This article is about the group. For the TTBGO Season 7 episode of the same name, see Troll Rangers (episode). |

The Troll Rangers, also known by their full name of Junior Troll Rangers, is an organization which first appeared in the Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episode of the same name.
The group is aimed to help young Trolls better themselves by doing activities to learn new skills and talents, often set up by older Trolls (who are Rangers themselves), with the older Rangers being a guide for the younger ones. Upon competing these tasks, the young Ranger earns a patch to sew onto thier sash. Despite the difficulty of some tasks, they are fairly easy to complete using loopholes, but taking short cuts doesn't always earn the Ranger much progress in their own self-development, in fact its possible to earn all of the Patches in one day; except the Hair and Share Patch, which can take weeks to complete. The badges are usually awarded via a ceremony with a guardian representative being present.
Both adult and child Trolls may wear their sashes while on duty. Gaining all Patches is considered a big deal to some Trolls and DJ Suki had stated her aunt Gertrude took her to the Wooferbug valley as a reward for completing her Patch collection; a reward DJ Suki intended to offer to her own niece CJ Suki.
While there are more Patches than this, only the following were mentioned by name.
- Fun Foraging Progress Patch: Awarded by Poppy to various children. Poppy told the group they were stranded on a island with no party supplies and had to forage for them.
- Balloon Animal Patch: Smidge offers the junior rangers their badge if they can make a balloon animal. CJ Suki and Priscilla note how hard the task is and find a loophole. Without making the balloon into anything they simply pass it off as a worm, as worms are animals. The result is she was able to compete the task with barely any effort and earn a badge where other children struggled.
- Bust-a-grove Patch: was held by Guy Diamond, who tasked the child Rangers with the task of inventing a new dance. CJ and Priscilla found a loophole using a dance called "The Statue", wherein CJ Suki did not move at all and remained motionless.
- Critter Training Patch: held by Milton Moss. The Trolls are tasked with teaching a Critter 3 tricks. CJ and Priscilla used the loophole in this one as well; they had a Puffalo do exactly what its doing.
- Play All Day Patch: It is unknown how CJ earnt this and what the loophole she used was as a consequence.
- Let's Get Scrappy Patch: This one is also unknown but presumably has something to do with Scrapbooks.
- Night Pillow Fight Patch: Again this patches requirements are unknown but presumably are to do with a sleep over.
- Irrational Cheer Patch: Another patch with unknown requirements.
- The Achievement Patch: Another patch with unknown requirements.
- The Dessert Patch: Another patch with unknown requirements, presumably it has something to do with desserts.
- The Hair and Share Patch: One of the Patches that takes the longest to complete. The Patch requires that a Troll complete a task to better the community. However, the task is unknown to the Troll Ranger until it is set by their current leader, which is currently Queen Poppy. This Patch is the final one a Ranger must earn and is set on the back of the sash rather then the front. The name is a play on "Care and Share". CJ and Priscilla were tasked with growing a Root Bridge, but their impatience led to them dumping all the fertilizer on the root rather then a little each day. Instead of taking 100 days to grow, the root took minutes, but grew uncontrollably. This was the only Patch they could not find a loophole for and they ended up realizing they shouldn't have skipped the others.
- Senior Troll Rangers
- Junior Troll Rangers