Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

Techno Trolls are a race of Trolls who appear in Trolls World Tour and Trolls: TrollsTopia. The leader of this aquatic Tribe is King Trollex.


Pre-Trolls World Tour[]


A figure representing the "Techno" ancestor

The ancestors of the Trolls created 6 Strings based on 6 genres of music. The "Techno Trolls", based on their name, held the string of "Techno". The Techno Trolls partied with the other Tribes until the Pop Trolls stole the Strings. This led to the Techno Trolls retrieving their string, and like the rest of the Tribes, running away with it and isolating themselves from all other Tribes.

The Techno Trolls settled deep among the ocean floor away from the other Trolls on land.

Trolls World Tour[]

They were conquered easily by Queen Barb and her Rock Trolls during the events of Trolls World Tour. Members of the Tribe were rounded up and taken to Volcano Rock City, where Barb intended to convert them all to Rock zombies. This failed when Queen Poppy, Queen of the Pop Trolls, managed to find a way to resist the power of the Strings, which were being used to convert everyone to Rock; by that moment, the only Techno Troll who was converted was the Tribe's leader, King Trollex.

The Strings were destroyed by Poppy, but all music was temporary lost. The Trolls quickly discovered that they don't need the Strings anymore to make music. At the end of Trolls World Tour, the Techno Trolls are now living in harmony with the other Tribes once again.



These Trolls are quite distinct and unique in comparison to the other Tribes.

They have dark bodies covered in bright, bioluminescence neon colors, and a pink beating heart symbol on their chest. Their skin is smooth and lacks texture of any kind, resembling a PVC look. Their hair resembles optical fiber threads. They have fins for feet and their ears are gill-like. They're the only Tribe whose nose has no definition, if they have one. They tend to have an unibrow across their forehead, and their teeth are designed to look like the bars on a music visualizer. Their entire body glows brightly. When not in water, they use their fins as feet to stand on and their hair becomes limp, almost resembling a sea anemone's tentacles. None of them were seen wearing clothes, and they're therefore one of the Tribes to be normally naked, though their bodies often glow in a pattern that resembles clothing. While Techno Trolls are amphibious and perfectly capable of living on land, they prefer to be in water if given the choice.

Most Techno Trolls are randomly generated, with only named ones having unique designs. What tends to change in these generic designs is just their color and markings. In scenes with random design generations, they're grouped mostly by color; i.e. all red Techno Trolls are in one large group, yellows together in another. The typical random Techno Troll appears to be smaller than King Trollex. Some individuals also have patches of color around their eyes, and thus gives them the appearance of having colored eye shadow.

They mostly appear as they do in Trolls World Tour, though there are more differences between members, such as heart color. Their hearts don't beat like they do in 3D animation. At full height from head to tip of their fins, they're typically taller than all Trolls but the Funk Trolls, and stand taller than their movie designs; though they're about the same height out of water due to them having to walk with their fins folded to make feet.

Sexual Dimorphism

Females are identifiable by their eyelashes, which vary in color, whereas with other Tribes they're usually just black. Otherwise, there are no specific physical differences between the two genders.


Baby members of this Tribe have a single fin rather than it being parted into two, as well as a single hair strand. They're much smaller than adults. It is currently unknown what their eggs look like.



Techno Reef is a vibrant LED light location under the sea

The Techno Trolls' world is one of living, neon colors against a dark oceanic floor. They're playful and carefree, and have a similar attitude to life as the Pop Trolls (both living for peace, love and harmony). They live in Techno Reef. Their ruler King Trollex resides in a LED castle.

In Trolls: TrollsTopia, the Techno Tribe delegates, including Synth and Laguna, reside in Techno Lagoon, which was established in the episode "The Buddy System".


Their food seen in "Potluck Poppy" is the Gloop du Jour. They also have Gloop du Jour Extraordinaire, a type of gloop that aged for decades to bring out more of that gloopy flavor that they only bring it out for very special occasions; apparently, when it jiggles and oozes it's just what gloop is served in.

