
John Dory[]

Floyd and John Dory doing a side hug.
John Dory is Floyd's oldest brother and seems to have been on good terms with him. However, Floyd can get annoyed with John Dory and his antics. Also, Floyd can sometimes doubt if John Dory cared about him and their family. Despite his flaws and how he felt about his oldest brother, Floyd does care about John Dory and did try to help him. When he arrived to rescue him, Floyd is happy to see John Dory and appreciated him for trying, even though he got annoyed by his attempts to do so. Floyd is then promised by John Dory that he would be back to rescue him with their brothers. After he gets captured as well, Floyd nevertheless is pleased that John Dory kept his promise to him, which is enough for him to realize that he does truly care about their family and is sorry for everything he had done. Upon coming too and seeing how brotherly his oldest sibling is being, Floyd realize that the journey to save him changed John Dory for the better.

Floyd, Spruce and Viva dancing.
Spruce is Floyd's second oldest brother and did get along with him. Also, Floyd is quick to forgive Spruce for leaving him, as his efforts to save him is enough for him to realize that he is really sorry for his actions.

Floyd and Clay with their older brothers.
Clay is Floyd's third oldest brother and does get along with him. Floyd quickly forgives Clay for leaving him, as he made an effort to correct his mistake, which is enough for him to know that he is truly sorry.

Floyd complementing on Crimp's ukulele skills.
During his 2-month long confinement, Floyd befriended Crimp over their similar plights of being mistreated. He is also encouraging towards her, such as praising her gradually improving ukulele playing skills.

