Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or other indicator owned by a person or organization used to identify their products or services. Trademarks are used to distinguish products or services from others and organizations and help prevent unauthorized use of others' intellectual property (ownership of ideas). A product or service does not need to be trademarked to be put on the market, but that is at the risk of another running off with the identity and accusations of theft.

A trademark is either marked with ™ (unregistered trademark) or ® (registered trademark). The concept of trademarks is regularly confused with that of copyrights, which is the intellectual property dealing with the right to publish, maintain, adapt and sell original work. While copyrights last for a set amount of time, trademarks last as long as the owner maintains their commercial use.

Information on trademarks in the USA can be found on the site of The United States Patent and Trademark Office and Trademarkia. Keeping track of these websites provides insight as to what the future may have in store for the DreamWorks Trolls franchise, and often these findings are the first publically available information about a new character, product, or feature. Aside from the trademark itself, information about the new 'thing' is revealed in the product/service category it is filed in.

Below is a current list of Trademarks and their status under the U.S. Federal records.

For the list of all DreamWorks trademarks, see here.

For a list of Copyrights held by DreamWorks, see List of Copyrights.


Dam Trolls

  • Dam Trolls original registration - This is the original Troll Doll trademark by Thomas Dam. The registration class covers for 1/1/1962, with proof of first use being provided for 1/1/1959. The Trademark is no longer revival as of 10/15/2021. It was first filed in 6/18/1968 and was registered in 12/2/1969. The registration number is 0881639, serial number 72300758. Though original Dam Things owned this mark, DreamWorks later purchased this and were the last holders of the trademark. The trademark is for "Dam", and record shows also the Dam Trolls logo.
  • Details
  • Dam Trolls (different search engine)

Good Luck Trolls

In later renditions, this logo is called "NAN".

DreamWorks Trolls

DreamWorks Good Luck Trolls

DreamWorks Classic Trolls

Classic Trolls

Lucky Trolls

Treasure Trolls

A semi-related trademark that was filed during the Troll Dolls craze.

The Trademark has been cancelled since 1999.

There have been attempts to gain this Trademark since.

Movies & Specials

Abandoned Film

Trademarks related to the original film.

DreamWorks Trolls

Trolls World Tour

Trolls Band Together

This is the Trolls 3 movies official title.

TV Series

Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

Trolls: TrollsTopia



Lady Glitter Sparkles

Satin and Chenille

Mr. Dinkles


Guy Diamond

Miss Guffin

This is based on the removed Miss Guffin character.

King Peppy

Prince Gristle

King Gristle

DJ Suki

Also included;


Mandy Sparkledust


Pipette was a character who appeared in seveal Trolls related media including Trolls: Crazy Party Forest!.

Rhyme Dewdrop

Is a relative of Moxie Dewdrop, whose character was seen in various media. However, beyond Let's Dance he never was named.

Gia Grooves

Ginger Jo

Based on a character of the same name who appeared in several media.

Uncle Ron Jr.

The son of Uncle Ron Sr., he appears in Trolls: Crazy Party Forest!

Delta Dawn

Growley Pete

Tiny Diamond


DreamWorks Trolls: Cupcakes and Rainbows

This is styled based on Poppy's hair, but a rejected concept.


Cupcakes and Rainbows

This was a phrase spoken in Trolls and "I know life isn't all cupcakes and rainbows..." and was most likely used for marketing purposes.

Paint Colors

Below is a list of Trolls paints that DreamWorks registered in various names.

Note: Most likely these colors are similar to Pantone matching colors and are used to identify and color the various characters of the franchise.


Related to the Holiday of the same name.


Related to the Fauna of the same name.


This was related to the Trollimals family class of the Trolls era.

Trolls: Party Ever After

As of 6/11/2018, all Trademarked items are abandoned and it is unknown what DreamWorks intention of this trademark was for.

Color Mood Trolls

A unknown trademark that was registered but origin remains unknown.

All Trademarks are marked "ABANDONED - FAILURE TO RESPOND OR LATE RESPONSE 12/16/2017".


  • The Trolls franchise consists of DreamWorks oldest Trademarks and has the most Trademarks attached to it of any of their franchises they currently own. The original trademark is by far older than DreamWorks itself as a company, which was founded on October 12, 1994 as "DreamWorks Pictures".
  • Note that it is easy to confuse some of the trademarks for the franchise with the "Trollhunters" franchise, especialy as it was originally not going to be called this, but generally the main seperater is the "s" at the end of any "Troll" product. So "Trolls" and not "Troll" is generally understood to be a part of the "Trolls" franchise. Trollhunters is part of the Tales of Arcadia collective storyline.

External Links
