"The Fun Harvest" is the first segment of the 3rd episode of the fifth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 68th overall episode in the series. It premiered in December 9, 2021.
Holly Darlin' sets out to prove to Sky Toronto that game pieces are better when they're grown on a farm the old fashioned way, rather than processed in a factory.
Val and Holly are in a heated Chess game. Poppy comments to Demo that they are in the part of Chess where it is most brutal. Holly takes a knight and wins, putting Val in hugmate. Val acknowledges her loss and the game ends; she comments that she can't put a finger on it, but this was her most fun game. Holly explains that it is because the pieces are fresh, Poppy asks if fresh meant "just made", but Holly explains Country Trolls grow their own pieces.
Holly shows off their farm with the plants growing and proudly boasts that it is why she is proud to be a Country Troll. She is interrupted by Sky Toronto, who brags about his factory mass-producing pieces, using a megaphone when she claims she didn't hear him right. Sky's attitude makes Holly mad, and Poppy tries to calm her down. He explains his factory develops inventions that make pieces for them, even so to go far as to invent a way of pushing a button for him to activate the process for him. He points out his factory is fast, efficient and her crops would wither in minutes of snow hitting in winter. She scoffs this and notes they have plenty of time to get the crops harvested before the winter, as it is not due for months. Poppy points out the error in this, as Pop Trolls only experience one day of winter, which could hit any moment now before she runs off after giving her bad news. Holly boasts that she will harvest the crops before winter, as they can do everything the factory can do but only better.
Holly rounds up her Tribe. Poppy, Val, Laguna, Demo, and Dante return with them. To save their crops and harvest them before winter, they need an accurate time. Using his thumb, Gust says they have 2 weeks, 3 days, 10 hours and 47 minutes until winter. Val says that she knows a lot of Trolls who don't mind a lot of hard work, and walks off as she never included herself.
Holly explains to Laguna to look out for bad crops, as 7 dots on a 6 sided dice is bad. One has the square root of 23 on it, and Demo finds another that has cross-pollinated with a trivia card. Now Holly needs a place to store the crops, and wants Poppy, Dante and Smidge to build a barn; they don't even know what a barn is. She tells them that all they need is a lot of hard work and a lot of music. After they build it, she looks at it and realizes that they actually needed more work than music, as the barn is a disaster.
A week later, everything is turning out fine. Holly brags about seeing the look on Sky's face when they harvest all the pieces before winter, but just then the wind blows cold. Her breath whos up when she breaths and they realize winter is coming. Gust thinks he used the wrong thumb and they realize they need to harvest now.
The Trolls panic, and the harvest goes badly; Sky boasts that their misfortune is their own loss. Sky comments on the playing cards he¡s using and how fun they are, which makes him realize something is wrong. Val appears to have given his assistant the night off, and she had replaced his cards with one of the grown sets.
The snow hits and everything is buried under the snow. They won't harvest the crops in time now. Holly is upset at the fun that was to be had in the fields, and just when she thinks its over, Sky appears with a modified version of one of his machines. Sky harvests everything in seconds, saving the crops from disaster.
Both Sky and Holly come to the agreement that both methods together are best. At that moment Lownote appears and uses a replicator to produce copies of the pieces, to which both agree that the Funk Troll method is better.
- Amanda Leighton as Queen Poppy
- Skylar Astin as Branch (non -speaking)
- Gary Cole as Sky Toronto
- Although Trolls: Holiday in Harmony shows that Winter lasts more than one day per year. In the 2D animations Winter lasts one day, as seen previously in "Snow Day".
- This episode takes place approximately 1 month prior to "Ready, Set, Calendar!" as in the latter episode the next winter was 11 months away. This means that Season 5 takes place in the 4th month of the founding of TrollsTopia itself.
- The subject of the episode is an argument on '"tradition versus modernization", a subject of marketing, design and production lines when it comes to mass production and the consumer market.
- Traditional methods require manpower to meet demand, time and great effort, resulting in lower profits at times. Meanwhile, modern mass-production methods result in high production that can actually meet demand, less costs as things are often produced at a cheaper rate with less employees involved and the result in all of this is higher profit. Mass production can often find ways in which a product can be experimented on more easily to make consumables last longer, or find new ways to improve quality at fesiable costs.
- The argument for tradition stems from traditional methods allowing more employment, more care and bespoke results. Modernization can cost people their jobs, see a product's quality drop as companies cut corners to increase profit and result in a product that has no individualism, flaws or anything bespoke that make it special.
- The Funk Tribe Replicator is likely a nod to the replicator technology of Star Trek. These devices have the ability to recreate anything programmed into them, except for a handful of materials (all of which remain valuable in-universe because of this).