"The Party Switcheroo" is the second segment of the 5th episode of the sixth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 87th overall episode in the series. It premiered in February 17, 2022.
When Val and Smidge stumble upon the fun children's table at one of Dante's formal parties, they discover a way to enjoy both parties by trading places using the "Party Switcheroo."
At Classical Crest, Val Thundershock and Smidge arrive screaming, having realized they will be late to Dante's party (In Val's case, it is intentional as she is a Rock Troll and can't show up on time).
They enter the party and find it to be a fun raving party. The two go to dance on the dance floor, but Dante asks what they are doing at the children's table. This is a separate area for the children to dance without care away from the adults. Though they can't wait to see the adults party, they soon discover its much less exciting and more formal. Poppy greets them. She is dancing with Synth, and she notes that it is "step one then two, not one-two" for a waltz. Dante takes their compliments and note that later they'll be toasting one another to dedicatory speeches. He notes that he is glad they came before going to raise the roof dancing.
As soon as he is gone, both note they have to get back to the children's table. Smidge notes Dante just said his happy their here and they can't jut leave. They laugh as and Smidge wonders why they are doing so, before Val says her plan. All they have to do is take turns disappearing off to the children's' table while the other covers. They ask why no Troll has ever tried this before and Lownote interrupts, stating they have tried it before and its called "the party switcheroo". He notes that other Trolls have stood before them before, craving another party, so have tried to do the switcheroo and are doomed to disaster, fueled by that same craving leading to betrayal. He warns to stay where they are and enjoy the party before them. Val and Smidge decide to do it anyway and ignore Lownote's warning.
They set their hug watches to go off every 15 minutes and one has a blast at the children's table and makes sure no one notices when the other Trolls ask where the missing Troll is. The process begins and they pull off the first switch. A montage begins of the two having fun and covering each other while both sing about it.
Eventually, Val's watch goes off but she is having so much fun she decides Smidge can cover a while longer. Smidge is left standing. Poppy finishes her toast and Dante calls for Val to take the next toast. No one can find Val. In an attempt to cover for Val, Smidge panics and decides to go first offering to do super-long speech, much to the groans of the other Trolls. She continues and bores the other Trolls, she runs dry. Val finally shows up and does her toast, which is just "toast".
Smidge pulls Val aside and asks her what took her so long, as Smidge's watch went off 20 minutes ago and Val blames it on her watch. Smidge figures out that she ignored her watch as its fine. Lownote confront them, noting he hints a note of betrayal. The duo ensures him everything is going fine. They switch, but Lownote notes after Smidge is gone that she tampered with Val's hug watch so she could stay at the Children's table as long as she wants. Realizing that Smidge betrayed her, Val runs after her to switch back with her. The two race to enter the party before the other. The two cause a ruckus as they enter the Children's table and are sent to the Children's table as punishment by Tiny Diamond to think about what they did, its where they send misbehaving members.
Outside on their own, Val notes this is supposed to be the part where she says "sorry" for ignoring her watch while Smidge admits she shouldn't have messed with hers. They refuse to do that aren't doing that thing, then do it anyway. As they go to admit they betrayed each other, Lownote appears and says the word for them, they tell him they get it and he goes back inside laughing. Val admits Lownote was right and notes they shouldn't have been trying to get to the Children's table and should have enjoyed the party they were at. Smidge notes the night is still young to take advantage of that party. Tiny shouts that he hears a lot of talking but not a lot of thinking, which make the pair laugh.
At the party, the two start to enjoy it. Dante takes it they are enjoying it and Smidge confirms they are enjoying. Val then raise the roof in 3-4 timing.
- Amanda Leighton as Queen Poppy
- Kevin Michael Richardson as Smidge
- CJ Suki (non-speaking)
- Synth (non-speaking)
- Gust Tumbleweed (non-speaking)
- Other
- The title is a play on "The party switch", a term that used in the USA democratic system, which is mostly a two-party system. The term refers to when the opposing Party takes over power from the other.
- The two parties represent two different styles of partying. However, it is also representative of maturity and age. The Children's Table party is wild and chaotic, with a lot of loudness. This is more commonly associated with younger audiences and informal parties. Dante's party is much more formal and less wild or chaotic, and represents a more older crowd style ballroom party.
- Smidge was established in Trolls: The Beat Goes On! as always seeking the fun route out of situations, often hugely disliking boring stuff. Meanwhile, its been established that Val hates boring stuff and prefers things that are wild and fun.
- Smidge was present and a main focus of the episode "Hair Ball", which was also a formal event. However, the difference between the two episodes is style. The Pop Trolls style seen in the older Hair Ball episode was more like a prom party and Dante's is more like a upper-class social event.
- This episode is assigned a Classical Troll title card. However, none of the Classical Trolls are the star of the episode, making it an exception to the title card rule. The only link is Dante's party and the location at Classical Crest.
- The storyboard animatic for the song sequence can be watched here.