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Trolls Trollpedia
Episode Info

"Keep It Up" is the first segment of the 6th and last episode of the sixth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 88th overall episode in the series. It premiered in February 17, 2022.


Everyone in TrollsTopia is having the time of their lives batting a balloon around, but when Poppy and Smidge find out that Holly Darlin' has a special event coming up they do everything in their power to stop the game by letting the balloon touch the ground.


Branch is fishing while Synth is hitting a balloon behind him, which bothers him. Branch relaxes and then Dante then also hits the balloon disturbing him. Branch demands to know what is going on and Synth explains that their just bobbing the balloon trying to keep it from hitting the ground and Dante says it is such a delight they can't stop. Branch says hitting a balloon can't possibly be that fun before long he too is hitting it. Poppy and Smidge also join in. Poppy sings and a montage of various Trolls keeping the balloon up begins.

At Country Corral, the Trolls continue to bob the balloon and Holly's humming catches Poppy and Smidge's ears. They find Holly by a cactus quilting. They ask why she isn't joining in. Smidge expects there is some tragic reason Holly isn't joining in but Holly explains she is quilting for her Quiltin' Bee next week. They think it involves petting actual bees, but Holly explains back home she would quilt with her family since she is now away from them, she wants to share the tradition with her new family of Trollstopia. Poppy notes its so sweet and Smidge still thinks its about bees. Holly gives up explaining what it is to her. She explains that the event is next week and everyone is invited. She just hopes the balloon bobbing is over by then so they can come to her event. Poppy thinks the Trolls won't want to keep the balloon up for an entire week and Holly is also sure of it.

One week later and the balloon game is still taking place. Smidge also notes that in the last week they've gotten good at it too. Holly is sad her quiltin' bees are a few hours away and she guesses she will quilt with her new family next year. Poppy wants to ask them to stop, but Holly insists that if the Trolls are having fun they should be allowed to and she makes Poppy promise she won't stop them. Poppy and Smidge promise, and Holly is happy if no one comes to her Quiltin' Bee she is happy for them.

Despite promising to not stop the game, the duo immediately go off to stop the game. Poppy intends to drop the balloon instead of asking them as that would break the promise. Poppy tells Smidge to observe as she rushes in and bobs the balloon where no one is while claiming she is bad at the game, but Dante manages to bob it back and continues the game. Smidge hits it where no one is and also claims to be bad at the game, but Rufus bobs it back in the game.

A montage begins of Poppy and Smidge trying to get the balloon to hit the ground, with Trolls constantly saying "got it" before hitting it back in. When it looks like the balloon is about to hit the ground between Smidge and Poppy, they pretend to miss it, only for Branch to appear through a hatch in the ground and yell "got it" as he bobs it. They realize they have to do something else.

They decide to wait for the balloon to push under them, then release a net full of balloons to confuse the Trolls into dropping the balloon. This fails because the balloons are filled with helium, meaning they floated up instead of down to Smidge's dismay.

Poppy decides with 15 minutes to go they need to invoke Poppy's Trolliest plan yet - a group hug. With everyone hugging no one is able to bob the balloon. Branch notices the balloon is about to land and Rufus panics and the group is unable to stop hugging. Rhythm doesn't know what they know. Synth notes he is stressing out, Branch holds a vote on hugging or bobbing the balloon but the Trolls vote for both and Synth notes Branch did that too.

To their dismay, the balloon touches the ground, Smidge and Poppy sigh a sigh of relief and Rhythm and Blues notes the game is definitely over now. But Branch notices the balloon moving. A spider has the balloon so it never landed, their joy is soon lost as the spider runs off with the balloon and Poppy and Smidge realize the game is still on. Smidge notes if they restart the game Holly's Quiltin' Bee is doomed.

Poppy tries to get the balloon first to prevent the game from restarting, but the spider is faster then it looks. He begins to bash he trying to get her to let go. It heads for a cliff and opens a pair of wings, sending both of them flying. Synth love the spider since it can fly. Poppy manages to get the balloon from the spider.

Poppy falls onto a haystack and grabs a needle off a cactus and goes to pop the balloon. She hears "Poppy Primrose Springwater" and turns, Holly apologizes as she felt it was a "full name" moment and made something up. Holly can't believe Poppy would pop the balloon. Holly confronts Poppy and asks her to tell her what Holly said about the balloon and Poppy notes Holly had said they want the Trolls to do what they want to do and be happy. Poppy notes she was just sadden by Holly's Quiltin' Bee being a disaster, but Holly is happy if only Poppy and Smidge turn up, even if its sad things didn't go their way.

