Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

Forte Crescendo is a character from Trolls: TrollsTopia and is Dante Crescendo's younger brother.


He appears as a Troll with golden skin, light pink cheeks with freckles, and pink hair with light brown eyes. He wears a light blue suit with a dark pink tie.


At first, he appears similar to Dante or other Classical Trolls, but once he learns of Techno music, he takes on some of the Techno Trolls' mannerisms.


Dante Crescendo[]

Prior to TrollsTopia, Dante and Forte were close and enjoyed many Classical Culture social normalities together.

They refer to themselves as "The Crescendo Brothers".


Synth and Forte became friends after Forte took interest in Techno Music.

Skills & Abilities

He has most normal Troll abilities as well as the abilities of his Tribe.


Forte grew up loving Classical Music and would often help his brother Dante write music. This was a favorite activity of his.

After experiencing Techno music, Dante took to also enjoying this type of music over his own Tribe's.


Trolls: TrollsTopia[]

Season 5


"Forte" is a music theory term that means "play note strong or loud".

A "crescendo" is the loudest point of the end of a gradual increase in volume of a music piece. It is normally marked by a "<", and is the opposite of a decrescendo, which indicates the quietest point of a music piece and is marked by a ">". In literature, it also means "to reach the height of intensity of a story or a character's development".

Overall, his name implies the meaning of "A strong accession to loudness".

Overall, the name is a reference to how he took to Techno music, which is known for its loud beat.


Trolls: TrollsTopia characters
Pop Trolls
Queen PoppyBranchDJ SukiGuy DiamondTiny DiamondSatin & ChenilleBiggieSmidgeCreekFuzzbertKing PeppyKeithPriscillaCJ SukiHarperRufusGia GroovesMeadow SpriggsMags GumdropDr. MoonbloomKlaus Von FroustingSky TorontoStriped SmileyMaddyRhonda SparklemenH.T. HairnumRaisin RubyGrandma Rosiepuff
Rock Trolls
Val ThundershockDemoBlaze PowerchordPetraBilly ReverbRomperRose
Country Trolls
Holly Darlin'Gust TumbleweedAnnie ApplecoreHaystack WigginsSlim Stuck 'Em
Classical Trolls
Dante CrescendoMinuet SonataLudwig van BeetrollvenForte Crescendo
Funk Trolls
CooperLownote JonesRhythmBluesDr. Groovetavius Ravenhug
Techno Trolls
King TrollexSynthLaguna Tidepool
Other Trolls
ChazBi-Na, Young & Min
Other-Dimensional Trolls
Pushy PoppyDingy Diamond • Cockney Trolls (Hollizabeth Darlintonshire)
BarnaldKing Gristle Jr.
Other Characters
Cloud GuyMr. DinklesGaryCaruthersMarshtato Mary
Classical Trolls
Wolfgang Amadeus Trollzart
Other named members:
Trolls: TrollsTopia

Dante CrescendoMinuet SonataLudwig van BeetrollvenForte Crescendo

Misc. related articles:
Classical StringSymphonyvilleClassical Crest