Another type of food from their cuisine is Techno Spunnel Cake.

Tribal Abilities[]

They're adapted for underwater life, and have fins instead of feet allowing them to swim very quickly. Techno Trolls can breathe air and water, and they're able to stand and even walk on their fins by flicking them or just lifting them. Some members were seen blowing heart-shaped bubbles. In Trolls: TrollsTopia, they engage in "Treaditation", a form of meditation that allows them to swim just above the water surface without sinking into it; this works on Quickglitter as well. They don't seem to have the same hair abilities as other Tribes, since outside of water their hair is mostly limp. Also, their babies don't appear to rely on adults' hair as a hiding place when frightened. It is unknown if this trait is unique to him or the Techno Trolls. While other Trolls can light up their hair, in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game Room", Laguna showed that Techno Trolls can light up their entire bodies.

Their quick and sudden bursts of movement aren't just applied to dancing, but can also be performed as normal, as Trollex was seen doing so when teasing his Tribe over the dropping of a new song.

Synth has water powers, though it is unknown if this is common among the rest of his tribe, Laguna has yet to display this trait.


Techno Trolls generally seek a mellow and chilled-out life, and their overall intelligence within their Tribe is difficult to judge. In Trolls: TrollsTopia, Laguna Tidepool is highly intelligent while Synth is unfocused and absentminded, thus displaying contrasting intelligences to teach other, though neither are typical of their Tribe. The Tribe's intelligence is debatable because even if Synth or Laguna aren't taken into account, due to their preferences and behaviors. Most Techno Trolls simply spend their days raving between daily activities, and aren't seen investing their time into activities that require an intellectual outlook. This is unlike for example, the Funk Trolls, who have a highly-established link between them and their technology in their day-to-day lives, and thus have a larger chance of displaying a higher intellectual standard. Trolls: Holiday in Harmony also showed King Trollex having issues with fitting a comb in a box, as he had the box round the wrong way. Within Trolls: TrollsTopia, it has been shown that Laguna is a particular exception among her people because she does invest her time in intellectual pursuits, which is the reason she stands out as a more unique individual compared to Synth, who spends his day raving, relaxing or participating in fun-driven activities like most Techno Trolls. Otherwise, most other Techno Trolls have a tendency to have issues overall with intelligence and problem-solving, save exceptions.


Due to how their time was spent onscreen in Trolls World Tour, much about the Tribe's other abilities is unknown. In Trolls World Tour and Trolls: Holiday in Harmony, King Trollex was shown to slightly levitate above the ground as if still in the water at times. However, all other Techno Trolls are shown not to be able to do this.



The Techno hand gesture


They have massive raves that resemble the Pop Trolls' love of partying. In the beginning of Trolls World Tour, they get incredibly excited over King Trollex dropping a new track.

The Techno Trolls are brave, but passive. Though Trollex bravely stood alone against Barb, he surrendered after she and her Rock Trolls displayed how dangerous they are by damaging Techno Reef.

Baby Techno Trolls don't seem to hide in their parents' hair when scared.

In Trolls: TrollsTopia, it's shown that common pastimes for Techno Trolls besides raves include whirlpool surfing, "Treaditation" (where they turn down the volume of the world and turn up the volume of themselves), and sea urchin acupuncture. In "Clash of the Battle Piñatas", Synth says that raving would bring his team together to the same beat and help them work as on, though it's implied that he, Holly Darlin' and DJ Suki were just looking for excuses to rave. Techno Trolls do, as shown in the series, get a sense of unity regardless when raving, which is why it's part of their everyday life and is so important to them. In addition, it turns out that they need their morning raves, the most important rave of the day, as part of their daily routines in order to function and handle their day-to-day lives and they start raving at 4:30 in the morning. Otherwise without this essential rave they lose concentration, become mopy and sluggish, and even absentmindedly do things they normally wouldn't do (like wear mismatched socks).

