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Episode Info

"To Hug A Snug-A-Lug" is the first segment of the 7th and last episode of the fifth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 76th overall episode in the series. It premiered in December 9, 2021.


Lownote Jones faces his old nemesis, Dr. Ravenhug, who has arrived in TrollsTopia convinced that he can hug a snug-a-lug without consequence.


Lownote Jones wakes up in his bedroom. His Pet Snug-a-lug crawls in its tube and gets his attention. It tries to get a hug but Lownote refuses since the consequences of hugging his beloved pet are too dire, despite him wanting to hug his beloved pet no matter what. Suddenly the Vibe Town alarm goes off because Dr. Ravenhug has returned.

Holly, Poppy and Branch are seen by a picnic. A wormhole grabs their attention, Lownote appears next to them and tells them to stand back. Dr. Ravenhug appears and greets Lownote and the pair begin a Funk Rift battle. Poppy interrupts as they play as she and the other Trolls haven't got a clue what this is about. They explain the battle situation, but Poppy says that is not what she means. It is explained she means what Lownote and Ravenhug's issue is with each other. Lownote explains the two were once scientists trying to explore the theory of hugging a Snug-a-lug safely, they called it "The Snug-a-lug-a-hug". In the end, the experiment was deemed too dangerous and Lownote abandoned the idea. The problem was Ravenhug did note and continued to try to get Lownote's Snug-a-lug to prove his hug theory right. Ravenhug explains that he no longer as to go after Lownote's Snug-a-lug. Another rogue Snug-a-lug has been located in the forest. After he leaves boasting he will find and hug that Snug-a-lug, Poppy says she will still give Dr. Ravenhug a "Welcome to TrollsTopia" basket, but the note included will be brief.

The 4 Trolls set out to find and locate the Snug-a-lug before Ravenhug does and a montage begins with them prepping for the hunt. Their mission is to find that Snug-a-lug before Dr. Ravenhug does, as the fate of the world depends on them. Guy Diamond takes a photo of them, then a second of them being silly.

As the 4 Trolls call for it, Holly finds a flower that has been hugged recently, so the Snug-a-lug can't be far away. Branch sets up a trap; he places a bunch of dummies that when hugged with snare the hugger. Soon all the Trolls have been snared as none of them could resist a open hug, including himself. A montage begins of them searching for, and failing, to find the Snug-a-lug.

Lownote notes at this rate they'll never find the Snug-a-lug before Ravenhug and orders Vibe Town to drop off his own Snug-a-lug, as the one thing a Snug-a-lug can't resist is hugging another one. Upon seeing the creature the rest of the Trolls go to hug it, Lownote unleashes his cool on them and stops them from hugging the Snug-a-lug, reminding them they have a mission. The Snug-a-lug soon enough finds the other Snug-a-lug. They go and collect it. As he grabs it, Lownote realizes that no-one is watching his own Snug-a-lug.

Dr. Ravenhug appears and explains it was never his intention to grab the rogue Snug-a-lug; he was after Lownote's Snug-a-lug the entire time and the other one was just a distraction to grab Lownote's and they fell right into his hands. He picks up the Snug-a-lug and attempts to hug it, but gets the Snug-a-lug-a-hug wrong. The incorrect hug causes the Snug-a-lug to glow and it explodes with a an incredible population increase, to Lownote's dismay Ravenhug has triggered a super duplication process and the Snug-a-lugs are multiplying like never before. Ravenhug realizes his error and the group of Trolls runs as they are followed by a tidal wave of Snug-a-lugs.

They jump through a wormhole into TrollsTopia, they are greeted by Guy Diamond who says that the photo of them being silly came out great. Upon seeing the tidal wave of Snug-a-lugs, everyone starts to panic. The Trolls run leaving Lownote, Poppy, Holly, Branch and Dr. Ravenhug behind. Branch asks Lownote if he can just beam the Snug-a-lugs away, but Lownote says that its impossible since the duplication rate of the Snug-a-lugs is too great and they would tear the ship apart. Ravenhug agrees and vows to get them out of this mess as they started it - he will dived into the Snug-a-lugs and rehug the original, this will remove the duplicates. Lonwnote points out the issue with the plan; there are millions of them and finding the original will be hard. Lownote states only he can find the original.

