Kismet is a boy band hailing from the Pop Troll tribe that was first seen in Trolls Band Together. They are based on NSYNC, a boyband group that also provides their voices.
Some time after BroZone, and prior to the events of Trolls, Branch was in a second boy band known as "Kismet" along with Ablaze, Hype, Boom and Trickee. Though they never gained the fame of BroZone, they were famous in their own right.
Branch either left the group or the group itself split like BroZone before them, it is never explained. At the end of Trolls Band Together the group reunites with Branch at Vacay Island and together with BroZone, sings.
Known Songs[]
Trolls Band Together[]
"Kismet" means "Destiny" or "Fate".
- They are a nod to NSYNC.
- In fact, Kismet was the previous title of NSYNC before the change to their current name.
- There were two references to NSYNC in the film. The first was Floyd dropping the band's name "NSYNC" when he made a number of boyband related puns in his departure from Branch, while the second reference was Kismet itself. When they are introduced, John Dory once again drops "NSYNC", which Kismet takes as a joke, though Boom doesn't get it despite Lance Bass being his voice actor and a member of NSYNC.
- Their group contains the first confirmed LGBTQ+ Troll, as Lance Bass confirmed Boom was "out". This also makes them the first group in DreamWorks Trolls with a LGBTQ+ member.
- These Trolls were made into exclusive dolls and given to their respective voice actors. These dolls were made by Mattel and are part of their small dolls range.