The Rock Apocalypse is the name given by John Dory in Trolls Band Together for Queen Barb's world tour that occurred in Trolls World Tour. It also went by the name Rock World Tour, Queen Barb's Rock World Tour or Barb's World Tour before this.
Barb attempted to gather the 6 Strings that gave the Trolls their powers. It was mostly fueled by Barb getting the idea that to unite the Trolls it would be best if they stripped them of their unique cultures and unite them all under Hard Rock.
She almost succeeded in carrying out her plan for world domination, but was stopped by Queen Poppy of the Pop Trolls.
Storyline Notes[]
Despite her wrongdoings, Barb's actions in Trolls World Tour were a turning point for a number of events:
- The Pop Trolls' altered history of the Strings was exposed, and the true one was revealed to the current living members of that Tribe.
- Prince Cooper reunited with The Funky Family after being with the Pop Trolls for most of his life.
- Queen Poppy's involvement and experience in the events made her listen to the advice of others more regularly, thus getting a better performance as the queen of the Pop Tribe.
- The Trolls' reliance on the Strings was terminated; now their music comes from within. This also prevented further conquests of the Strings.
- The Pop Trolls stopped being seen as an old enemy of the other Tribes.
- The Tribes reunited with each other and ended their isolation.
- John Dory mentioned in Trolls Band Together that he had tried to return to the Troll Tree but found no one left and was left not knowing the fate of Branch. However, thanks to Barb, Branch was revealed as still being alive.
Despite believing that she gathered up all the Pop Trolls, Barb did not know about the missing BroZone brothers, nor the existence of Viva and the Putt Putt Trolls as they had separated from the other Pop Trolls. The most notable impact Barb's victory would have had is the loss of Pop music as well as the issues with Velvet, Veneer and Floyd.Another issue is that Barb's victory also depended on the Pop Trolls escape during The Last Trollstice, and if they hadn't escaped, Barb would have to venture into Bergen Town to find the Trolls.
- Canonically, the story of the strings was the second known example of the Pop Trolls lying, with details about The Last Trollstice also being not correct at the start of Trolls.