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Episode Info

"Party Crashed" is the first episode of the fourth season of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, as well as the series' first full-length episode, and the 39th overall episode in the series. It premiered on November 2, 2018.


Archer's associates, the Party Crashers, invade Troll Village and hold Mr. Dinkles as hostage. With the help from Archer, Poppy and The Snack Pack repel the Party Crashers by participating in a sing-off battle.


Archer reveals a second scout from the Party Crashers had been in the village all along, and that they could appear at any moment. Poppy tries to put up village defenses, but it's already too late, as the Party Crashers arrive. Poppy and the Trolls try to resist, but the leader tells the Crashers to "crash it", and nothing stops them.

The Trolls are soon overrun and the Crashers are using up all the party supplies and causing mayhem. Poppy stops the Crashers to talk to their leader, who's named Bash. Bash is unimpressed with Poppy, stating that the party is theirs and there's nothing Poppy can do. Bash continues by saying they'll get the village back after they've drained it all the fun.

Mr. Dinkles is taken by Archer, who has defected to the Party Crashers. Poppy cannot believe that Archer had betrayed her after they bonded in "Lost In The Woods". She tries to act like the capture of Mr. Dinkles is a big deal, but when the worm is put in danger she folds. Meanwhile, Biggie is freaking out without Mr. Dinkles already. He starts to hallucinate everything is his pet worm. Archer gets a back-handed compliment from Bash, who calls him "Kaplowie". Archer says his name is actually "Kaboom", but two other Crashers, Pow and Slamm-Oh, states that it's whatever Bash says it is. Another Crasher confirms that his name is a raspberry sound, and definitely not "Peter".

Poppy tries to reason with Bash, but he just has her locked up along with Branch. Poppy tells the Trolls not to react when Archer suggests they lock the pair in the Fun Dungeon as Bash has Mr. Dinkles. Bash compliments Archer with yet another back-handed compliment, and states maybe he'll get off scout duty if he keeps it up. The other imposter is revealed to be Peter, who had been pretending to be a Troll dentist. Peter is disappointed no one even knew who he was as a Troll, revealing he never got found out only because they didn't really know who "Puddle Honeydew" was, making him disappointed that he wasn't as popular as he thought.

Poppy and Branch are thrown in the Fun Dungeon, and Branch is frustrated about how quickly the Crashers took over without them being able to stop them. Poppy scrapbooks a plan of escaped called "TBD" or "To be determined", stating that she's working on it. She states that they need to get to Branch's bunker and grab Gary. They then sneak and grab Dinkles from Bash, allowing Branch to use the traps on the Crashers.

The Crasher guarding the Dungeon, Smack, lets Archer in, who claims he wants to gloat since he was imprisoned there for so long. Branch tries to attack Archer but Poppy holds him back. Archer begins to shout gloating remarks at the pair, but between them whispers that he's trying to help them and needs Branch's remote. Poppy believes what Archer is saying, despite Branch not.

Archer tells Poppy and Branch that the Party Crashers originally had homes, friends and families, but Bash convinced them to leave. He states that it was great at first, but one night he was crying over missing home and Bash caught him. Bash proceeded to mock him for crying and made him a scout, which he considers to be the loneliest role for a Party Crasher. Archer says that he could get them out if he had tools, and Poppy points out Branch has tools in his bunker; he just needs the passcode. Branch protests at giving them out, and guesses the code is "Fear the Birds".

Elsewhere, Biggie is going crazy without Mr. Dinkles. Guy tries to get Bash to return the worm, but he won't. Bash agrees to return the worm, but only if they can win a song battle. The sing-off isn't up for debate - the Trolls are doing it whether they like it or not. Smidge picks the name "Snuggle Puppies" for the team and the Trolls agree.

Poppy wonders why Archer is taking so long, and Branch is doubting if Archer is really complying with his promise. Branch states they need to escape either way, to which Poppy decides to trick Smack and push him into a ball pit. Smack struggles to escape.

Meanwhile, the sing-off begins with Mr. Dinkles being the prize. Though the village is supportive, Bash is the judge and they lose faith. The Snack Pack members, still minus Poppy and Branch, try and get Biggie to snap out of his daydream but they can't get through to him. They begin to sing acapella but the Crashers (also singing acapella) start to react. Pow easily outsings Smidge, who's leading the Trolls.

Branch and Poppy arrive at the bunker and Branch states he's changing his passcode, but Poppy guesses the next code. She starts to brag about being in his head as they enter the bunker. They find out that Archer had already taken Gary. The pair are heading towards the village, and hear fireworks from the arena; they know where to find Archer.

The Snack Pack starts the next round with Guy leading the song. Once again, the Crashers start to sing back with Slamm-Oh leading the round. Pow finishes with her falsetto vocal, which is able to break glass.

Archer goes to enter the Arena with Gary, but Branch grabs him. Archer drops Gary and both go for him. Archer gets Gary back, while Branch has the batteries. Branch refuses to give Archer the batteries due to him having betrayed them too many times.

