This page lists the holidays and events that have occurred or been mentioned in the DreamWorks Trolls franchise, divided by the species of which it's a tradition of.
Note: The holidays & events are listed in the order of the franchise installment (e.g. movie, TV special, TV series episode, etc.) they first appeared in.
Pop Trolls[]
3D Animation
- Dance Parties: This kind of party brings out happiness and joy for the Pop Trolls, celebrating and doing wild dance moves, plus spilling lots of glitter. They are seen in some films and various episodes of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and Trolls: TrollsTopia.
- Toss Your Friend Day: A holiday about throwing a friend in the air and catching them again. In the novelization, it is named "Catch Your Friend Day".
- Glitterpalooza: A day dedicated to glitter bombs.
- Tickle Day: A day dedicated to giggles and being tickled, specifically by spiders.
- Electric Foam Parade: A day dedicated to lasers and foam parties.
- Balloon Squeal Day: A day that involves Trolls gathering together and listening to the squeals of balloons.
- Epic Hug Ball Day: A day that involves Trolls forming a giant ball of hugs. Guy Diamond calls this his favorite holiday.
- Shock a Friend Day: A holiday about giving electric shocks to friends.
- The Equinox: A holiday about celebrating socks.
- Tear Away Pants Day: A day dedicated to Velcro sound rips and taking off pants, leaving the Troll naked from the waist down.
- Good Luck Troll Day: A holiday about putting a gem on one's belly and letting a friend rub it.
- Note: This is actually named after the intention of the original Troll Dolls toyline, which was to be a form of good luck charm, and thus were also known as "Good Luck Trolls", with some also having gems on their belly that people rubbed for luck.
- Express Yourself Day: A day about giving opinions.
- Keep It To Yourself Day: The opposite holiday to "Express Yourself Day", where Trolls have to keep all opinions to themselves.
- Mosh-sha-sha-na: A "rockin' holiday" about drama.
- Note: This holiday's name is a play on Rosh Hashanah.
- Fireworks Day: A day dedicated to fireworks.
- Bleepy Sound Day: A day where Trolls only talk in bleep censors.
- Random Tattoo Day: A day about applying tattoos to oneself.
- Smacksgiving Day: A day about giving smacks to the face.
- Fuzzy Onesie Day: A day dedicated to wearing knitted onesies.
- Fuzzy Leg Warmer Day: Named only, details unknown.
- Chug a Jug of Milk Day: Named only, details unknown.
- Forest Fest: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Fall-o-ween: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Jump-a-thon: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Happy Holiday Day: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- St. Slap-Trick's: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Knit Blanket Bonanza: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Disco Ball Day: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Scrapbook Fall: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Crowd Surfing Day: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Bubble Day: A card for this holiday is seen, but its details are unknown.
- Note: This is the name for Electric Foam Parade in the novelization.
- New Hair's Eve: A card for this holiday is seen, and it was mentioned in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode, "Lost In The Woods", but its details are unknown.
- This is not to be confused with the Guy Diamond's proposed holiday idea, "New Glitter's Eve".
- Troll Kingdom Secret Holiday Gift Swap: This event brings Trolls of many tribes together to exchange gifts and celebrate being united as one.
- Perfect Family Harmony Tour: A boyband tour spearheaded by BroZone.
2D Animation
- Both TV Series
- Birthdays, quarter-birthdays and half-birthdays: Birthdays are treated by Trolls as a celebration of the subject Troll, and effort is made to make that Troll feel special by their friends. They will also give gifts to other Trolls at their quarter-birthday and half-birthday. Notable birthdays include:
- Queen Poppy's half-birthday ("A Flower For Poppy")
- Branch's half-birthday ("Two Party System") and quarter-birthday ("A Flower For Poppy")
- Guy Diamond's birthday ("Coop, Where's My Guy?" & "The Makeunder")
- DJ Suki's birthday ("Two Party System")
- CJ Suki's birthday ("CJ's Wooferbug")
- Priscilla's birthday ("Pillow War")
- Cooper's birthday ("The Giver" & "The Ballad of Holly Darlin'")
- Val Thundershock's birthday ("Classical Rock")
- Lownote Jones' birthday ("Puffalo Express")
- Sing-off: A singing competition between teams to see who sung the best and isn't up for debate. It was hosted by Bash as the judge to determine who either the Snuggle Puppies and the Crasher Squad sung the best and throws down the best jams wins the worm, Mr. Dinkles. This also occurred when both Guy Diamond and Sky Toronto had a sing-off against each other. ("Party Crashed" & "Friend Matching")
- In Trolls: TrollsTopia, this was also occurred when Poppy challenges Val Thundershock and Branch in a sing-off. ("Hair Fracture")
- Concerts: These are common social events that require a lot of planning. Trolls either are the focus of the concert, or attend concerts of others as their fans. Notable concerts include:
- H.U.G.G. Concert: Appeared in "Hug Fest".
- Smidge's Ice Cream Benefit Concert: Appeared in "The Farmer and the Hound".