They have a habit of making puns out of their name of "Techno Trolls". For example, at one point Synth says "I don't know who the Tech-no Trolls are, but to them we say Tech-yeah!". Later, he also uses the word "technocalities" instead of "technicalities". They also think things spoken while raving are "new moves" as they misunderstood Dante Crescendo's attempts to find his brother Forte Crescendo as rave dance moves in "Big Brother Dante".

Social Structure[]

They have a King who's in charge of leading their parties and generally keeping up the good vibes of their people.

It's shown in Trolls: TrollsTopia that among their Tribe the rank of "DJ" holds a lot of status, and whomever leads a rave as its DJ is highly praised as it's seen as an honor. This led to excitement for Laguna Tidepool in "Daylight Ravings Time", as it was her first time being a DJ. This is owed to the DJ being the one responsible for setting the beat that all Techno Trolls will rave to, which is very important to their community.

Inter-Tribe Relationships[]

The Techno Trolls generally hadn't heard of other Trolls by the events of Trolls World Tour. Techno Tribes are generally friendly with other Tribes. So long as a Troll can rave with them, their good, their among the friendiest Trolls overall.

Their carefree lifestyle can be an issue for more serious Trolls such as Branch and Dante Crescendo as it is an extremity even compared to other Tribes, proving to annoy or anger those such Trolls. In "Branch Out of Water", Branch had gotten annoyed with the Techno Trolls for taking over his morning swim location, and found it difficult to get to know Synth and the Techno Trolls, proclaiming at first he will never be friends with them. In "Clash of the Battle Piñatas", Branch grew increasingly annoyed at his team for Synth's influence on them caused all members to constantly want only to rave. In "Mini Mini Golf", Dante and Synth found it hard to bond as a golfing team as synth constantly wanted to have fun. In all situations, the more serious Trolls had to mellow out and lower their expectations to befriend or see no or little progress with their relationship with Techno Trolls. Techno Trolls generally get along better with more laid back Trolls such as Poppy, Holly Darlin' and DJ Suki.

In the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "Troll Exchange Program", King Trollex opens up a program inviting one TrollsTopian to come live for one year in Techno Reef and experience their culture while teaching them about their own. This is noted as the start of other Tribes beginning to open up to newer projects and the message of Queen Poppy's own "TrollsTopia" project expanding.


The Techno Trolls seem to be completely passive, as they made no attempt to fight back when the Rock Trolls came.

Holidays & Events[]

For a list of Holidays & Events that have occurred on this tribe, see Holidays & Events#Techno Trolls.


Techno Culture is limited and heavily stylized with focus on bright LEDs and flashing colors.



Techno Troll architecture is an aquatic world of bright lights

Techno Troll architecture is identified by its use of bright LEDs and neon colors against dark backgrounds.

They tend to make use of open-air locations and many things such as their raving areas are not enclosed.

The structures that do exist around these areas, such as the heart-shaped structure around King Trollex's DJ booth, are made of macrame/nautical ropes[1]. The shapes created by the aforementioned macrame of these resemble the wire components on printed circuit boards and coral.



King Trollex's DJ booth

Their music tends to be simple sample mixing and loops they focus on creating a good vibe. Music is more then just fun to them; it is a way of life. Techno Troll Turntables are also really complicated compared to other Trolls Tribes turntables with a lot of buttons that are unclear what they do. The closet style to their own music is that of the Pop Trolls who use many similar techniques to the Techno Trolls to make music.

In Trolls World Tour: The Junior Novelization, their vocals were described as computer-like when they sang, making them sound cold and mechanical. Though not shown in animated media, in some promotional material the Techno Trolls are the only Trolls capable of auto tuning vocals, besides Guy Diamond.

They also love dubstep music.

