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Guy Diamond and the Rainbow Roundup is a book released in the US and focusing on Guy Diamond.


This was book aimed at 7-10 year old children. It was sold as book 1 of the "Trolls Chapter Books" series as a stand alone story, then later with the other 3 books in a "Rock 'n' Troll Collection".

It comes with a pull-out bookmark at the back.


When all the rainbows in Troll Village disappear, it’s up to Guy Diamond to get them back before the annual Rainbow Rave party!


Poppy is teaching the kids outside her pod. Keith asks her to teach them something new. The excited children form a conga line and begin to chant to her "Teach us something new". Poppy knows their going to love todays lesson, which involves a guest speaker. She asks them to guess who the speaker is to which they guess King Peppy. A young Troll called "Rooty" guesses King Gristle Jr. which makes Poppy think the kids love Kings, but she notes that they would know if Gristle was in the village. Keith then guesses her, but she points out she can't be the guest speaker if she is already present.

The speaker is Guy Diamond, Guy asks the Trolls if they like holidays and they of course do and then asks them to guess what holiday he is talking about today. The holiday he reveals he is there to talk about is the Rainbow Rave, he asks who likes Rainbows and the children begun to say why with "Leif", a particularly smart Troll over explains why he likes rainbow and Keith tells Leif he might be too advance for this class. Guy explains that throughout the year they see one or two rainbows, but on the Rainbow Rave day, the sky is full of them and the Trolls celebrate rainbows during that day with rainbow related activities. He then reveals the next Rainbow Rave is the next day.

That night, all the Troll children couldn't sleep due to their excitement (except Leif). Guy walks around the village at night checking the conditions for tomorrow. The next morning, not a single rainbow was present.

Guy spots Branch and asks about the sky, Branch himself has forgotten about the Rainbow Rave. Branch asks if its the following day or that they've missed it, but Guy at least dismisses the fact they could have missed it with the fact it would have been too colorful to miss. Branch then suggests they are missing to some dark conspiracy by anti-rainbow haters, leading Guy to get skeptical of Branch's suggestion of a conspiracy the two part ways. Next, he sees Biggie who has made Rainbow Cupcakes. Guy points out that the sky should be full of them and Biggie has only just noticed their lack of them. He suggests they overslept buy Guy dismisses that too.

The Trolls put up decorations and went about the day expecting the rainbows to show up but they never did and the children are disappointed. Poppy tries to reassure the Trolls that they will have a good day even if the rainbows don't show up. A Troll called "Twiggie" asks if its really a Rainbow Rave without the rainbows and Guy secretly agrees.

Karma figures out that the Rainbows must have been taken as she recalls "seeing something". As she speaks, Cooper plays his harmonica and is told off by Poppy as they can't hear Karma speak. Cooper was practicing his new song and has speak all day not noticing the lack of rainbows. Poppy calms everyone down so Karma can speak. Karma recalls her day and notes she say someone carrying a bunch of rainbows way. Branch asks if it was just one Troll or a group, but Karma re-states she say "someone". She cannot describe the persons hair except it was made of white puffs. The others ask if the person then had skinny arms and socks but no shoes as they realize who this could be. This leads Guy and Branch to proclaim Cloud Guy as the suspect.

Branch talks about their first meeting as no one knows where Cloud Guy meets. His words earn a glare from Poppy and Branch tells Guy the best way to get him to talk is with a stick. Branch claims he never poked the cloud wih a stick but he thought he was going to. Poppy doesn't like the idea of Guy going alone due to her experiences doing the same, but he is insisting that the others stay for the children. Poppy sends DJ Suki with Guy.

The two rush as they have until the end of the day to get the Rainbows back. When running is too slow they take to the trees using their hair to swing through them. All of a sudden, something zaps a branch both were attached to and the duo fall. It turns out they were being attacked by a zapperzine who was attracted by the noise they made while swinging through the trees. They find themselves only able to keep going forward, unable to return in the direction of the Zapperzine. Eventually, the Zapperzine stops chasing them but for a reason; they are now in a place where there are mud geysers. It took a while to get through the geysers but they manage it eventually and take back to swinging through trees.