- Hug Fest: An annual hug-related event that is the favorite of many Trolls. The event takes place during the course of the day, and all sorts of hug-related things occur, especially in the Hug Fest Theme Park, which, although present the whole year, gets the most visits during this event. Aside from the park's variety of rides, booths, games, stalls, side shows and other attractions have taken place in it during Hug Fest, such as a H.U.G.G. reunion concert. ("Hug Fest")
- In Trolls: TrollsTopia, the event has expanded to include days for each Troll Tribe, so now in addition to the regular Hug Fest day, such as Classical Day, Country Western Day, Techno Day and Hard Rock Day; presumably, there is also a Funk version, but it was never shown. Each day is dedicated to their respective Tribe, and it is expected that most of the guests to the park will be from that Tribe. Striped Smiley runs a number of attractions in the theme park in this series, and it is required that to be able to enter, Trolls must have done "Murray duty", which is to act as the theme park's mascot "Murray the Puffalo" at least once. It's unknown if this requirement and Murray were always present or were created by the events of Trolls: TrollsTopia. ("Val Serves Murray Duty")
- Potluck: A communal gathering or a type of party where everyone attending brings something to eat. ("Truth or Dare")
- In Trolls: TrollsTopia, the event was expanded as Potluck Party, to include every Trolls from every Troll tribes to explore their respective tribe's culinary delights. ("Potluck Poppy")
- Annual Troll Liberation Party: A celebration on the befriending of the Bergens. It is a party in which the Trolls invite the Bergens to party with them. The Bergens on this day agree to pick up the Trolls to dance with them, do not discuss sensitive subjects with them and so not use decorations that offend or frighten the Trolls. At the same time, the Trolls keep their flashing lights and loud music low, and refrain from using glitter to respect the Bergens. ("A New Bergen-ing")
- This is not to be confused with the Bergens' own holiday, "Troll-A-Bration Day".
- Sunday Squish-Ball Game: A regular event where Trolls throw "squish-balls" at each other. At the end of the episode where it first appeared, Branch made his own version of the event, which included bonus features to increase the fun and safety measures. ("Fun Branch" and "Glamping")
- Royal Review: A survey where the Trolls evaluate the performance of their current leader. They vote for a "smiley face" if they think that the leader was doing well, or a "frowny face" if they think that the leader was doing badly. ("Royal Review")
- Hug Day: The day serves as a reminder that hugging is meant to be special to the Trolls. On this day, each Troll get only one hug with another Troll, instead of the one every hour like normal. Once their hug is used, they are not allowed to hug again, meaning that if someone hugs them first, they lose that hug. This restriction doesn't apply to non-Trolls, just Trolls. The holiday in itself is likely a nod to Valentine's Day. This holiday was also mentioned in "Blank Day". ("Cloudy With A Chance Of Hugs")
- Creek Week: A week-long event named after Creek. It remained even after the events of Trolls. ("Creek Week")
- The Giver: "The Giver" is a mysterious individual who for 10 years gave every Troll a gift on each annual harvest moon. The Giver never received a "thank you" in return for this, which frustrated Poppy for years over who the selfless Troll was, who would give so much without asking for even one thanks in return. She eventually finds out Branch was the Giver, but he doesn't want anyone finding out it was him because he wouldn't like for them to know he wasn't a sensitive guy; being the Giver was simply a way to stay connected to the other Trolls when he separated himself from the village 10 years prior. Though Poppy knows who the Giver is now, she refrains from telling anyone out of respect for Branch, understanding that it means a lot to him. ("The Giver")
- Bellow Bug Day: An event that is celebrated every 5 years. The Bellow Bug is a creature that appears once every 5 years to sing. The Trolls find the Bellow Bug's singing over-joyous, and it is the charge of the leader of Troll Village to make sure it is comfortable coming out. ("Bellow Bug Day")
- Prank Day: This is one of Poppy and Branch's favorite holidays. It is a whole day of Trolls trying to prank each other. ("Prank Day")
- This is not to be confused with the "Prank Fest" event listed below.