In the Arena, Biggie is still delusional over Mr. Dinkles. Finally, he has a vision of Mr. Dinkles telling him that he's going crazy because Bash has him, and in order to get him back he needs to snap out of it. Biggie snaps out and goes to the aid of his friends, shutting down Pow's falsetto with a loud "yeah". Biggie leads the offense and doesn't back down. The Trolls land a victory over the Party Crashers. The Trolls have won, but Bash plans to feed Mr. Dinkles.

Poppy is still dealing with Branch and Archer. The trio are interrupted by Smack, who has finally escaped; they head into the Arena away from him. Poppy convinces Branch to hand Archer the batteries, and Archer gloats. He hands Gary to Bash, as it's the Trolls' only weapon. Bash calls him "Kaboom" again, and when Archer asks him if that means he's off of scout duty, Bash goes to grab Gary and Archer grabs Mr. Dinkles as Bash says "no". Bash calls Archer a traitor. Poppy says he's not, but then realizes that Archer is to Bash for helping the Trolls.

Archer tosses Gary to Branch, who helps him to get Mr. Dinkles to Biggie again. Without Mr. Dinkles, the Trolls can now fight back and do so, easily putting the Crashers in their place. Bash reveals that Archer is his younger brother, which Archer confirms by saying Bash is his older brother. Branch asks if they really should use a trap on him. Peter takes Gary off of Branch and sets off a trap against Bash, then telling the Trolls the Crashers are jerks and "Peter rules". The episode ends with Archer being declared an honorable Troll.


Party Crashers


Physical distribution

This episode is available on the "Trolls: The Beat Goes On! - Complete Seasons 1-4" DVD.


  • This is the series' only full-length episode, and the first overall full-length episode.
    • This is the only episode of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! that doesn't have two separate stories. It also marks the end of the longest subplot in the show so far, which started in Season 2 and went throughout Season 3.
  • A falsetto is where sound passes over the throat muscles, but no tone control is applied to control the air; it lays in between the singing register and whistling. Notes in the singer's normal range and falsetto can share similar notes, but a falsetto can reach higher ranges at the cost of tonal control. Both male and female vocalists can use falsetto, but the female falsetto is rarely acknowledged, with some claiming it doesn't exist. This makes it strange for Pow to use a falsetto range.
  • During the sing-off, Smidge yells “Are you not entertained?” This is a reference to Russel Crowe’s quote as Maximus Decimus Meridius in the 2000 film Gladiator. Coincidentally, the Arena where the sing-off takes place resembles the Roman Coliseum.
Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episodes
Season 1
A New Bergen-ing/Laugh Out CloudTwo Party System/Fun BranchRoyal Review/FunishmentBad News Bergens/Unhealthy CompetitionCloudy With A Chance Of Hugs/Creek WeekThe Giver/Bellow Bug Day
Season 2
Prank Day/Adventures In Dinkles-SittingEye'll Be Watching You/Sorry Not SorryBig Poppy/Neighbor WarRemote Out Of Control/Critter ComfortThe Poppy Horror Picture Show/Dinkles Dinkles Little StarThe Party Games/Trolly TalesModel Behavior/Pillow War
Season 3
The Imposter/The FrenemyHair-Jitsu/Crushin' ItMeet The Peppy/Party Crash CourseTrolly Tales 2/RainbowmageddonCoop, Where's My Guy?/Fluffleberry QuestFOMO-OPUP/Lost In The Woods
Season 4
Party CrashedWeekend At Diamond's/BranchceptionThe Bunker List/The InternsThree Trolls-Keteers/The HelperSmidgician/DJ's Got TalentPeril Patch/Sibling QuibblingMusical Thrones/Branch Bum
Season 5
Wormhole/Ear WormDon't Worry Be Peppy/Two's A CloudGlitter Loss/New AnthemDark Side Of The Lagoon/Mr. GlittercakesSnow Day/Guy Misses OutScrap To The Future/Bringing Up Birdy
Season 6
Blank Day/HaircuffedMarshtato Fairy/Do The BiggieHitting The Sky Note/Hug FestChummy Sparklestone/GiggleyumGlamping/A Flower For PoppyThe Partier's Apprentice/Hair Ball
Season 7
Freeze Tag/Whimsy WaspsThe Fast And The Friendliest/Much Achoo About NothingExtreme Sleepover Club/Vega SwiftScrapbookmobile/Troll RangersDoc Doc, Who's There?/Tour Guide Of DutyTroll Playing Game/Finn CascadeGem Day/Bad Luck Branch
Season 8
Queen of the Castle/Truth or DareFriend Matching/Trolly Tales 3Apple of My Ire/FunsgivingBunker Break-In/To Catch A CritterCJ's Wooferbug/What Did I Miss?Tall Tail/BFFFSwitcher-Ruby/Bye Bye Bunker