Below is a list of foods eaten and beverages drunk by various species in the DreamWorks Trolls franchise. Note that certain foods only eaten by a certain group will be noted, otherwise the foods are eaten generally by all Trolls, while foods only eaten by Bergens are likewise noted. Please also note that plants such as "Stoutberries" will be found on Flora instead. Likewise, critters consumed by any species will be found on Fauna.
Berries are fruits that are small, pulpy and mostly edible. Crimp can be seen using some berries to demonstrate the vaccum shoulder pads in Trolls Band Together.
Bread is a dough based product. It is mentioned by a Bergen being punished in "Funishment" to the Bergens eating stolen food to feed yourself is a crime.
A "Brownie" is shorthand for Chocolate brownie and is a type of baked confectionary.
A Cake is a type of food made from flour, eggs and milk.
- Fluffleberry Cake

The Snack Pack about to eat slices of Fluffleberry cake
Fluffleberry Cake was a specialty of Grandma Rosiepuff and a favorite dessert of Branch, the recipe died with her when she was eaten by Chef. The recipe was rediscovered by The Snack Pack in "Fluffleberry Quest". The dessert is considered the best dessert to Branch, but to all other Trolls it is a disgusting and bitter sweet.
- Perfection Cake
A cake considered upmost perfection, the delivery of the cake was the subject of "Cakes on a Train", as it doesn't take much to ruin a Perfection Cake. When the Metroll train begun to run on the rails out of control the only way to stop it became to pull the breaks, but while this would prevent disaster it would have destroyed the cake leading to upset Trolls.
- Spunnel Cake
A Techno Trolls specialty. Its name is a play on Funnel cake and it appears in "Potluck Poppy".
Candy Corn
A type of sweet featured in Poppy Follows Her Nose!
It is based on the real-life confection of the same name.
Cheese and Checkers
Is a type of cheese-based game food seen in "Funsgiving" and a dish served on Funsgiving. Satin & Chenille played it at one event.
Chicken Finger Puppets
Is a type of chicken based game food seen in "Funsgiving" and a dish served on Funsgiving. The name is a portmanteau based on "chicken fingers" and "finger puppets".
A type of spicy food based on Chili con carne and a favorite dish of the Country Trolls who are the Trolls most likely to consume this type of food as a result.
Cookies are a type of baked good eaten as a treat or dessert. The Trolls and Vacaytioners enjoy these.
- Cookie Dough Sculpture
Sculptures made using uncooked cookie dough, seen made by Holly Darlin' in "Cheery Glo-mato".
Cotton Candy
A type of food based on the real life food.
A Cupcake is a type of small baked cake. They are eaten by various Trolls. Additionally, Cooper is known to produce them.
- Cupcake à la splode
This is a particular type of cupcake made and consumed by Rock Trolls, being a favorite of theirs overall. they are first named in "Bad Hair Day". The cake is a red/pink color with a candle on top that explodes after a while. The cupcake is eaten after it explodes and splatters the cake itself into the air.
- Glitter-Cup Cupcakes
Mentioned in Poppy Follows Her Nose!
- Garlic Cupcake
Used in "Ear Worm" against those who heard "Let the Music Take Control". Smidge was forced to try it though her tongue couldn't even bear to touch it slightly.
Dinkles Dumplings
A type of special dish planned by Biggie in "Funsgiving" he was going to serve for Funsgiving based on Mr. Dinkles.
The name is a joke supposed to imply Biggie was going to serve Mr. Dinkles' poop.
Food Flavorings
Food flavorings are types of ingredients or additives added to food to make them have a particular Flavor or taste. They are then used on cakes, ice cream, frosting and other foods. According to Sky Toronto, his factory produces over 6,000 flavors of frosting alone.
- Chocolate
Another basic flavor used for food flavorings.
- Chocolate²
Another basic flavor used for food flavorings.
- Chocolate³
Another basic flavor used for food flavorings.
- Double Chocolate
Another basic flavor used for food flavorings.
- Giggleyum
A flavor mentioned in "Giggleyum" was the invented replacement flavor for Sparkle Melon.
- Sparkle Melon
Based on the Flora of the same name, it was a favorite of Smidge until Sky Toronto was forced to retire the flavor due to how difficult it was to obtain.
- Strawberry
Another basic flavor used for food flavorings.
- Vanilla
The basic food flavor for food flavorings. In "Giggleyum", it was criticized by Guy Diamond when Giggleyum was getting low in supplies.
Based on the food of the same name.
- Fazzlefruit Fondue
Subject of the dispute between Branch and Creek in "Tall Tail", Creek was meant to bring this type of Fondue at a Fondue party but ran into issues.
Gloop du Jour
Gloop is a Techno Troll speciality and their tribes speciality. First seen in "Potluck Poppy", Gloop is left for years to gain flavor and is kept inside a jiggily and unappealing ooze until it is ready to be served. Once tapped, the Ooze reveals a very delicious desert. Gloop melts if it gets too hot.
- Gloop du Jour Extraordinaire
One of the better versions of the dessert with even more flavor.