- Flyer Bug Riding Race: An event that was shown at the beginning of the episode it appeared. It is a racing contest involving Trolls riding on Flyer Bugs, but any other details are unknown. ("Eye'll Be Watching You")
- Compliment Rap Battle: A rap battle where two Trolls try to compliment rap each other the best. Master Controll won over 49 compliment rap battles straight. ("Big Poppy")
- Rap Tryouts: A series of auditions hosted by Poppy in an attempt to look for someone to take her spot in a rap battle against Master Controll, reluctant to participate in the battle herself. ("Big Poppy")
- The Party Games: An annual event where teams play against each other in various games. The event concludes when a Fun Meter reaches full; the teams don't compete to win, but to give the audience a good time. Poppy usually hosts the event, but Branch co-hosted it with her in her host's box at the first time he attended the event. ("The Party Games")
- Fashion Shows: An event hosted by a fashion designer to showcase their new clothing designs for the Trolls. ("Model Behavior" and "The Interns")
- Model Auditions: A series of auditions hosted by Satin and Chenille to look for a Troll who would fit as their model for a fashion show in order to gain an internship approval from Nova Swift. ("Model Behavior")
- Pillow Harvest Festival: An annual event where Trolls take pillows off of the pillow trees when they're ripe. The Troll doesn't pick the pillow; the pillow is the one that chooses its Troll. Usually one Troll ends up with a pillow of their own, but occasionally multiple Trolls have the same pillow choosing them, which can result in fights. ("Pillow War")
- Picnic Week: A week-long event dedicated to picnics. The highlight of the week is a can't-miss event known as "The Big Picnic", as all Trolls gather for a major picnic. ("The Imposter")
- Swag-hunting: Trolls hunt down Swag Stags to get swag. The Trolls tickle the Stags, until it causes them to cough up swag. King Peppy takes all of Poppy's closet and dearest friends to hunt for swag, with the goal of getting to better know her friends and scrutinizing their character. ("Meet The Peppy")
- Wildcard Party Weekend: An event hosted by Poppy that mixed up with a wheel to pick who hosts the weekend's big shindig. ("Party Crash Course")
- Nova Swift's Pop-up Parties: A series of parties hosted by Nova Swift that begin at a random location and time, which are meant to be a surprise. Many Trolls wanted to get into them, which led to some developing "Fear of missing out on pop-up parties". ("FOMO-OPUP")
- Hairmitzvah: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Lost In The Woods")
- Hairloween: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Lost In The Woods")
- Taco Tuesday: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Lost In The Woods")
- Welcome Back Party: A party hosted by the Trolls to celebrate Poppy and Archer returning to Troll Village from Fearsome Forest. ("Lost In The Woods")
- Open Mic Poetry Slam: A show wherein Trolls submit their poems and recite them. ("The Bunker List")
- Trend Watch: The event was shown at the beginning of the episode, where Nova Swift showcases her latest trends for the Trolls. ("The Interns")
- Peace and Keyboarding Festival: An assumed week-long party that involved the Trolls and Bergens playing keyboards together. Poppy went to check on the event after having a dance ahead of her, only to find out that King Gristle Jr. was constantly playing his keyboard. ("The Helper")
- Talent Week: A week-long event where Trolls teach other Trolls about their talents. This is aimed at the children of the village to teach them about the talents of other Trolls. ("DJ's Got Talent")
- Speed-friending: A social event where Trolls gather to meet other Trolls and get to know them better. Two Trolls sit opposite each other and ask each other questions. When the bell is hit, one Troll switches to a partner on another table. ("Sibling Quibbling")
- Scrapbook Club: Scrapbooking is a favorite past time of the Trolls, so Poppy hosts a once-a-week event for the Trolls to scrapbook. ("Sibling Quibbling")
- Musical Thrones Tournament: An event where Trolls compete in an over-the-top game of musical chairs. Poppy hosted this event because she was her first year hosting as a game-maker. In each round of the game, a player is knocked out until 1 winner is left sitting on a chair. The winners are usually Biggie and Smidge, who take turns because of their friendship deciding who wins each year. ("Musical Thrones")
- Confetti Fest: A festival dedicated to all things pertaining to confetti. ("Ear Worm")
- The Big Hair-a-Thon: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Don't Worry Be Peppy")
- Glitter Troll of the Year: An award given out once a year to celebrate a chosen Glitter Troll. The award is a big deal among the Glitter Trolls. ("Glitter Loss")
- Search for the New Troll Anthem: A Troll Village-wide song contest was held to find a new Troll anthem, as the one in use back then was an artifact from before the friendship with the Bergens. Guy Diamond hosted this contest, with him and some other Snack Pack members including Poppy and Branch performing songs for the New Troll Anthem. There's a Fun Meter indicating the cheer for each song; the winner is the Troll whose song receives the loudest cheer. ("New Anthem")
- The Fancy Pants Banquet: A formal diner party. It is the 12th-most anticipated formal event in the year. ("Dark Side Of The Lagoon")
- Noise Maker Party: This event was mentioned when Branch claimed as an excuse that he had to spend time with his friend Mr. Glittercakes and therefore couldn't go to Poppy's 'noise maker party'. ("Mr. Glittercakes")
- Bongo Festival: The Bongo Festival was a previous event Branch had used the aforementioned excuse for. ("Mr. Glittercakes")
