"Hairicane" is the first segment of the 6th and final episode of the second season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 36th overall episode in the series. It premiered on March 18, 2021.
Holly teams up with Poppy and R&B to discover what really happens to your hair when you're inside the eye of a hair-i-cane.
In the Dune Huggy, Rhythm & Blues are chasing a hairicane throughout Troll Forest as it wrecks the scenery. They are chasing it as part of their research. Blues puts on some music and they use a ramp to jump into the hairicane, but as they enter it the hairicane fades and disappears, leaving the Dune Huggy briefly floating in midair, then dropping to the ground. They turn on a "wah wah" trombone soundtrack to punctuate their disappointment.
Poppy and several Trolls exit through the hatch to Branch's bunker to ask what they were doing, as the rest of them took shelter from it inside the bunker where it was safe. The Funk sisters explain they were testing their hypothesis that the eye of a hairicane is the only known place in the Funkiverse where the volume and lust of hair has no limits, unbound by the law of "hairidynamics"; one's hair fully unlocks its full potential, allowing for Trolls' hair to reflect their personality and become "a true You Do". The problem is that they cannot predict a hairicane early enough to get to one, which disappoints Poppy and the other Trolls. Gust Tumbleweed appears out of another hatch to the bunker and tells them that there is a Troll who can predict a hairicane: Holly Darlin'.
At Country Corral, Holly confirms it and Gust pops out another hatch right near them to affirm that he told them. Holly states that if a storm is brewing her hair twitches. This gets the Funk sisters excited, as they now have an answer on how to predict a hairicane and help them get inside one. Holly guesses they are after the "True You Do" event, since she had the same notion once. Holly used to chase storms as with the hope of experiencing this herself, despite Poppy going to tell her she doesn't have to tell the story Holly does.
Holly tells them about the time she came face to face with a category 5 hairicane and how badly it went. She chased the storm down, but tripped and ended up in the outer winds, messing up her hair completely. It took 7 months for her to untangle it. Holly agrees that while she is not going into the storm, she will help them find one on the condition that they only chase small storms and that when they succeed they say a "wowhoo" for her on her behalf. At that moment, her hair twitches as a hairicane is approaching.
Poppy, Holly and the Funk sisters chase storms in the Dune Huggy as a montage song begins, but fail every one. After several failures, Holly hands a thinking lasso to everyone and they twirl it. Poppy suggests they do something with Funk science; the sisters create a giant lasso to twirl hoping that it will chase the storm and give them a chance to get inside.
On cue, Holly's hair twitches and a hairicane goes by; they give chase. They manage to lasso it and have the hairicane where they want it. The Funk sisters go to jump inside, but won't do it without Holly as this was her dream. Holly is too scared, as she doesn't think she can go through that hairache again. The duo jump in, but soon afterwards Holly's hair twitches; another storm appears, this one bigger. The two hairicanes combine, turning themselves into the giant category 5 type of storm.
The Dune Huggy's lasso breaks and the storm has the Funk Sisters trapped in the outer winds. There's no other option; someone has to go in after them before their hair is messed up. Gust appears out of a nearby hatch and picks up Holly, giving her the will to try and save the girls. As the storm gets wilder, he changes his tone to note there's tons to fear as he pulls himself back into Branch's Bunker. When Holly can't bring herself to go in, she does so instead since Poppy has a lack of experience with being inside the hairicane.
Inside, Holly thinks she has found Rhythm, but it turns out to be Cooper, who explains he too has a unexplored backstory with hairicanes and entered to save his sandwich. After Cooper is blown away, Holly spots and saves the Funk sisters. Instead of escaping, Holly takes a moment to go into the eye of the storm.
Inside the storm, the trio's hair transforms into True You Dos. The hairicane then ends and Poppy checks on them. The three are happy to have experienced it, to which Poppy wishes she could have seen it with them. Holly's hair twitches and they leave to chase the next storm together.
Cooper is with his sandwich and asks it if it wants to chase the storm together before deciding to just eat it.
- Amanda Leighton as Queen Poppy
- Branch (mentioned)
- JP Karliak as Dante Crescendo (non-speaking)
- Kat Graham as Rhythm & Blues
- Ron Funches as Cooper
- Vladimir Caamaño as Synth (non-speaking)
- The storyboard of this episode was discovered online around the time Season 1 aired and can be watched here. This episode's working title was "Twister Sisters", which is likely a reference to the band Twisted Sister.
- The name "Hairicane" is a pun based on a tropical cyclone, otherwise known as a "hurricane", and "hair". However, it resembles more of a tornado.
- The "category 5" nod from Holly is a reference to the Saffir–Simpson scale.
- This episode may even be a reference of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 hurricane that hit the southern states, while Holly Darlin’ is from Texas a place Katrina didn’t hit, a lot of people went to Texas to get away from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
- The Trolls are doing what is known as storm chasing, wherein individuals hunt storms with the desire to record their power. The act of chasing storms is considered a dangerous pursuit, and many have ended up losing their lives to such a thing, though most of such deaths are unrelated to the actual storm itself.
- The "category 5" nod from Holly is a reference to the Saffir–Simpson scale.
- Trolls use their hair as defense and take pride in it. If a Troll's hair is messed up in any way, there are consequences for them.
- This episode marks the fourth time the gag of "gravity does not work until you look down" occurs in the series.
- The storyboard animatic version of the song sequence can be watched here.