Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

Priscilla is a recurring character in Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and Trolls: TrollsTopia.


Priscilla is a child Troll with yellow skin, pink hair, a purple nose and dark blue eyes. She wears greyish-purple overalls, red circle-shaped glasses, and a ponytail with a green and orange butterfly-shaped tie.

She has a quite nasally voice.

She has the same appearance as in Trolls: The Beat Goes On!.


In "Glamping", CJ, Priscilla and Keith have gotten too used to a comfortable lifestyle, so Branch takes them camping. The 3 young Trolls do start to like it, but choose comfortable when Guy Diamond offers it over Branch's survival-skilled camping.

In "Troll Rangers", her lack of patience leads to her and CJ Suki skip things in order to acquire all Junior Troll Rangers badges.

In "Gem Day", Poppy notes when explaining the Troll Gems that most Trolls get their gem around Priscilla's age. So Priscilla hasn't fully matured yet as a young Troll, and therefore doesn't actually know what true happiness is.


CJ Suki[]

Priscilla and cj suki

Priscilla and CJ Suki together

CJ Suki is Priscilla's best friend, whom she is often supportive of and takes interest in the same things as her.


In later seasons of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! and Trolls: TrollsTopia, Keith is shown to be friends with CJ and Priscilla.

Skills & Abilities

She has most normal Troll abilities, as well as the abilities of her Tribe.


Priscilla is smarter than her peers, and though not a genius is able to work out loopholes, knowing a lot about the things Poppy teaches the kids before she says them. In "The Fast And The Friendliest", Branch acknowledged her intelligence, as it made her have a haste in learning how to ride a Flyer Bug, rather than putting her quick abilities down to Creek's mentoring skills. Though Creek attempted to claim otherwise, moments later Priscilla proved Branch was correct as she figured out how to position the flyer's wings for more speed in a way that, as she explained, only confused Creek.

Vehicle Maneuver[]

In "The Fast And The Friendliest", Priscilla was taught how to ride a Flyer Bug by Creek's mentoring. However, at the end of the Junior Flyer Grand Prix, she ended in last place alongside Keith.

Medical Status and Issues

Due to her wearing glasses all the time, she likely has some form of sight-related issue.

She is still a child, which comes with some restrictions in her abilities.

Trolls: The Beat Goes On! characters
Trolls - Main Cast
Queen PoppyBranchBiggieSmidgeGuy DiamondSatin & ChenilleDJ SukiCooper
Trolls - Supporting Characters
King PeppyCreekFuzzbertAspen HeitzHarperGia GroovesSky TorontoNova SwiftKeithPriscillaCJ SukiCybilMeadow SpriggsBella BrightlyMilton MossTug DuluthDr. MoonbloomRufusRipley WispGemma FurTimpaniCeline StarburstMaddyBahaMags GumdropVioletDennisHank MontanaVega SwiftToby PoppitsDare-lene J. McGuffinLaroux LarouxSmargeAliceBrianElliotNateKlaus Von FroustingMaster Controll
King Gristle Jr.BridgetChad and ToddGrothNangus SkullcrusherBernice
Other Characters
Cloud GuyMr. DinklesGaryParty Crashers (BashArcher PastryPeter) • Marshtato MarySir Tandeth and Certain DeathTae-Kwon Joe and Tae-Kwon KevinPistil Pete and Pistil PatrickDad Cloud and Mom Cloud
Trolls: TrollsTopia characters
Pop Trolls
Queen PoppyBranchDJ SukiGuy DiamondTiny DiamondSatin & ChenilleBiggieSmidgeCreekFuzzbertKing PeppyKeithPriscillaCJ SukiHarperRufusGia GroovesMeadow SpriggsMags GumdropDr. MoonbloomKlaus Von FroustingSky TorontoStriped SmileyMaddyRhonda SparklemenH.T. HairnumRaisin RubyGrandma Rosiepuff
Rock Trolls
Val ThundershockDemoBlaze PowerchordPetraBilly ReverbRomperRose
Country Trolls
Holly Darlin'Gust TumbleweedAnnie ApplecoreHaystack WigginsSlim Stuck 'Em
Classical Trolls
Dante CrescendoMinuet SonataLudwig van BeetrollvenForte Crescendo
Funk Trolls
CooperLownote JonesRhythmBluesDr. Groovetavius Ravenhug
Techno Trolls
King TrollexSynthLaguna Tidepool
Other Trolls
ChazBi-Na, Young & Min
Other-Dimensional Trolls
Pushy PoppyDingy Diamond • Cockney Trolls (Hollizabeth Darlintonshire)
BarnaldKing Gristle Jr.
Other Characters
Cloud GuyMr. DinklesGaryCaruthersMarshtato Mary
Pop Trolls
Sub Tribes:
King Peppy (former) • Queen Poppy (current) • Viva (Hole N' Fun)
Other named members:

The Snack Pack (BranchDJ SukiGuy DiamondTiny DiamondSatin & ChenilleLegslyBiggieSmidgeFuzzbert) • CreekKeithAspen HeitzCybilMaddyKarmaCookie SugarloafMandy SparkledustMoxie DewdropHarperUncle Ron Sr.DariusGrandma RosiepuffJohn DorySpruceFloydClayAblazeHypeBoomTrickee

Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

Gia GroovesSky TorontoNova SwiftMags GumdropPriscillaCJ SukiGemma FurBahaDr. MoonbloomDennisRipley WispRufusTug DuluthKlaus Von FroustingMilton MossMeadow SpriggsBella BrightlyMaster ControllCeline StarburstTimpaniHank MontanaToby PoppitsDare-lene J. McGuffinVega SwiftVioletLaroux LarouxSmargeAliceBrianElliotNate

Trolls: TrollsTopia

Striped SmileyRhonda SparklemenH.T. HairnumRaisin Ruby


Miss Guffin


Dr. Plum PlimsyGinger JoWimArabesqueRudy

Misc. related articles:
Pop StringTroll TreeTroll ForestPop VillageTrollsTopia