- Two-on-Two Vegan Food Fight: Another previous event where Branch had used the excuse for. ("Mr. Glittercakes")
- RSVP Party: Another previous event where Branch had used the excuse for. ("Mr. Glittercakes")
- Rufus's Summertime Cupcake Roll: Another previous event where Branch had used the excuse for. ("Mr. Glittercakes")
- Rufus's Wintertime Cupcake Roll: Another aforementioned previous event where Branch had used the excuse for. ("Mr. Glittercakes")
- Harper's Watching-Paint-Dry Party: Another previous event where Branch had used the excuse for. ("Mr. Glittercakes")
- Open Mic Stand-up Comedy: A stand-up comedy show wherein Trolls tell jokes. ("Mr. Glittercakes" and "Guy Misses Out")
- Snow Day: Once a year, snow falls on the forest during its 1-day winter. The Trolls take time to partake in winter activities, enjoying the short season. ("Snow Day")
- Frosty Fun Games: During the aforementioned winter season, a contest of winter games is held, in which Trolls compete to earn medals. ("Snow Day")
- Hearts and Crafts Festival: A craft fair that celebrates Troll craftsmanship. The name is a pun between "heart" and "art can crafts". ("Scrap To The Future")
- Hearts and Crafts Messtival: A holiday made to replace the Hearts and Crafts Festival after it was ruined by a number of accidents, in which Trolls play with the materials that were originally used in the fair. ("Scrap To The Future")
- Festival of Spotlights: A festival dedicated to spotlights. ("Bringing Up Birdy")
- Blank Day: An entire day with nothing planned, which was mentioned by Poppy. ("Blank Day")
- Pudding History Month: A month-long event that the Trolls partake in, mentioned by one of Sky's employees. ("Blank Day")
- Third Best Friends Day: Mentioned by Sky Toronto's employees. ("Blank Day")
- On-Fleek-Quinox: An event on the Troll holiday calendar. It's annual, but doesn't have a fixed day. In Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, it was a week late, and was one of the causes of the Blank Day happening. ("Blank Day")
- St. Scrapbook's Day: Another annual event on the Troll holiday calendar without a fixed day. It falling on a Tuesday was also a cause for the Blank Day to occur. ("Blank Day")

Queen Poppy at the Blank Day Pitch Party
- Blank Day Pitch Party: A one free day party where the Trolls and the members of the Snack Pack share and pitch in their holiday ideas that falls on the day before Blank Day occurred. Poppy hosted this event as a leader, and she must choose a new holiday for the one free day on the Troll calendar. ("Blank Day")
- You're Welcomes-Giving: A holiday proposed by DJ Suki at the Blank Day Pitch Party, where Trolls have to say "You're Welcome" to each other, even though the circumstances when they have to do so are not specified. The holiday's name is a reference to the real-life holiday "Thanksgiving". ("Blank Day")
- New Glitter's Eve: A holiday proposed by Guy Diamond at the Blank Day Pitch Party, where it involves non-Glitter Trolls becoming Glitter Trolls for one day after receiving Glitter Trolls' farts. The holiday's name is a play on the real-life event "New Year's Eve". ("Blank Day")
- This is not to be confused with the holiday, "New Hair's Eve".
- Snuggle Squid Appreciation Day: A holiday proposed by Biggie at the Blank Day Pitch Party, in which 8 "fans" snuggle a Snuggle Squid. ("Blank Day")
- Twindependence Day: A holiday proposed by Chenille at the Blank Day Pitch Party, in which Trolls pretend their twins don't exist. Satin rejected this idea, as it's not what she and Chenille agreed upon pitch. The holiday's name is a play on the real-life event "Independence Day". ("Blank Day")
- Non-sequitur Day: A holiday proposed by Cooper at the Blank Day Pitch Party, supposedly involving Trolls doing "non-sequiturs". ("Blank Day")
- Puns on the Beach Day: A holiday proposed by Creek at the Blank Day Pitch Party. It is mentioned by Branch, but its details are unknown. ("Blank Day")
- Biggest Cupcake Day: A holiday proposed at the Blank Day Pitch Party. It is mentioned by Branch, but its details are unknown. ("Blank Day")
- Flowers for Hours Day: A holiday proposed at the Blank Day Pitch Party. It is mentioned by Branch, but its details are unknown. ("Blank Day")
- Face Painting Day: A holiday proposed at the Blank Day Pitch Party. It is mentioned by Branch, but its details are unknown. ("Blank Day")
- Backwards Day: A holiday proposed at the Blank Day Pitch Party. It is mentioned by Branch, but its details are unknown. ("Blank Day")
- Haircut Day: A holiday proposed at the Blank Day Pitch Party. It is mentioned by Branch, but its details are unknown. ("Blank Day")
- Overdramatic Reaction Day: A holiday proposed at the Blank Day Pitch Party. It is mentioned by Branch, but its details are unknown. ("Blank Day")
- Everyone's Holiday: This holiday is mentioned by Poppy. It became a mixture of all the holidays happening on the same day. ("Blank Day")
- Yay For Cheer Day: A holiday proposed when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred. ("Blank Day")
- Sack Jumping Day: A holiday proposed when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred. ("Blank Day")
- Spin Yourself Silly Day: A holiday proposed by Celine Starburst when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred. ("Blank Day")
- Candy Fencing Day: A holiday proposed when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred. ("Blank Day")
- Banana Split Day: A holiday proposed by Keith when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred. ("Blank Day")
- Hole Digging Day: A holiday proposed by Rufus when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred, which involves Trolls digging terrain holes at each other's properties. ("Blank Day")
- Hole Filling Day: A holiday proposed when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred, in which Trolls fill the holes they made at "Hole Digging Day". It conflicted with the aforementioned holiday. ("Blank Day")