Eventually, the trees became too far apart to swing between while signaled they were close to their destination. Another critter appears; a Pinchmalla. They rush for a tree but 2 more appear. Guy claps his hands together sending glitter at the first Pinchmalla, when this works he aims for the other two. Guy explains Karma told him what the creatures were to DJ Suki as Karma liked them. As it gets more and more difficult to swing through Trees, one branch suddenly swings at them. They soon find themselves attacked by Swat Trees.

Eventually they arrive at the tunnels and find Cloud Guy. the cloud denies stealing the rainbows claiming he hadn't seen one in weeks, and even denies Karma's description fits him. Cloud Guy suddenly realizes who may have stolen them and decribes another cloud with a mostache and beard, he informs them of Evil Cloud Guy who looks identical to him except those traits. When they question the name, he states that is his thing "being evil". When they ask where he is, he notes that he might hang around the same spot as him but an "evil" version. He tells them to go into the Increasingly Dark Forest to find him.

Cloud Guy leads them through the forest as a foul smell hits them, Cloud Guy lacking a nose doesn't smell it. The trio plays i-spy as they pass the time travelling. They entire a creature that chasing them, it has a mouth big enough to eat Trolls. They have arrived at their destination thanks to the creature and it resembles the meadows by the tunnels exactly decept darker. Despite being here, they don't see Evil Cloud Guy at all and Cloud Guy notes he had said might be here. He is unlikely to hang around with all the rainbows waiting for them in plain sight.

Cloud Guy suggests they wait for him to come to them rather then going to him. The cloud states he can't resist a chance to be evil and demonstrates by saying about a child's drawing that took months to draw, they hear an evil chuckle. This causes the evil cloud to come down to look for the drawing. With the evil cloud now in sight DJ Suki confronts him over the rainbows. As the evil cloud deals with the Trolls, Cloud Guy notices a stripe of color and pulls it out of Evil Cloud Guys fluff. He claims that is gum and the trio force him to eat it, he of course spits it out and states he never knew rainbows tastes foul, revealing he had lied.

Caught out he runs further into the Increasingly Dark Forest with the trio following suit. They figure he'll lead them to the stolen rainbows if they can keep up but they soon loose him. They find a tunnel and guess he is in there so enter. But Evil Cloud Guy soon emerges riding a Coilencrawler. Cloud Guy runs off in fear and the two Trolls run in the opposite direction. They end up running deeper into the Increasingly Dark Forest, here the trees are covered in webs and spiders preventing the Trolls from swinging on them and they are not sure if the Coilencrawler can climb so don't want to risk themselves.

The duo hide behind a rock forcing the Coilencrawler and evil Cloud Guy to attack them behind a rock; the result is the Coilencralwer gets a face full of glitter. The beast throws the evil cloud off its back. When the duop try and take advantage of the situation, Evil Cloud Guy runs further into the Increasingly Dark Forest. They loose him once again forcing a backtrack, they hear his laugter in the distance and follow him through some spikey plants. They follow him through a tunnel of spikes and thornsa into a clearing until they reach an inpassable stone. They appear to have lost him but a tree branch falls, trapping them in the tunnel.

After he is gone, Guy spots a stripe of color and realizes there is another trap next to them with the rainbows inside. Their attention is drawn as Cloud Guy returns having gone to find them being sick of being blamed for things that Evil Cloud Guy does. Together they move the stone in front of them. They work up a plan between them to get the rainbows and clouds.

Evil Cloud Guy returns at the sound of music as Cloud Guy and the Trolls create music. He find DJ Suki playing a flute made out of a branch and when confronted it turns out she was a distraction. Cloud Guy and Guy Diamond tie up the Evil Cloud.

They confront him on the thief of the rainbows and he confesses he wanted everyone to love him as he was lonely and tired of being evil. He thought if he took the rainbows and then use them to open a theme park to get popular.

Back at Troll Village, the Trolls wonder if there will be any rainbows at all. As Poppy notes how much fun they had, the Trolls are disappointed with the lack of rainbows. Suddenly the sky is filled with them. The duo of Trolls introduce Evil Cloud Guy to the other Trolls and Evil Cloud Guy was then known after as the "Used to be Evil Cloud Guy". Despite their lateness, this was the best Rainbow Rave ever.

Rock'N'Troll collection
Poppy and the Mane Mania!Branch and the Cooking CatastropheBiggie and the Disastrous DanceGuy Diamond and the Rainbow Roundup
David Lewman