Character Concept History[]

King Quincy and "Mama Bootsy"
Earlier on development stage, Queen Essence was named "Mama Bootsy".[1]
From DreamWorks Website: It was no more drama the second that the production got Mary J. Blige to come aboard the funk train as Queen Essence. "Mary represents R&B. She’s the queen!" lauds producer Gina Shay. "Who better to play queen of this world than the Queen of R&B. She’s a megatalent with such an amazing voice. She decided to do this film because of the themes, and we were honored to have her."[2]
3D Story[]
Pre-Trolls World Tour[]

The royal couple expecting their babies, moments before Cooper's egg is snatched away
At some point, Essence married King Quincy, and together they ruled as King and Queen of the Funk Trolls. Soon, the pair had twin eggs, which Essence kept in her hair. Unfortunately, one of their eggs was stolen by a bird from her head and flew far away with it, leaving only a single egg left. The Funk Royals raised Prince Darnell as a single son, only making him aware he had a twin when he was old enough to understand what he was missing from his life. They had searched for their missing son for many years, unaware that he had landed in Pop Village.
During this time, Essence also rose to the challenge as a leader to her people using her leadership skills, and got them through a number of unknown events. She even quelled their fear of the Pop Trolls returning to take their music from them, like they had done so to their ancestors.
Trolls World Tour[]
In the time of Queen Barb's Rock World Tour, Cooper was finally found wandering the desert and taken into Vibe City. The royals were shocked to find their son alive and well, and were happy to have been reunited with him.
When Queen Poppy, Branch and Hickory arrive at Vibe City, they are greeted with a friendly welcome. However, the Funk King and Queen aren't prepared to combine their Funk strength with the Pop Trolls strength, and their son Darnell explains the reason why. In the past the Troll Tribes separated after the Pop Trolls had stolen the six Strings for themselves. Although the Funk Trolls don't hold a grudge against the Pop Trolls for their ancestors' wrongdoings, they explain differences matter to them and what makes them Funk Trolls is more important then anything else. As the Rock Trolls attack, the King gives the order to prepare for battle and both he and Essence prepare themselves.
Soon, the Funk Trolls find themselves in darkness as Riff unplugs the lights. The entire Funk Troll Tribe is captured and taken to Volcano Rock City where Barb begins to play the ultimate power cord. Branch stops Barb from transforming Poppy into a Rock zombie, but is the first to be transformed instead. Soon, Barb transforms all the Tribe leaders, including the Funk royal pair as their sons can only look on in woe.
When Poppy smashes Barb's guitar, Essence and Quincy are freed from being controlled, but the Strings have been destroyed as well. While the Trolls are saddened by the apparent loss of all their music, Cooper and D begin to make music, to which Essence and Quincy realize that while their music started with the Strings, it truly came from within themselves, which is something that can never be taken away; the funky couple express pride in their sons. The Trolls sing together, inspiring harmony between them and restoring their true colors.
The Trolls are finally an united Kingdom again. At the end credits, she's seen dancing with her family.