- Walk On Stilts Day: A holiday proposed when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred. ("Blank Day")
- Be Adorable Day: A holiday proposed by Smidge when "Everyone's Holiday" occurred. ("Blank Day")
- Uncontainable Applause Day: Mentioned by Sky Toronto, which happens on the day after Blank Day. An event at which the Trolls clap and cheer. ("Blank Day")
- Friendship Permanence Ceremony: A ceremony where Poppy announced Branch and Creek's willingness to have their friendship bow become permanent, even after just two days of friendship. ("Haircuffed")
- Marshtato Day: The Trolls believe that once a year, when it is foggy on Mashtato's Eve, Marshtatos are grown by the Marshtato fairy. The treats are the Trolls' favorite sweets, and they look forward to the fairy's visit every year. In reality, they grow all year around, and the reason they can't be found any other time is because Marshtato Mary takes them. During the event, Trolls paint faces on the stones, believing that they're the fairy's friends. ("Marshtato Fairy")
- Fun-Phibian Anniversary: Once a year, the Fun-Phibian comes up for air. The Trolls usually celebrate its return by singing. The creature then returns the favor by giving the Trolls a show. However, it is very picky, and one bad note will make it leave. ("Hitting The Sky Note")
- Troll Village Cake Jamboree: A jamboree dedicated to cakes. ("Giggleyum")
- Giggleyum Party: A party pertaining to Giggleyum. ("Giggleyum")
- Glamping: A camping trip that Branch hosted with the intention of toughing child Trolls up. ("Glamping")
- Zip-line Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Glamping")
- Cage Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Glamping")
- Emergency Dance Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Glamping")
- 4th Day Anniversary of Harper's 10th Art Show: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("A Flower For Poppy")
- Yay Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("The Partier's Apprentice")
- Hair Ball: An annual formal soiree that forms an important social event for Trolls. The Trolls dress up fancy, and like to get their hair done in time for the event. The name isn't that great, but they consider it to be very classy. The attending Trolls often turn up with a date. Queen Poppy usually gets so engrossed in making sure it's perfect that she forgets to dance, which is the social expectation of the night. ("Hair Ball")
- Infestation Fest: A niche term used by Poppy to "change" a dance party in which "whimsy wasps" showed up. ("Whimsy Wasps")
- The Junior Flyer Grand Prix: Every child Troll is paired up with an adult Troll, who teaches them how to fly for a race. ("The Fast And The Friendliest")
- Trend Report: A public announcement in which a host talks about recent changes in fashion trends. Nova Swift is the event's usual host, but she had Satin and Chenille host it in the episode where the event appeared. ("Vega Swift")
- The Volunteer Draft: A regular event where Trolls who need help put forward requests to get help from another Troll. The Troll that helps is picked from a crowd of eager participants. ("Tour Guide Of Duty")
- Tug Duluth Adventures Fear Bunker Foray: A tour hosted by Tug Duluth for Branch's Survival Bunker. ("Tour Guide Of Duty")
- Farty Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Tour Guide Of Duty")

Branch receives his gem from Poppy at Gem Day
- Gem Day Ceremony: One of the most important events in a Troll's life is in the form of a "Coming of Age" ceremony. When a baby Troll grows their first hair, it is cut, then planted and fertilized by the love the Troll feels over their lifetime. As the Troll grows and when they're finally happy, a flower blooms to signal they're already mature. The leader of the Trolls present the Gem in front of the village to the Troll, and the other Trolls celebrate. Most Trolls' Gems bloom while they're young, though late bloomers are possible; one of the most extreme cases was Branch, who didn't get his Gem for over 20 years. Since this is a major event in a Troll's life, the leader is expected to wear their royal attire. The Troll being celebrated is also given a gown and a crown. Upon receiving their Gem, they lead a procession of song as all Trolls hold up their Gems. Light and song fill the air as the Gems glow to the voice of their owners. Until the flower blooms, they are usually looked after by Meadow Spriggs. ("Gem Day")
- Bumper Bullseye Ball Championship: An event where two teams compete against each other in a bowling pinball game. ("Bad Luck Branch")
- Timeout Party: A party held during the time of a timeout in the aforementioned Bumper Bullseye Ball Championship. ("Bad Luck Branch")
- Friend Matching Campaign: An event hosted by Poppy that was intended to explain friendships across the entire village. Compatible Trolls are grouped into pairs with the expectation of them becoming friends. ("Friend Matching")
- Funsgiving: Once a year, the Trolls gather to have a feast. It is the only time of the year where playing with food is encouraged. The holiday's name is a pun on "fun" and the real-life holiday Thanksgiving. ("Funsgiving")
- Children's Funsgiving Pageant: A children's contest held during the aforementioned Funsgiving holiday, wherein child Trolls come to the scene wearing food costumes and are voted depending on opinions about how they look wearing them. ("Funsgiving")
- Show and Tell: A show in which Trolls tell things about themselves and upcoming events that they'd like to participate in. ("CJ's Wooferbug")
- Big Raffle: A raffle competition that was only seen in a scrapbook page. According to said page, King Peppy was the winner of one of these competitions. ("What Did I Miss?")
