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Trolls Trollpedia
Episode Info

"The Fabyrinth" is the second segment of the 7th and final episode of the third season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 51st overall episode in the series. It premiered in June 10, 2021.


When Branch gets lost in a fabulous maze of his own making, Poppy, Val and Holly Darlin' must work together to find him and help him escape.


Poppy, Val, and Holly leave the Metroll train carrying a trophy they won in a Guess-and-Draw tournament. Poppy believes the 3 of them are now entering the BFF zone. Poppy explains that since the day they met she had hoped it would become a BFF-ship. As they eat cupcakes, they hear Branch call them.

They find a small mound with a lot of tubes sticking out. The girls approach a labyrinth he has made, but he's lost in it. They say it is "fab"-looking, and all call it at once "Fabyrinth". He refuses to call it that, to which they comment to him to "deal with it". Branch explains he was finishing it off and realized he left his blueprints outside, and now is lost. Holly grabs the blueprints and brags about the trio being in the BFF so they can do anything. The trio goes to jump inside the tube, but Val stops them as she didn't hear the magic word. Branch then asks "please" so they proceed to help him.

Holding the map, Holly wants to follow it, but Val recons that they should just power through for a path no one expects and take a few corners and knock down a few walls. Branch comments he would rather prefer them to not destroy the place. Holly and Val have a few growls at each other, which leads to Poppy to step in and ease the tension. Poppy pulls 2 threads of hair and gives the two a choice of whomever has the longest hair wins, which is Holly.

Holly follows the map into a dead end; she realizes her mistake and corrects it. Another few dead ends later and Val wants to do it her way. Val and Holly still have tension between them and they enter a vent. The vent proves dangerous and they end up in peril several times before abandoning this idea too. Outside the vent, Val and Holly's tension raises and Poppy steps in to ease it again, leading a song as they work together to find Branch. This lands them back at the beginning from going down one of the slides.

Now Holly and Val's tensions hit a high. Instead of picking on each other's ideas, they pick on their skills and Val accuses Holly of being unable to read maps well. The two's row sees them split apart despite Poppy trying to prevent it. Poppy tries to find the pair, only to end in a dead end instead. She speaks through a vent and asks if Branch can hear her, he can.

After they talk, Branch notes that he himself knows that people don't get along with each other all the time, and comments that their row is a sign they're getting real with each other. Branch adds that when it comes to friendship, Poppy had taught him everything he knows. She thanks him and he's thankful of her comments. With that said, he angrily asks her to get him out of the mazes. As his shouts send a rumble through the maze, she remarks on the acoustics and he waffles about what the walls are made of, making him waffle about his own craftsmanship in response. Listening to his voice, she finds Branch by following the echoes. He notes that she doesn't care about his views on construction; she tries to feign she does, but it's too obvious and she pulls him out of the maze.

Outside, he kisses the ground. She goes to go back after Holly and Val but the pair emerge as she goes to enter. Holly got very, very lost and she confesses to Val she's bad at reading maps. Val then confesses Holly was right: not every shortcut is a good idea. The trio make up and Branch comments that they're BFFs after all thanks to his Labyrinth; he once again declares he is not calling it "Fabyrinth".



Pop Trolls
Rock Trolls
Country Trolls



  • BFF means "Best Friends Forever".
  • Poppy quotes the line "we're so connected we can finish...", which hints when people know each other so well they can predict each other's sentences and finish them. The full term is "finish each other's sentences". The joke here is that they don't, giving a foreshadow Poppy is rushing their relationship. This is normal, as in Trolls: The Beat Goes On! Poppy rushed everyone to form new friendships in a short time. Since Trolls World Tour, however, thanks to the comments from Queen Barb, Poppy has taken a more laid-back approach to friendship. It took the entirety of Season 1 for Val to accept Poppy as a close friend.
  • The episode is a focus on the main relationships Poppy has at this point in 2D animation; her relationship with Branch, her love interest as of Trolls World Tour, and her relationship with Holly and Val, with the episode finally establishing Val and Holly going forward as Poppy's friends.
  • A storyboard animatic version of this montage between Poppy, Val and Holly was uploaded online here.
  • "Leaning Tower of Troll-za" are a portmanteau between "Trolls" and "Leaning Tower of Pisa".


Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes
Season 1
TrollsTopiaThe Buddy System/Kick-Off PartyBring It In/Branch Out of WaterThe Ballad of Holly Darlin'/Across the FashionverseManager Poppy/The Snug-a-lug SituationGirls' Night/Cloud ControlClassical Rock/Buckin' BranchRhythm & the Blues/Mouth GuitarGlitter Rush/Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game RoomCheery Glo-mato/Highly AmusedThe Makeunder/Smidge in the SaddleExtra Tootering/The Last ScrapbookDarlin' Dos/Bad Hair Day
Season 2
Cakes on a Train/It's Dad-urdaySmooth Operator/Funtography DayHopscotch Extreme/The Funk WashHair Fracture/Palentine's DayThe Party Pooper/My Dinner with DanteHairicane/Piney & Lord Prickles
Season 3
Potluck Poppy/Blaze and the Blazing BlazesClash of the Battle Piñatas/R&B in R&DDisgruntle Weeds/Extreme Sleepover Club: Spooky Edition!Surprise-O-Tron/Dante the EntertainerSurprising Gust/Daylight Ravings TimeNowhere to Fun, Nowhere to Hide/The Joy ChordWormhole Scavenger Hunt/The Fabyrinth
Season 4
Dance Plants/Mini Mini GolfTrollection/Bro, Team! Bro!The Bunker Sitter/Domin-Uh-OhsShiny Diamond/Flyer's EdPuffalo Express/Merry CloudmasDon't Make Me Laugh!/Hair-aldine: The Musical
Season 5
Trollvial Pursuit/Life of PieBig Brother Dante/Art BreakerThe Fun Harvest/The Tunnel of FriendshipBPF/Follicle FitnessThe Not So Good Sport/Bygone BergenStop the Presses/R&B Are On It!To Hug A Snug-A-Lug/The Search for Piece
Season 6
Bubbled In/Fastest Draw in the WestThe Cloudback Whale/Truffle TroubleBig Sis B/Journey to the Center of TrollsTopiaRace to the Crest/What's in a Nickname?Ready, Set, Calendar!/The Party SwitcherooKeep It Up/Be My Val In Time
Season 7
A Life Less Score-dinary/The Trolls-a-ThonAir Apparent/Under New ManagementGive Me A Break/Once Bitten, Twice GuyThe Troublesome Trio/Hide & Go HugFunder Construction/The Tech-less BreakfastThe Farmer and the Hound/Val Serves Murray DutyGal Pal Getawaycation/Troll Exchange Program