Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia
"Season 4" and "Fourth season" redirect here. For the fourth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, see Season 4 (Trolls: TrollsTopia).

  The fourth season of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! was released on Netflix in November 2, 2018. It consists of 7 episodes divided into 13 segments.


The seven episode season includes more hair-raising adventures and more lovable original songs. In Season Four, Smidge thinks she has magical powers, Guy creates a new invention, Branch gets trapped in a dream, and Poppy hosts the biggest contest of the year for the ultimate hug watch prize!


Party Crashers


No. in series No. in season Title card Title Directed by Written by Storyboards by
20 1 PartyCrashedTitleCard "Party Crashed" Zesung Kang and Alex Almaguer Matthew Beans and Nate Federman Fabien Tong and Marcelo De Souza
When outsiders invade Troll Village and take Mr. Dinkles hostage, the trolls must win a sing-off in order to get him back.
21a 2a WeekendatDiamond'sTitleCard "Weekend At Diamond's" Alex Almaguer Gabe Delahaye Amy Mai
Poppy and Branch must help a sleepy Guy Diamond pitch his new invention to Sky Toronto.
21b 2b BranchceptionTitleCard "Branchception" Naz Ghodrati-Azadi Grant Jossi Pavin Chaisua and Portlynn Tagavi
Branch gets trapped in a dream in which everyone worships him.
22a 3a TheBunkerListTitleCard "The Bunker List" Alex Almaguer John D'Arco Amy Mai
Branch tries to complete all the items on his "Bunker List" in one day.
22b 3b TheInternsTitleCard "The Interns" Ben Bury and Naz Ghodrati-Azadi Alex Reid Ruolin Li
Interns Satin and Chenille must save boss Nova Swift from a fashion disaster.
23a 4a ThreeTroll-keteersTitleCard "Three Trolls-Keteers" Alex Almaguer John D'Arco Yaron Farkash and Marcelo De Souza
Guy Diamond mistakes a plea for help for an invitation to perform the trolls' new play.
23b 4b TheHelperTitleCard "The Helper" Alex Almaguer Grant Jossi Yaron Farkash and Pat Pakula
Smidge is eager to prove how helpful she can be.
24a 5a SmidgicianTitleCard "Smidgician" Naz Ghodrati-Azadi Julia Yorks Ruolin Li
When the trolls secretly help Smidge with her magic show, she thinks her powers are real.
24b 5b DJ'sGotTalentTitleCard "DJ's Got Talent" Zesung Kang Lindsay Kerns Yaron Farkash
DJ Suki tries to impress her niece during Talent Week.
25a 6a PerilPatchTitleCard "Peril Patch" Alex Almaguer John D'Arco Marcelo De Souza
A strange new mini-golf course fuels competition between Poppy and Branch.
25b 6b SiblingQuibblingTitleCard "Sibling Quibbling" Zesung Kang Aaron Ho Fabien Tong
To Chenille's dismay, Satin befriends a Troll who loves extreme sports.
26a 7a MusicalThronesTitleCard "Musical Thrones" Naz Ghodrati-Azadi Gabe Delahaye Pavin Chaisua
The Musical Thrones Tournament tests Smidge and Biggie's longtime alliance.
26b 7b BranchBumTitleCard "Branch Bum" Naz Ghodrati-Azadi Lindsay Kerns Ruolin Li
An accident that lands The Snack Pack on a desert island transforms Branch.


Home Video Releases

A DVD compiling the first to fourth seasons of Trolls: The Beat Goes On! was released.


  • This is the last season to premiere in 2018.
  • This is the only season to have a full-length episode.
  • This is the only season to have another new title card background appearance, which depicts another hill with a number of mushrooms. With the exception of "Three Trolls-Keteers" and "The Helper", those episodes had used the previous background.
  • This is the only season in which Cloud Guy does not appear in.


Official Trailer[]

Episode Clips[]

Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episodes
Season 1
A New Bergen-ing/Laugh Out CloudTwo Party System/Fun BranchRoyal Review/FunishmentBad News Bergens/Unhealthy CompetitionCloudy With A Chance Of Hugs/Creek WeekThe Giver/Bellow Bug Day
Season 2
Prank Day/Adventures In Dinkles-SittingEye'll Be Watching You/Sorry Not SorryBig Poppy/Neighbor WarRemote Out Of Control/Critter ComfortThe Poppy Horror Picture Show/Dinkles Dinkles Little StarThe Party Games/Trolly TalesModel Behavior/Pillow War
Season 3
The Imposter/The FrenemyHair-Jitsu/Crushin' ItMeet The Peppy/Party Crash CourseTrolly Tales 2/RainbowmageddonCoop, Where's My Guy?/Fluffleberry QuestFOMO-OPUP/Lost In The Woods
Season 4
Party CrashedWeekend At Diamond's/BranchceptionThe Bunker List/The InternsThree Trolls-Keteers/The HelperSmidgician/DJ's Got TalentPeril Patch/Sibling QuibblingMusical Thrones/Branch Bum
Season 5
Wormhole/Ear WormDon't Worry Be Peppy/Two's A CloudGlitter Loss/New AnthemDark Side Of The Lagoon/Mr. GlittercakesSnow Day/Guy Misses OutScrap To The Future/Bringing Up Birdy
Season 6
Blank Day/HaircuffedMarshtato Fairy/Do The BiggieHitting The Sky Note/Hug FestChummy Sparklestone/GiggleyumGlamping/A Flower For PoppyThe Partier's Apprentice/Hair Ball
Season 7
Freeze Tag/Whimsy WaspsThe Fast And The Friendliest/Much Achoo About NothingExtreme Sleepover Club/Vega SwiftScrapbookmobile/Troll RangersDoc Doc, Who's There?/Tour Guide Of DutyTroll Playing Game/Finn CascadeGem Day/Bad Luck Branch
Season 8
Queen of the Castle/Truth or DareFriend Matching/Trolly Tales 3Apple of My Ire/FunsgivingBunker Break-In/To Catch A CritterCJ's Wooferbug/What Did I Miss?Tall Tail/BFFFSwitcher-Ruby/Bye Bye Bunker