- Fondue Party: A party in which Trolls bring fondues to a gathering. ("Tall Tail")
- Annual Village-Wide Glitterball Game: An annual event where Trolls throw "glitterballs" at each other. ("Win at Glitterball")
- Scrapbooking Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Dinner Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Breakfast Bash: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Juggling Jamboree: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Super Soaker Soiree: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Safari Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Havarti Party: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Feta Festivity: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Gouda Gathering: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
- Birthday Party for Biggie: Details unknown, only mentioned. ("Branch's Ultimate Pillow Fight Tips")
Note: Many of the Pop Troll Tribe's holidays in-episode are now listed as "TrollsTopian" holidays, instead of "Pop Troll" ones. Only non-Pop Troll holidays are often mentioned as being not of a Pop/TrollsTopian Troll origin.
- Cuddle Pup Puppy Parade: A parade event involving Cuddle Pup puppies that, according to Rufus, is hosted every few years. ("The Buddy System")
- TrollsTopia Kick-Off Party: It is one of the most important parties ever thrown that will set the tone for every party in TrollsTopia from here on out. ("Kick-Off Party")
- Girls' Night: A nighttime house party in which all the attendants are female Trolls, akin to a sleepover. Activities typically considered girly, such as dress-up and makeovers, happen at the party. ("Girls' Night")
- Prank Fest: An event in which a group of Trolls pull pranks around the neighborhoods of TrollsTopia, both on the residents and around their residences. ("Girls' Night")
- This is not to be confused with the "Prank Day" holiday listed above.
- The Eyes on Guy Gala: A birthday-themed gala hosted by Guy Diamond for his birthday, in which Trolls spectate various acts from him. ("The Makeunder")
- Dad-urday: A special day for Troll kids and their dads to be together doing classic father and child bonding activities. ("It's Dad-urday")
- Dad-Cathalon: A "Dad-urday" tradition that tests the mettle of the most "Dad-venturous" pairs of father and child volunteers. ("It's Dad-urday")
- TrollsTopia's 9-week Anniversary: A celebration that took place 9 weeks since TrollsTopia was founded. ("Hair Fracture")
- Palentine's Day: A Pop Troll holiday that was later introduced to the rest of the Tribes, in which a cannon is fired and heart-shaped cards are produced. One half of the Trolls get blue hearts, and the other half get white hearts. Blue-heart Trolls are tasked with finding a white-card Troll to ask to be their palentine. The holiday's name is a pun on "pal" and the real-life event Valentine's Day. ("Palentine's Day")
- Hero Auditions: A series of auditions hosted by Guy Diamond and Meadow Spriggs to look for a Troll who will become part of the Partyin' Guardians. ("The Party Pooper")
- Clash of the Battle Piñatas: An event hosted every few years, where participants make piñata bots to battle each other and see which piñata bot is the best. ("Clash of the Battle Piñatas")
- Glistening: A tradition where loved ones dedicate TrollsTopia's youngest Troll with a sprinkle of glitter. The event was invented by Branch to get Poppy out of a game of Hide and Seek, but it backfired on him as he lost his desire to win. ("Nowhere to Fun, Nowhere to Hide")
- Guess and Draw Tournament: A tournament where one Troll draws a picture and the other Troll has to guess what it is. ("The Fabyrinth" and "Fastest Draw in the West")
- Scare Troll Fashion Show: A fashion show where the Trolls showcase their scare Trolls. ("Dance Plants")
- Trollection: Dante stated that an election is a fair way to decide who's better for the position, they had a election to see who will become the Secretary of Skate. ("Trollection")
- The Great TrollsTopian Skate Debate: A debate held during a Secretary of Skate election, in which the candidates must argue to gain more potential votes. ("Trollection")
- Hug-Ball Tournament: A basketball game but with hugging, which is one of TrollsTopia's favorite games. Traditionally, a Pop Troll game and thus tournament, it is now played by Trolls from all tribes in TrollsTopia. ("Bro, Team! Bro!" and "What's in a Nickname?")
- Isolation Party: A party held by Poppy while she was taking isolation chamber test in Branch's bunker. ("The Bunker Sitter")
- Glitter Dodgeball Tournament: A tournament in which the Pop Trolls' version of the real-life dodgeball sport is played, using balls covered in glitter. ("Puffalo Express")
- The Great TrollsTopia Laugh Out Bout Tournament: A tournament where participant Trolls test their mettle in the ring to send their opponent tumbling to the mat with uncontrollable laughter. Each Tribe nominates one champion to compete. The first Troll to knock the other Troll out with a laugh wins the match, and at the end of all the matches, the last Troll standing will take home the coveted trophy known as the "Golden Chatter Teeth". ("Don't Make Me Laugh!")