Floyd trying to reason with Veneer.
At first, Floyd seemed to show equal disdain to Veneer. However, it would later reveal that in spite of his sarcasm towards the teen Rageon boy, Floyd actually cares and is worried for him, after watching and knowing the Rageon boy being abused and misguided by Velvet. Through having a heart-to-heart with Veneer, Floyd learns that how the teen isn't an inherently evil person, and more of a broken and miserable person who lacks his own choices, but doesn't force him to make a decision immediately.
When Veneer continued faking his persona, Floyd is disappointed in him, but doesn't blame the Mount Rageon boy. In fact, it would later prove that Floyd's advice has gotten through Veneer, who decided to put a stop to and disowning Velvet publicly. In the end, Floyd is proud to watch Veneer denouncing Velvet and taking responsibilities of his own actions, and since then the two finally form a friendship, with Floyd being Veneer's first friend.
Queen Poppy[]
Despite not knowing her well, Floyd is quick to accept Poppy as Branch's girlfriend and approves their relationship. He also secretly admires Poppy’s bravery, especially that she went out of her way to help him and his family.
Floyd seems to have taking a liking to Viva as he is impressed with her hair braiding skills, after watching her do it to Branch, but has no romantic connection with her.
His main abductor, who he greatly distrusts. She is also one of the rarer instances where he vehemently hates someone.
He generally detests how Velvet actively exploits his powers, and how she cruelly regards him, Veneer, and others below her. More importantly, during his 2-month long imprisonment, he is disgusted and angered with not only how she is willing to use deceit and cruelty to trick his brothers into rescuing him from her, but also how she is actively ruining Veneer's self and future with her unbridled abuse. He is therefore glad when Veneer finally stood up to and disavowed her to cement her defeat.
Skills & Abilities[]
He has most normal Troll abilities.
Floyd was a member of BroZone, once the most popular of the Pop Trolls boy-band. Poppy was familiar with them as their music was played long after their split.
After leaving BroZone, Floyd started a solo career and it was also mentioned on the BroZone website that one of his hobbies is songwriting, implying during his solo career he wrote his own songs.
He is also implied to be able to play a musical instrument, such as a guitar.
Due to being a BroZone member, Floyd is also very apt in dancing.
Floyd is the one who uses his emotional intelligence the most among the BroZone. Despite his disadvantageous size, Floyd is highly intelligent and persuasive, such as knowing how to feign death to trick his captors, or giving insightful and conducive advice to those who need his help.
Medical Status and Issues[]
Age and Birth Details[]
Like many Trolls characters, his age is vague. However, a rough estimation can be placed. Floyd, like his brothers is older than Branch who is 24+ years old as of Trolls Band Together. Floyd is the next youngest and several years old then Branch was as a child in Trolls during the flashback of Grandma Rosiepuff's death, it is likely all four brothers are in their 30's.
Floyd is the second youngest member of BroZone, being at least a year younger then Clay, 2 years younger then Spruce and 3 years younger then John Dory. John Dory was a teenager at the time of their break up but his age is unknown currently, so no age is known for him even as a teenager.
Trolls Band Together[]
- "Perfect"
- "Lonely People"
- "Better Place"
- "Family"
His name and color are likely a play on Pink Floyd.
Floyd's name is deprived from the name "Lloyd" meaning "grey", however, in Scottish genealogy the name is an alternatively also spelled "flood". Though the meaning doesn't change despite the spelling it means Floyd, like his brothers, has a name with a connection to nature.
The meaning of the name 'Floyd' originates from Welsh and means 'wise' (which correlates to his intelligence and empathy) or 'silver' (the color Floyd actually took on when dying).
- Floyd is the second Troll since Grandma Rosiepuff to die onscreen, but also the first Troll to be revived from death in the franchise.
- He was not fully revealed for a long time except in movie promotions. The soundtrack featured most of his head while Cake Bites featured him from his shoulders upwards. His full design was finally revealed by the Funables promotional Fruit bag snacks.
- Despite being the second youngest of his brothers, Floyd's voice actor, Troye Sivan, is actually the youngest of the five actors, being fifteen years younger than Justin Timberlake, Branch's actor.
- Floyd's hair color is pink/magenta, a color that can be described as a red that is also the color of The Heart, which matches his kind, forgiving and compassionate personality. In addition, he is also the shortest of the five BroZone brothers, with shortness being usually associated with the most sensitive and smallest of a group.
- Floyd slowly changes to crystal as his talent is taking from him is likely a nod to the Trolls in the works by Tolken, who turn to stone when exposed to light. Many media have since made a variant of this, such as "The Party Troll" from the Animated "The Real Ghostbusters" which caused Trolls to turn to stone if exposed to proton beams.
- Floyd had been captured and held prisoner in Trolls Band Together for 2 months. This means he was imprisoned 1 month prior to the events of Trolls World Tour.
- His voice actors in Trolls Remix Rescue and the 3D franchise share the same initials, which are T.S.
Specific To...
- Trolls Band Together
- Due to Trolls Band Together set a month after Trolls World Tour, it can be presumed that he was caught and then imprisoned before and during World Tour.
- In a previsied scene during Veneer's confession, Floyd was originally going to give a thumbs up to Veneer as approval and forgiveness to solidify their newfound friendship.[4]
- Other Media
- In Trolls Band Together: The Junior Novelization, Floyd originally had a scene of moaning in pain after Velvet shook the diamond bottle he was in. There was also another scene where he pitied Crimp for having to be stuck in such a tormenting assistant job, and told her to get a better job by self-deprecating himself that he should be the one who was sadder than her.
- Both Floyd and Veneer would also be unable to become friends as shown in the novel's ending, and that the writers intended to make Floyd dislike Veneer in the end.
- However, with the novelization being considered to be beta manuscript, these alternative scenes are therefore only considered as filler or alternative canon.
- Both Floyd and Veneer would also be unable to become friends as shown in the novel's ending, and that the writers intended to make Floyd dislike Veneer in the end.
- In concept artworks, Floyd's essence was supposed to be drained out from his throat, instead of fully from his body.
- ↑ Branch is now confirmed 24+ as of Trolls Band Together thanks to the BroZone website entry in Floyd's update blog, but it is unknown what his age was at the time of Branch's birth)
- ↑ Quote in BroZone website: No longer the baby bro of the band THANK YOU for saving me Branch!
- ↑ https://www.brozoneband.com/profile/floyd
- ↑ https://vimeo.com/910319443
Trolls Band Together characters | ||||
Trolls - Main Characters | ||||
Queen Poppy • Branch • John Dory • Spruce • Floyd • Clay • Viva • Tiny Diamond | ||||
Trolls - Minor Characters | ||||
Guy Diamond • Satin & Chenille • Biggie • Cooper • Prince Darnell • King Peppy • Grandma Rosiepuff • Ablaze • Hype • Boom • Trickee | ||||
Bergens | ||||
King Gristle Jr. • Bridget • Miss Maxine • Aunt Smead | ||||
Mount Rageons | ||||
Velvet • Veneer • Kid Ritz | ||||
Vacaytioners | ||||
Brandy • Bruce & Brandy's Children | ||||
Other Characters | ||||
Mr. Dinkles • Cloud Guy • Crimp • Rhonda | ||||
Cut | ||||
Unknown |