The other Trolls rush to Poppy and ask if the balloon touch the ground, she bobs the balloon to them and lets the game continue. As Poppy apologizes, the other Trolls hug watches go off and Branch calls game. It turns out they set their hug watches so they didn't miss Holly's Quilitin' Bee. Soon the Trolls are quilting and Holly is happy. The balloon is picked up by a group of nearby spiders, who continue the game.


Pop Trolls
Country Trolls
Classical Trolls
Funk Trolls
Techno Trolls



  • The title is a play on "keep it up", which can either mean "you're doing good, keep going" or "Keep uppy", which is a game played using a soccer ball. In the game, the "keeper" tries to control a ball by bouncing it in the air using only the normal points of contact in soccer. The player is out when the ball hits the ground; the goal is to see how well they can control the ball by bouncing it as many times as possible.
  • Smidge asks Holly if the reason she isn't bouncing the balloon is due to some dramatic event that left her heart broken. This is a call-back to "Hairicane".
    • This is supposed to be a fourth wall break. Smidge did a similar one in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode "Peril Patch", when she referenced the cliché plot format of Branch and Poppy competing together to see who was best.
  • Despite showing that Classical Trolls are bad at hugging in "Bring It In", in this episode, Dante happily joins in the group hug with no reaction from other Trolls. This is likely a continuity error.
  • When someone is in trouble with another person, the latter will often say their full name, including middle names, even when they're not normally known by their full name. Holly makes up a full name for Poppy; this is a joke, as she's just known as "Poppy" within the overall franchise with no full name known.
    • When asked about the name, Jim Mortensen confirmed that he had left by Season 6, and didn't know about the full name and if it was legitimate or not.[1]
    • Poppy questions "Primrose", but not "Springwater". Thus, her last name could be "Springwater" and Holly just made up "Primrose". The series isn't directly canon with the 3D media, so the name would still be left unquestioned.
      • According to the Ask Poppy short "Nail Your Morning Routine", her middle name is actually "Help". Thus, providing that "Springwater" is actually her last name, Poppy's full name would be "Poppy Help Springwater".
      • It's also possible the surname is also made up, as its very similar to "Hair-aldine Groundwater"'s the name of a Country Troll Holly admired from "Hair-aldine: The Musical". Holly being a Country Troll herself used a Country Troll-inspired name and not a Pop Troll one based on existing ones she knows.
  • The storyboard for this episode can be seen here.


Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes
Season 1
TrollsTopiaThe Buddy System/Kick-Off PartyBring It In/Branch Out of WaterThe Ballad of Holly Darlin'/Across the FashionverseManager Poppy/The Snug-a-lug SituationGirls' Night/Cloud ControlClassical Rock/Buckin' BranchRhythm & the Blues/Mouth GuitarGlitter Rush/Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game RoomCheery Glo-mato/Highly AmusedThe Makeunder/Smidge in the SaddleExtra Tootering/The Last ScrapbookDarlin' Dos/Bad Hair Day
Season 2
Cakes on a Train/It's Dad-urdaySmooth Operator/Funtography DayHopscotch Extreme/The Funk WashHair Fracture/Palentine's DayThe Party Pooper/My Dinner with DanteHairicane/Piney & Lord Prickles
Season 3
Potluck Poppy/Blaze and the Blazing BlazesClash of the Battle Piñatas/R&B in R&DDisgruntle Weeds/Extreme Sleepover Club: Spooky Edition!Surprise-O-Tron/Dante the EntertainerSurprising Gust/Daylight Ravings TimeNowhere to Fun, Nowhere to Hide/The Joy ChordWormhole Scavenger Hunt/The Fabyrinth
Season 4
Dance Plants/Mini Mini GolfTrollection/Bro, Team! Bro!The Bunker Sitter/Domin-Uh-OhsShiny Diamond/Flyer's EdPuffalo Express/Merry CloudmasDon't Make Me Laugh!/Hair-aldine: The Musical
Season 5
Trollvial Pursuit/Life of PieBig Brother Dante/Art BreakerThe Fun Harvest/The Tunnel of FriendshipBPF/Follicle FitnessThe Not So Good Sport/Bygone BergenStop the Presses/R&B Are On It!To Hug A Snug-A-Lug/The Search for Piece
Season 6
Bubbled In/Fastest Draw in the WestThe Cloudback Whale/Truffle TroubleBig Sis B/Journey to the Center of TrollsTopiaRace to the Crest/What's in a Nickname?Ready, Set, Calendar!/The Party SwitcherooKeep It Up/Be My Val In Time
Season 7
A Life Less Score-dinary/The Trolls-a-ThonAir Apparent/Under New ManagementGive Me A Break/Once Bitten, Twice GuyThe Troublesome Trio/Hide & Go HugFunder Construction/The Tech-less BreakfastThe Farmer and the Hound/Val Serves Murray DutyGal Pal Getawaycation/Troll Exchange Program