- Trollvial Pursuit: A trivia game in which Trolls test their knowledge about the various Tribes' cultures. ("Trollvial Pursuit")
- Dance-Off: A competition in which Trolls dance against each other in order to get the most approval from others. ("The Not So Good Sport")
- Game Night: A nighttime event that involves a group of Trolls playing different types of games that are hosted by the Troll running the event. Said event can go as long as the hosting Troll prefers, even after the night. ("The Search for Piece")
- Trollsie Awards: An awards show in which Trolls are given awards for different qualifications or traits. ("Truffle Trouble")
- Bubble Blowing Party: An event in which the Trolls chew chewing gum and blow bubbles out of it. ("Race to the Crest")
- Quiltin' Bee: An event in which the Trolls make quilts together. ("Keep It Up")
- Glitter Ball: Details unknown, only mentioned. Not to be confused with the recurring Glitterball sport. ("A Life Less Score-dinary")
- Trolls-a-Thon: An annual running marathon which happens every year in which runners compete in a race to win the Bergen-sized Jelly Doughnut. ("The Trolls-a-Thon")
- Glitter Gala: An event where Glitter Trolls come together to socialize. ("Once Bitten, Twice Guy")
- Glitter-Con: An annual convention involving a Glitter Troll delivering a speech in front of an audience. ("Once Bitten, Twice Guy")
- Picnic Palooza: An event involving picnics. A blanket, of which most Pop Trolls only have one for their beds and improvise for the event, is required for the picnics. ("Funder Construction")
- TrollsTopia Pancake Breakfast: A breakfast of all things related to pancakes. ("The Tech-less Breakfast")
- Gal Pal Getawaycation: A getaway vacation planned by Val. ("Gal Pal Getawaycation")
- Troll Exchange Program: A program in which Trolls are moved to different Tribes to their own to learn about their culture, while teaching said Tribes about their own values. It was originally started by King Trollex. ("Troll Exchange Program")
Other Media
- Super-Scrapbooking Day: A day of scrapbooking.
- Color Day: A day where Trolls wear their favorite colors.
- Disaster Day: Details unknown, only mentioned.
- Catastro-fest: Details unknown, only mentioned.
- Mess-o-palooza: Details unknown, only mentioned.
- Troll-Bergen Picnic Fest-ganza-palooza: Details unknown, only mentioned.
- Rainbow Rave: A day where the sky is filled with rainbows, the rainbows appear despite there being no rain or other weather conditions to cause them. The Trolls celebrate rainbows with some rainbow activities.
- Trolls Annual 2019
- Great Change Day: An annual event Poppy announces. Trolls pull from a hat the name of another Troll and perform their roles for the day. Guy Diamond gets Poppy's job, Biggie gets Satin and Chenille's, the twins then get Maddy's job, King Peppy gets Aspen's, Branch gets DJ Suki's, and Cooper Smidge's.
- Trollsgiving: A day where all the Trolls share what they are thankful for.
Rock Trolls[]
3D Animation
- Queen Barb's Rock World Tour: This event was part of the entire plot of the movie. Barb held a concert tour where she played against other Tribes and stole their Strings. Once collected, she held a final "victory concert". The intention was to gather all Trolls from the other Tribes and to force them to become Rock zombies.
2D Animation
- Rock Concerts: Aside from regular concerts, there are also a number of rock concerts that happened throughout Trolls: TrollsTopia. Such concerts include the following:
- All-Tribe Concert: Appeared in "Manager Poppy".
- Bad Hair Day: Appeared in the episode of the same name.
- Blaze and the Blazing Blazes: Appeared in the episode of the same name.
- Val, Demo & Blaze's concert: Appeared in "Journey to the Center of TrollsTopia".
- Val's band concert: Appeared in "Under New Management".
- Mouth Guitar Battle Royale: A rock guitar competition where two contestants fight with the mouth guitar technique. ("Mouth Guitar")
- Hopscotch Extreme: A competitive version of the hopscotch game in which participants hopscotch through an obstacle course and race to win at first place. ("Hopscotch Extreme")
- Mosh Party: A party pertaining to moshing where Val attended as a child. ("Piney & Lord Prickles")
- Rocktrollber Fest: An event held in the first week of "Trolltember". In the episode, Demo and other Rock Trolls at TrollsTopia thought it happened in "Ocktrollber" due to the similar name. ("Disgruntle Weeds")
- Rock Morning Anouncements: The Rock Trolls start everyone's morning with some announcements. However, they "start when they start", a confusing concept to a Troll like Queen Poppy. ("Trollvial Pursuit")
- Mosh-a-Thon: An event of moshing that's 24 hours long. It starts with a 24 hour warm-up. ("Trollvial Pursuit")
- Rock-nitiation: The induction ceremony for Rock Trolls. Someone who dedicates their life to Hard Rock undergoes this ceremony to be officially welcomed into the Tribe. It involves diving off a stage into a crowd of Trolls; the dive itself is not a leap from the stage, but rather a high dive from a platform. It is not for the faint-hearted, and is scary and too extreme for Pop Trolls such as Poppy. It eventually turned out that the ceremony was a fake to push Poppy to her limits. ("Trollvial Pursuit")
- Hard Rock Tribe's Opposite Day: A day in which Rock Trolls temporarily change their manners to the opposite of their usual ones. In the episode where it was mentioned, Biggie wanted to participate in the holiday, but it wasn't the day where it took place. ("Ready, Set, Calendar!")