Dancing Style[]

Techno Troll dancing generally involves them jumping to the beat of the music. The Techno Trolls gather into large crowds to jump together in synchronization, and form waves of movement that flow with the rhythm of the music, the jumping causing them to act like a music visualizer. They'll also do quick, sudden movements with their head and hands. They tend to not use their lower body because of the lack of legs. Their fins and hair are allowed to flow freely to the movement.

In "Branch Out of Water", Synth states that when the music says "rave", Techno Trolls rave. They find themselves unable to resist dancing to the beat. Laguna even drops her study on Branch to start dancing after being hooked.

Cultural Criticisms[]

Queen Barb criticizes their music as not being real, listing it just as "bleeps and bloops".


The Techno Trolls use LEDs and have a more digital-age level of technology, making them one of the more advanced cultures.

Use of Fauna[]

Some fish are seen voicing One More Time, so the Tribe still uses some creatures for certain activities.

Record Keeping[]

The Techno Trolls appear to have been very isolated. While Queen Barb identified him, King Trollex was unable to acknowledge her and her Rock Trolls. They don't seem to have kept up any record keeping of the other Tribes at all as a result. In Trolls World Tour: The Junior Novelization, Trollex also notes that they don't get much mail in Techno Reef when Barb mentions that she sent him her propaganda mail.


The Techno Trolls are inspired by the Electronic music genre and named after its subgenre of Techno. Electronic music evolved from use of synthesizers and modern technology. It appeared in the mid-20th century, but didn't gain traction until the 1980s, being the youngest genre of the 6 Tribes as a result. Known for its repetition of beats, this type of music heavily relies on non-traditional means of making sounds, even ones that are unique and inorganic.

The Techno subgenre is European in origin, coming from a number of genres dating back as far as the 1960s, the oldest of which are Synth-Pop and Italo disco. Similar to Funk music, it is heavily driven by science fiction and futuristic elements, mostly due to its heavy use of synthetic sounds instead of traditional music, and its use of electronic instruments and computers.

The choice of bright colors refer to the neon colors that influential artists such as Daft Punk reference, as well as the "rave culture" habit of using glowsticks in darkened halls, which is often a setup for many EDM concerts. Their bodies have a number of pixelated details on their body, referencing the digital or computer-based nature of the way most modern Electronic music is made, such as the 8-bit beating heart design they all have on their chests.

They appear to be loosely based on Merfolks, like the mythical inspirations of other Troll tribes. The LEGO Sets merchandise for the movie also includes a figurine of a Techno Troll as a "mermaid"[2]. The Hasbro Small Figurines called its Techno "basic" doll "mermaid" as well, and a "mermaid" was later added to the Trolls World Tour Fashion Dolls.

The Techno Trolls had been one of the first of the new Tribes to figure out, and were fairly easy to conceptualize for the design team.[3]

Character Concept

Concept Art[]

Known Members

The following is a list of the known members of this Troll Tribe, divided by the media where they first appeared in.


Trolls: TrollsTopia[]


  • The Techno Trolls are the only Troll Tribe who are able to live in underwater without any breathing apparatus.
  • The Techno hand gesture represents a heart, a symbol meaning "love".
  • In concept art, they started out having a more traditional mermaid appearance, just with a "Troll look".[4]

Techno Trolls showing both blue and green glowing hearts before Just Sing.

  • Before the beginning of Just Sing, Techno Trolls' hearts glow either blue or green, and in the vinyl montage of It's All Love, the Techno String is shown to be green as opposed to blue in the movie itself. This may be a reference to some languages that don't give distinction to the two colors.
  • Despite having a mermaid-like body, the Techno Trolls have no difficulty moving around on dry land and breathing out of water.


  •  : retired lore
Techno Trolls
King Trollex
Other named:
Trolls World Tour

TaddBliss Marina

Trolls: TrollsTopia

SynthLaguna Tidepool

Misc. related articles:
Techno StringTechno ReefTechno Lagoon