Music is the cultural focus of the Trolls.
Music is defined as "The art of arranged sound" and is a primary force within the DreamWorks Trolls franchise since the focus of the franchise is that of a musical origin. As such, all Trolls sing, dance, and create music as a form of harmony between Trolls. Each Troll is part of a greater Tribe, and focuses on a particular genre of music.
That genre impacts the Trolls in areas such as cultural matters, their beliefs, and their approach to life. For example, the Hard Rock Trolls have an aggressive approach due to the highly expressive and open approach that Hard Rock music, and its rebellious nature impacts the Hard Rock Trolls themselves. The landscape of their domain Volcano Rock City reflects this wild nature. Hard the events in Trolls World Tour fallen into Queen Barb's favor, her genre would have reshaped both the Trolls, and the landscape of Troll Kingdom to match this same landscape.
In contrast, Classical Trolls music influences both them and their environment to take a more formative approach, and beauty is part of their life as a result, with Symphonyville being high on a mountain top, and has the appearance of the bright golden area.
The music has a focus, with Country Trolls for example preferring sorrowful music that creates empathy, but Funk Trolls having music that is "feel good". The music of another Troll culture can seem foreign to a Troll unfamiliar to it, and Trolls can have a hard time grasping unfamiliar genres and their meaning as a result.
Despite the preference note a Troll's Tribe does not mean that the Troll cannot sing a genre of another Tribe's music, it simply means they don't prefer it and don't understand it since its not part of their culture.
Power of Music[]
Music is a form of power to the Trolls and a type of magic, though like much of the Trolls lore it's currently not fully explained. The music of Trolls also impacted the Bergens and finally convinced them to stop eating Trolls during the events of Trolls, making music quite a powerful tool for communication of feelings and a convincing tool to the Trolls to get others on their side.
Originally, the power of music was governed by the 6 Strings, though after the events of Trolls World Tour, this is no longer the case, as music now comes from the Trolls themselves.
Since music is part of their World, Trolls find it very hard to not sing, dance or create music. Without this identity, they turn grey, a similar occurrence to that which can happen if Trolls also lose emotions and become greatly sadden, as hiding their true selves can lead them to abandon their natural desires to embrace music. Trolls are at their best when they abide to their natural urge to dance and sing, and so far the only Troll ever known to have reframed from that urge was Branch - with dire consequences to his overall development and reaction from other Trolls of his tribe, the Pop Trolls.
Talent Stealing[]
Velvet and Veneer were able to steal the musical talents of BroZone in Trolls Band Together together for themselves. As a Troll has their talent stolen, they begin to become clear, loosing their colours and gaining a semi-transparent, crystal-like appearance. The more thats stolen from them, the less the less the Troll has to give and loss of talent has a impact on their lifeforce. The talent stealing is only temporary and must be reapplied if one wishes to maintain their singing capabilities.
Though not addictive, for Velvet, the talent stealing was so tempting that she flat out refused to actually practice as her and Veneer had no talents of their own. And though both could dance, she dismissed even their "silly routines". Talent Stealing therefore is a lazy short cut even when someone has the ability to do something themselves. During the act of stealing the Trolls talent, the eyes of Velvet and Veneer would glow for a brief moment as well as vapor could be seen around the Troll and themselves.
Velvet and Veneer stole Troll talent using diamond glass perfume bottles. They even tricked Crimp into making a outfit which could store two Trolls to hide their farce as musicians and hide they were stealing Troll talent in plain sight of other Mount Rageons. Their goal was to steal enough talent long enough to achieve a Life-Time award, so they could retire with everything they ever wanted. Velvet almost killed Floyd, and left him so drained he died temporary after singing Family, though his death was short and he was restored.
The ordeal led to the duo being arrested therefore after, as Might Mounteons have laws against such things, and thus hints this isn't the first time one of them has done this.
Perfect Family Harmony[]
Perfect Family Harmony is when related Trolls achieve perfection synchronization with each other. Since it requires a group of related Trolls to be in tune with each other, any discord prevents perfect family harmony. The power of Perfect Family Harmony is the ability to shatter anything including diamonds. Trolls who achieve this also rise up off the ground and come together.
John Dory was originally obsessed with achieving perfection and had managed to get BroZone to achieve near-perfection. He had the brothers fill specific roles in their family unit with Spruce being "the hearthrob", Clay being "the fun one", Floyd being "the sensitive" one, Branch being "the baby" and himself as "the leader". The problem was that he had them locked into their roles so much, that he was robbing himself and his brothers a chance to be anything else. So when he, as leader, made a bad call in their last concert, it all fell apart and their family split, leaving Branch behind.
Eventually BroZone would achieve this perfection in Trolls Band Together, with sisters Poppy (now Branch's girlfriend) and Viva also joining in. This time, Branch took the lead as John Dory and the rest of BroZone was trapped in diamond bottles after a failed attempt at rescuing their dying brother Floyd who was captured by Velvet and Veneer. Though it did not save Floyd's life in a sense as he gave his last to achieve that Harmony, it did allow the brothers to use their own life essences to save him, and Floyd had some of his life force restored.
- Music being a type of "magic" is likely a nod to the similar spellings of the two words.
- A similar concept was the plot of Maskerade, a Discworld novel. The DreamWorks Trolls franchise itself was originally going to be based upon a Discworld novel before it swapped to a musical. Granny Weatherwax noted that the spelling (magic and music )meant that you could never have both and that you could only ever had one or the other.
- Music was also the center of the plot of Soul Music as a force itself that was as powerful as any magic, where the harpist "Buddy" was tricked by music into making the band "Music with Rocks In" (a joke about them being a "rock band"). Eventually, the music lead his band to their death when they fell off a cliff, as the character "Death" showed up, the music appeared and explained its intention was to make Buddy a legend. Death kills the music by playing the guitar that the music used as a vessel to control Buddy.
- The Discoworld is a world of magic, with no room for music, but that doesn't mean it didn't try to be a force as exampled above.
- All dances seen in the movies are custom dances made by professional dancers specifically for use in them.[1]