Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

Character Concept History

In early versions of the movie's final plot, a Rock Troll named "Crunch" is featured, who appears to have been a prototype design of Sid Fret. Crunch did have a model made for him, and it is possible to pick it out from random Trolls in the background of scenes. Currently, it is unknown why Sid took over Crunch's role.

3D Story

Trolls World Tour[]

Sid joined Queen Barb on her world tour as one of the higher-ranking Rock Trolls. He is first seen when Barb jumps in her Angler Bus and interacts with other Rock Trolls.

He was also in the scene when Barb threw a rage fit at Queen Poppy after she glitter-bombed Barb. When Barb tosses her chainsaw and cuts another Rock Troll's hair, Sid compliments the Troll's chainsaw-cut hair.

He is one of the two Trolls who spied The Snack Pack members when they snuck into the Rock Trolls' arena. Biggie & Mr. Dinkles sings Rainbow, Unicorns, Everything Nice, which impresses him. He gives them instruments with the intention that they would join Barb on stage during her victory concert.

When Branch is turned into a Rock Zombie by Barb's Ultimate Power Cord, he is seen hooking Barb up. He witnessed the Troll Tribe leaders of the Funk Trolls, Country Trolls, Techno Trolls and Classical Trolls also being transformed. When Barb turns her guitar on Poppy, however, she manages to resist the effects of the Rock String by putting gumdrops in her ears.

Poppy smashes the guitar to stop Barb, but destroys all music in the process. The Trolls turn grey as they loose their music. This does not last long as the Trolls realize they can make music without the Strings now.

After Just Sing, he's seen with his arms around a Funk Troll and a Pop Troll, commenting "I love you guys!". He's also seen being put under a trance by Chaz, when Carol throws her spray cheese can and it hits Chaz's saxophone.

Trolls: Holiday in Harmony[]

He briefly appears to take a photo of Queen Barb, King Thrash and Val Thundershock during Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours).