Lownote jumps in and leaves the others behind. Poppy says she always said if she ever saw TrollsTopia destroyed it was because of something cuddly, Branch confirms Poppy has said that. As the 4 Trolls brace themselves for impact, the Sungalugs glow and disappear. Lownote stands with the original.

Ravenhug apologizes for the trouble he has caused and asks him for forgiveness. Lownote is happy as he finally got to hug his own Snug-a-lug and finally he understands what drove him to try such extremes in the first place. Lownote says he is sure after the events of the day no Troll will risk snugging one again, only to be proven wrong by laser beams nearly hitting them. Poppy has hugged the Snug-a-lug incorrectly and now it is firing laser beams from its eyes.



Pop Trolls
Country Trolls
Funk Trolls



  • The title is a reference to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by author Harper Lee.
  • This episode marks the seventh time the gag of "gravity does not work until you look down" occurs in the series. The gag happens to Lownote, Holly, Branch and Poppy once the bubble they are in pops in the sky.
  • Lownote names The Multiverse, this is the first time this name is dropped despite it being put out as a theory since Trolls: The Beat Goes On!.
  • The second Snug-a-lug comes from the episode "The Snug-a-lug Situation". In the episode, Lownote beams the other Snug-a-lugs away into another dimension, but one is shown having been missed. The reason it was possible to beam these Snug-a-lug's away is that they were contained within Branch's bunker.
  • A storyboard for this episode was uploaded by Jane Kim here.


Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes
Season 1
TrollsTopiaThe Buddy System/Kick-Off PartyBring It In/Branch Out of WaterThe Ballad of Holly Darlin'/Across the FashionverseManager Poppy/The Snug-a-lug SituationGirls' Night/Cloud ControlClassical Rock/Buckin' BranchRhythm & the Blues/Mouth GuitarGlitter Rush/Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game RoomCheery Glo-mato/Highly AmusedThe Makeunder/Smidge in the SaddleExtra Tootering/The Last ScrapbookDarlin' Dos/Bad Hair Day
Season 2
Cakes on a Train/It's Dad-urdaySmooth Operator/Funtography DayHopscotch Extreme/The Funk WashHair Fracture/Palentine's DayThe Party Pooper/My Dinner with DanteHairicane/Piney & Lord Prickles
Season 3
Potluck Poppy/Blaze and the Blazing BlazesClash of the Battle Piñatas/R&B in R&DDisgruntle Weeds/Extreme Sleepover Club: Spooky Edition!Surprise-O-Tron/Dante the EntertainerSurprising Gust/Daylight Ravings TimeNowhere to Fun, Nowhere to Hide/The Joy ChordWormhole Scavenger Hunt/The Fabyrinth
Season 4
Dance Plants/Mini Mini GolfTrollection/Bro, Team! Bro!The Bunker Sitter/Domin-Uh-OhsShiny Diamond/Flyer's EdPuffalo Express/Merry CloudmasDon't Make Me Laugh!/Hair-aldine: The Musical
Season 5
Trollvial Pursuit/Life of PieBig Brother Dante/Art BreakerThe Fun Harvest/The Tunnel of FriendshipBPF/Follicle FitnessThe Not So Good Sport/Bygone BergenStop the Presses/R&B Are On It!To Hug A Snug-A-Lug/The Search for Piece
Season 6
Bubbled In/Fastest Draw in the WestThe Cloudback Whale/Truffle TroubleBig Sis B/Journey to the Center of TrollsTopiaRace to the Crest/What's in a Nickname?Ready, Set, Calendar!/The Party SwitcherooKeep It Up/Be My Val In Time
Season 7
A Life Less Score-dinary/The Trolls-a-ThonAir Apparent/Under New ManagementGive Me A Break/Once Bitten, Twice GuyThe Troublesome Trio/Hide & Go HugFunder Construction/The Tech-less BreakfastThe Farmer and the Hound/Val Serves Murray DutyGal Pal Getawaycation/Troll Exchange Program