- Sorry about turning everyone into Hard Rock Zombies tour: Barb went on an apology tour after the founding of TrollsTopia, taking Val Thundershock with her. ("Poppy's Rock Queen Transformation")
Country Trolls[]
2D Animation
- Rodeo: A social event where Trolls entertain crowds by using their skills to tame critters. Trolls who partake in the rodeo have to be skilled for their own safety reasons, as the critters used are dangerous.
- Hoedown: A musical event in which Trolls have a wild time showing off their dancing skills, varying from square dancing to boot scooting.
- Cutie Pageant: A competition wherein Trolls take part to look as adorable (and have big hair) as they can be to win a prize. ("Cloud Control")
- Country Fair: A social event with various types of competitions. Holly Darlin' was going to put her Cheery Glo-mato in the fair to win first prize, but Val Thundershock destroyed it. Val did replace it, but until then Holly's alternative entry was cookie dough sculptures. ("Cheery Glo-mato")
- Hair-aldine: The Musical: A musical based of the tale of Hair-aldine of how she came to be a legend. It was written and directed by Holly Darlin' herself. ("Hair-aldine: The Musical")
- Yee-Hawlloween: A fall holiday celebrated by the Country Trolls. The name is pun between "Yee-Haw!" and "Halloween". ("Trollvial Pursuit")
- The Fun Harvest: This event was held in Country Corral where Trolls harvest game pieces in a traditional way in the form of farming. ("The Fun Harvest")
- Big Country Music Festival: A music festival for Country Trolls. They mostly sing sad songs, though Poppy was asked to break them up to stop things getting too sad by Holly Darlin'. ("Poppy's Sad Song Switcheroo")
Classical Trolls[]
2D Animation
- Recitals: A social event in which a group of Trolls gathers to listen to each other recite pieces of music, usually as a form of practice for larger events.
- Symphony Concerts: A type of concert in which Trolls come to perform or hear so-considered musical masterpieces with grace and dignity.
Funk Trolls[]
2D Animation
- Jam Sessions: This social event invites every Troll to dance and jam to groovy music that benefits being proud of their Tribe.
- Time‐Honored Ceremonial Jam Battle: An event in which feuding Funk Trolls trade bass solos and steely glares. ("To Hug A Snug-A-Lug")
Techno Trolls[]
2D Animation
- Raves: Techno Trolls rave to bring their community together to one beat. They often make up excuses to rave, and raves form part of their everyday life. Laguna sees it as an opportunity to study her own people. There are specific raves (mentioned further on this list) that the Techno Trolls attend throughout the day or year, but they look for any excuse to rave in general.
- Morning Raves: Techno Trolls like to start their day at 4 AM with a morning rave. It sets them up for their entire day of mostly raving. ("Branch Out of Water")
- After Lunch Pre-Naptime Rave: One of the daily raves they attend. ("Daylight Ravings Time")
- Daylight Ravings Time: A special moment that happens once a year, where they set the rave clocks back for what they claim to be a bunch of unexplained science-like reasons; this gives them an extra hour to party. It's traditional for the DJ of the previous year to pick the DJ of the next one. Synth had been DJ prior to the episode where it was shown, and he picked Laguna for the year the episode took place. ("Daylight Ravings Time")
3D Animation
- Trollstice: As mentioned, Trollstice was their only holiday; it is now a retired annual tradition. The very last Trollstice occurred 20 years before the events of Trolls. An attempt to bring it back was made by the Chef.
- Note: The returning celebration would have taken place a few days after the traditional day, due to the difference in time between Poppy's party to celebrate the 20th Anniversary and Chef arriving in Bergen Castle with The Snack Pack.
- Troll-A-Bration Day: This is the holiday that replaced Trollstice. The Bergens get together with the Trolls and decorate the Troll Tree. The Bergens make efforts to sing and dance with the Trolls, and celebrate with them. The Holiday first took place at least 4 weeks after the attempt to make Trollstice return by Chef. This is based on the amount of cards Bridget sent to Poppy.
- Note: This holiday is similar to the Trolls' own celebration, "Annual Troll liberation", but different in that the Bergens are the ones who host Troll-A-Bration Day, not the Trolls. In addition, the Bergens make the effort to be more Troll-like, whereas the Trolls' own holiday is about finding mutual respect of each other.
2D Animation
- Bergen-Ball: A sport involving 2 teams of 4 players hitting a ball against respective walls. A team wins a point if the opposing one misses to hit the ball back to their wall. The winning team is the one with the most points. ("Bad News Bergens")
- West Bergen Town Pet Show: An annual talent competition where Bergens bring their pets to perform acts such as dancing and racing in order to win. ("Dinkles Dinkles Little Star")
2D Animation
- Annoyversary: An event celebrated by Cloud Guy in which he spends time annoying Trolls he's known for at least one year. The event's name is a pun between "annoy" and "anniversary". ("Cloud Control")
- Cloudmas: A pun between "cloud" and "Christmas", Cloudmas is the Clouds' version of Christmas. ("Merry Cloudmas")