Go Fishsticks
A type of food based game food based on Go Fish which uses fish fingers, and a dish served on Funsgiving.
A type of pint-sized gum candy, mostly consumed by Pop Trolls. It comes in various flavors, and can also be small enough to put into ears for canceling sound waves and hypnotic effects.
Ice Cream
Ice Cream is a type of dairy confectionary that appear in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "TrollsTopia".
- Classic Vanilla
A favorite flavor of Classical Trolls.
- Dark, Dark, Dark Chocolate
A flavor that Rock Trolls adore.
- Ice Cream Jerky
A meaty flavored ice cream and a specialty of the Country Trolls. Holly's favorite flavor combo is Chocolate, Vanilla and Mesquite BBQ.
A Kebab is a type of food normally meat-based with vegetables and fruits cooked on a stick.
Mac and Cheese
Guy Diamond mentioned making Mac and Cheese in "Funsgiving" and confessed that his Mac and Cheese was all cheese due to a mishap.
Marshtato Tots
Marshtato Tots are small Marshtatoes that appear in "Hair Fracture".
They are named after tater tots.
Mashed Potatoes
Mashed potato is a type of food dish based on potatoes.
- Mashed Po-Tic-tac-toes
Is a type of mashed potatoe based game food seen in "Funsgiving" and a dish served on Funsgiving, Guy Diamond asked Biggie to make sure to only use heavy cream when serving as he is lactose intolerant. The name is a portmanteau on "Mashed Potato" and "Tic-tac-toe".
- Mashed Potatoes and Groovy
A favorite of the Funk Trolls it is seen in "Potluck Poppy".
Musical Éclair Chair
A Éclair based recipe that is a favorite of Smidge's. It is made for playing Musical Chairs on Funsgiving. It has an issue with time as just one chair takes 6 hours to make. The recipe involves a lot of sugar grains which all must be counted.
Nachos are a type of Mexican based food. Vacaytioners enjoy them.
A pie is a type of pastry dish. It is a popular dish of Country Trolls and a baking master is highly praised.
- Meat Pie
A Bergen type of pie, it has some sort of unknown meat in it. Cooper ate a pie from Bergen Town when Poppy and the Snack Pack visited, not realizing to the Bergens that is a crime. Groth demanded that Poppy punish Cooper.
- Strawberry Pie
Cooper gives Groth a pie to replace the one Cooper ate in "Funishment". Groth found the pie tasty and accepted his apology.
- Trollberry Pie
A pie made from Trollberries and mentioned in "Trolly Tales 3".
- Four and Twenty Blackbird Pie
Mentioned in "Life of Pie".
- The Perfect Pie
A result produced only by a master pie maker. It is a pie that is perfect, tasting of happiness when eatten. Branch was capable of making such a pie with help of Holly Darlin', who herself cannot make such a masterpiece. Such a pie is so extraordinary that Trolls would be willing to come for miles to see the pie master at work, a note that Branch is unable to allow due to his value of his own privacy. The only known pie is made in "Life of Pie".

Bergens love pizza
Pizza is a type of food consumed by Bergens.
Puffalo Wings
A favorite food of Beetrollven, he enjoys them especially when they are dropping with sauce. They appear in "The Joy Chord" and by the end of the episode, are also enjoyed by Dante Crescendo.
Snack Gammon
This is a recipe made during Funsgiving. It involves making black and white cookies for playing pieces. The name is a pun on Backgammon.
Spiced Pudding
Appears in "Potluck Poppy". This is a hot and spicy pudding made by the Country Trolls.
Sweetbug Sticky Sap
This is a type of honey-like sap produced by Sweetbugs, and is loved by all Trolls according to Biggie and the Disastrous Dance. The sap is dangerous to get since Sweetbugs sting but worth it. It is also rare since Sweetbugs are not a common sight.
Troll Recipes
Trolls are a type of creature eaten at Trollstice by Bergens. The practice has since been abandoned by the Bergens after the events of Trolls. A number of recipes can be seen in Trolls when Chef has her cookbook "Cooking with Trolls" open.
For more information, see Cooking with Trolls.
- Fluffleberry Latte
A Fluffleberry latte is a type of drink that is a favorite of Nova Swift.
- Glitterade
A variant of Stoutberry juice produced by adding Glitter to the juice. This type was introduced by Guy Diamond.
- Stoutberry Juice
A type of juice made from Stoutberries. The juice itself has only a few known ways of being obtained. Firstly, it is squeezed out by a strong individual such as Smidge. Secondary, a zipper is applied to the berries. The recipe for making Glitterrade involves this kind of juice.
- Trollberry Juice
Mentioned in Poppy Follows Her Nose!
Punch is a type of drink consumed by Trolls.
Smoothies are a type of puree beverage produced by fruits, yogurt, milk, ice cream or cream. As indicated by Velvet in Trolls Band Together, it is commonly consumed by Mount Rageons.
Earl Glitter Tea is mentioned in "Big Brother Dante". The name is based upon Earl Grey tea and likely a nod to the note that Trolls don't go for the grey coloration (see Branch) and that Glitter is held in high esteem.