Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

Grandma Rosiepuff is a deceased character from Trolls; her name is never said in the movie, instead coming from supporting media and The Art of DreamWorks Trolls. She is the grandmother of John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd and Branch.

Despite her apparent death, Branch mentions her in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Fluffleberry Quest", and later in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Cakes on a Train". She appears in "The Search for Piece" in a flashback of Branch's and in Trolls Band Together.


Grandma Rosiepuff was a purple-skinned Troll with mint green hair, eyes, nose and lipstick. Her hair was tied in a large updo, and curls towards her face in the front. She wore a pale yellow dress with a scalloped hemline, and a red knit cardigan with pink glittery edges and a heart pattern.


Grandma Rosiepuff had the same appearance as in Trolls.

Official Bios


Grandma Rosiepuff keeps young trolls safe so they can learn to let their true colors shine!

  • Grandma Rosiepuff is possibly the most patient troll ever.
  • She's surprisingly strong and fast from chasing after crawling troll babies.
  • Her soothing songs can lull even the fussiest troll into a calming nap.[1]
—DreamWorks, 2016


Despite her limited appearances, Grandma Rosiepuff is depicted as a kindhearted and loving grandmother who loves her family. She is also a selfless individual, who would sacrifice her life for grandchildren, most prominently Branch.

Her personality was expanded on in later media, with her bio stating she is an expert in caretaking, and the threequel revealing she was not only the sole caretaker of Branch and his brothers, but was also a poker player who “play(ed) for the money.”



Grandma Rosiepuff is Branch's grandmother. She loved her grandson as evidenced when she saved him from Chef at the cost of her own life, which unfortunately caused Branch great trauma and left him without a guardian to look after him, resulting in him becoming a loner from Troll society. It is evident Branch loved her in turn, as he still thinks of her fondly despite not mentioning her that often.

However, it is unknown how her relationship was with the rest of her grandsons as interactions with her and them are limited. She also seemed to be oblivious to their tensions and eventual fallout.

Skills & Abilities

She had most normal Troll abilities.

Due to her aging body, she had physical restrictions.

In the Trolls era, she was listed as a Rainbow Troll. Her "True Colors" are unknown.


She was described in media as being good with children and the ideal grandmother.


In "Fluffleberry Quest", it's mentioned by Branch that she made Fluffleberry cake, calling it the "best dessert ever". It later turns out that only Branch likes the cake, tasting foul to his friends.

There was an animatic of a cut scene in "Branchception", which shows that originally one of the temptations the Dream versions of The Snack Pack would have used to keep Branch in the dream was that he could eat her cake all day.


She used to play puzzles with Branch according to "The Search for Piece" as she believed that the great thing about puzzles was all the pieces fit together. She realized this is not the case, however, and for one puzzle she threw one piece away, leaving Branch a note to look to others to fill that piece.

As revealed during the beginning of Trolls Band Together, Grandma Rosiepuff was engrossed in playing with betting games. Though she claimed she was unbeatable, Floyd's suggestion that Branch should "let her win occasionally" suggested she wasn't as good of a player as she perceived herself to be and that her grandsons were throwing games on purpose.


Trolls: TrollsTopia[]

Season 5


  • In the UK release of Trolls, Grandma Rosiepuff is voiced by English presenter Susanna Reid.
  • In certain versions of the movie, she can be heard screaming after Chef catches her. However, in other versions, the scream was cut.
  • So far, in all of her appearances and references, her name was never said once, and she's only named in credits and supporting bios.
  • She is the first known character confirmed to be deceased in the franchise.
  • Clay was involved in the escape from Bergen Town in The Last Trollstice, as he ended up with Viva and the Putt Putt Trolls. However, her death occurs at the Troll Tree and he never visited Branch during that time. He was unaware of her death as a result as he wasn't watching his brother, as noted by Branch being left with no family after her death.
Trolls characters
Trolls - Main Characters
King PeppyPrincess PoppyBranchCreekCooperBiggieSmidgeGuy DiamondSatin & ChenilleDJ SukiFuzzbertGrandma Rosiepuff
Trolls - Minor Characters
HarperMoxie DewdropCookie SugarloafMandy SparkledustKeithDariusUncle Ron Sr.
King Gristle Jr.BridgetChefKing Gristle Sr.Chad and ToddBibblyCaptain Starfunkle
Mr. DinklesCloud GuyBarnebis
Miss GuffinAspen HeitzCybilMaddyKarma
Trolls: TrollsTopia characters
Pop Trolls
Queen PoppyBranchDJ SukiGuy DiamondTiny DiamondSatin & ChenilleBiggieSmidgeCreekFuzzbertKing PeppyKeithPriscillaCJ SukiHarperRufusGia GroovesMeadow SpriggsMags GumdropDr. MoonbloomKlaus Von FroustingSky TorontoStriped SmileyMaddyRhonda SparklemenH.T. HairnumRaisin RubyGrandma Rosiepuff
Rock Trolls
Val ThundershockDemoBlaze PowerchordPetraBilly ReverbRomperRose
Country Trolls
Holly Darlin'Gust TumbleweedAnnie ApplecoreHaystack WigginsSlim Stuck 'Em
Classical Trolls
Dante CrescendoMinuet SonataLudwig van BeetrollvenForte Crescendo
Funk Trolls
CooperLownote JonesRhythmBluesDr. Groovetavius Ravenhug
Techno Trolls
King TrollexSynthLaguna Tidepool
Other Trolls
ChazBi-Na, Young & Min
Other-Dimensional Trolls
Pushy PoppyDingy Diamond • Cockney Trolls (Hollizabeth Darlintonshire)
BarnaldKing Gristle Jr.
Other Characters
Cloud GuyMr. DinklesGaryCaruthersMarshtato Mary
Trolls Band Together characters
Trolls - Main Characters
Queen PoppyBranchJohn DorySpruceFloydClayVivaTiny Diamond
Trolls - Minor Characters
Guy DiamondSatin & ChenilleBiggieCooperPrince DarnellKing PeppyGrandma RosiepuffAblazeHypeBoomTrickee
King Gristle Jr.BridgetMiss MaxineAunt Smead
Mount Rageons
VelvetVeneerKid Ritz
BrandyBruce & Brandy's Children
Other Characters
Mr. DinklesCloud GuyCrimpRhonda
Pop Trolls
Sub Tribes:
King Peppy (former) • Queen Poppy (current) • Viva (Hole N' Fun)
Other named members:

The Snack Pack (BranchDJ SukiGuy DiamondTiny DiamondSatin & ChenilleLegslyBiggieSmidgeFuzzbert) • CreekKeithAspen HeitzCybilMaddyKarmaCookie SugarloafMandy SparkledustMoxie DewdropHarperUncle Ron Sr.DariusGrandma RosiepuffJohn DorySpruceFloydClayAblazeHypeBoomTrickee

Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

Gia GroovesSky TorontoNova SwiftMags GumdropPriscillaCJ SukiGemma FurBahaDr. MoonbloomDennisRipley WispRufusTug DuluthKlaus Von FroustingMilton MossMeadow SpriggsBella BrightlyMaster ControllCeline StarburstTimpaniHank MontanaToby PoppitsDare-lene J. McGuffinVega SwiftVioletLaroux LarouxSmargeAliceBrianElliotNate

Trolls: TrollsTopia

Striped SmileyRhonda SparklemenH.T. HairnumRaisin Ruby


Miss Guffin


Dr. Plum PlimsyGinger JoWimArabesqueRudy

Misc. related articles:
Pop StringTroll TreeTroll ForestPop VillageTrollsTopia