Trolls: The Junior Novelization is an adapted novelization of Trolls, written by David Lewman.
There are 6 pages of screenshots at the book's center.
In the forest lived the happiest, carefree creatures ever: the Trolls, who spent all day hugging, singing and dancing. This ended one day when a Bergen showed up. The towering Bergens were the opposite, being miserable all day. The Bergens longed to have some of the Trolls' happiness. One day, a Troll saw a Bergen, got out of their pod, walked up to him and began to sing. The Bergen did something unexpected - he ate the Troll. The moment the Troll hit their stomach, the Bergen felt overjoyed, while all the Trolls could do was stare in horror.
When the Bergen got home, he told the other Bergens what he felt; it wasn't another type of misery, but a feeling of happiness. Soon, more Bergens came and began to scope up and eat the Trolls. The Bergens didn't want to be anywhere else, and for the first time ever felt true happiness. The forest was full of Trolls after all. Soon, they had chopped down all the trees and built a forest around the last remaining Troll Tree, of which inside they trapped all the Trolls they had yet to eat. They begun an annual tradition of eating Trolls known as Trollstice.
One Trollstice, Prince Gristle rushed to wake up his father, King Gristle Sr., because it was his first Trollstice. The King and his only son, along with the other Bergens marched to the Troll Tree chanting "Trollstice". At the Troll Tree, the King held up his son as Chef made her grand entrance. Chef introduced the only Bergen who had never tasted a Troll: Prince Gristle. Though the Prince was nervous, his father and Chef reassured him that everything was fine. Chef begun to explain that the Troll she chose for the Prince was an extra special one, the sweetest Troll there ever lived: Princess Poppy. Chef handed Poppy to him, and he munched down on her, but quickly spat it out. Poppy had been swapped for a fake Troll, they all had!
The Trolls ran as fast as they could through a series of dark tunnels to escape the Bergens. The Trolls passed Poppy among them until she reached her father King Peppy, who was delighted to see his daughter. Aspen Heitz told Peppy that some of the Trolls were struggling to keep up, so he ran back to get the struggling Trolls while chanting "No Troll left behind!". Peppy found a mother and son struggling to figure out their way past a puddle; he soon began to ditch items of clothing to help such Trolls escape until he was down to his underwear. Peppy reached Darius, a Troll with a broken leg. Darius stated he couldn't go on, as his spirit was broken, Peppy ensured the Troll that he hadn't lost spirit, and the Troll realised that yes, his leg was broken.
Peppy picked up Darius and ran with him as the Bergens began to try to dig up the tunnels. As the Bergens were searching for the Trolls frantically, Peppy had picked up several other Trolls in addition to Darius. As a pick came down and trapped him by his underwear, Peppy threw the ball of Trolls forward they rolling until they were out of the tunnels and in the sunshine. Darius fought that their King had not made it, and the other Trolls were frighted for the loss of Princess Poppy as well. Moments later, their King appeared and showed his daughter was also still alive. Peppy hurried the Trolls along to get them as far away from Bergen Town as possible.
That night, King Gristle threw Chef out of the kingdom under her protests. Prince Gristle approached his father, passing a scullery maid named Bridget along the way. He approached his father, asking if he will ever feel happiness, to which King Gristle stated that he will never, ever feel happy.
The Trolls spent the night running as far away from Bergen Town as they could, and by morning arrived in a clearing. Peppy decided that this was the place where they would build their home. Celebrating, the Trolls begun the processs of rebuilding their home far away from the miserable Bergens of Bergen Town.
Twenty years later, Poppy is now grown up and 5 inches tall. She sat in her pod singing with the children of the village who are enjoying their freedom from the Bergens as they get to live in harmony. A child states this is why they hug every hour and Poppy confirms. Another says they wish it was every half hour but Poppy states that would leave no time for other things. Poppy says that they're having a party tonight, and there will be lots of singing and dancing, to which King Peppy states he hopes it'll be a surprise party. Upon seeing King Peppy, the young Trolls jump and grab hold of him, making him have to seek his daughter's help as his old bones couldn't take the weight of so many children.
The children show Peppy a scrapbook Poppy made for her and her father, and Peppy notes he won't be around forever; sooner or later, she will be left in charge. She wonders if she'll be able to handle the responsibility, and reassures her father that he will be around for a very long time and she wants the whole world to know it. Which is why she wants them to have so much fun tonight. The Trolls celebrate.
As she sings, she runs through the village, slowly being joined by her friends Cooper, Smidge, Biggie & Mr. Dinkles, Guy Diamond, Satin & Chenille and DJ Suki.
As they finish singing, they hear a sarcastic clap. This came from Branch, who as far back as anyone could remember didn't sing, dance, hug or just have fun. Poppy knew Branch was different from the other Trolls, but still thought that if she tried hard enough she could change that. Branch stated that if he could hear them from a mile away, so could the Bergens, and Poppy's friends begin to berate him for his tendency to go on about his fear of Bergens. Poppy tells Branch that they haven't seen a Bergen in years and that it's fine. Branch tells her that the only way they'll be fine is if they don't do anymore singing, dancing and parties.
Poppy tries to invite Branch to the party and Cooper questions her for it, but Poppy states "no Troll left behind" means that he's invited. Branch notes that when her father said that 20 years ago, he wasn't referring to parties, and asks if she intends to force him to be happy. She says no, but if she inspires someone to be happy, they spread their inspiration, to which Branch adds "like a disease". Poppy says that's precisely what she means. She hands the invite over, hoping that he would like it despite looking unamused, even spraying glitter at him. Branch states he's not going to her party, but her friends note that it will be the biggest, loudest, and craziest party ever. Branch warns that will lead the Bergens to them; he wouldn't be seen caught dead at her party, but she'll be caught and dead. This makes Poppy doubt and wonder if Branch is right.
At that moment, Creek interrupts, and Branch rolls his eyes. He notes Creek wants everyone to believe he is totally at center with himself and the universe, but Branch doesn't buy any of it and is the only Troll who doesn't. Creek suggests to Branch that he should be positive, as it might go with his vest. The other Trolls agree with Creek, who has a smug look on his face as he believes he's right, but Poppy realizes Branch isn't going to be convinced by this. Poppy reassures him once again that they haven't seen a Bergen in 20 years and they'll be fine. Branch answers that they won't find him, as he will be hidden away in his Bergen-proof bunker. Creek remarks an insincere smug, and Poppy goes to say something else when a "ding" catches their attention.
It is hug time, and the Trolls gather into a group hug with Branch caught in the middle. He gets out of the group hug in resistance. He states to Poppy that if all she knows is how to sing, dance and hug, he hopes when the survival of every Troll is in her hands, thinking that her solution to a crisis is throwing a party, as that's all she knows how to do. This hurts Poppy, as it's been what she has worried about the most for a while now.
Creek tells Poppy that Branch wants to be miserable, as that's what makes him happy, but Poppy has trouble imagining how being miserable can make you happy. For now, she'll have to leave Branch alone as she has a big party to plan.
That evening, the Trolls gather in the palace pod, the biggest pod in the village. As Peppy comes in riding on Cooper's back, the crowd cheers for him. As the party begins, Branch can hear it; a tiny part of him wanted to experience it, but he dismisses in disgust and heads back to his bunker. Poppy can see how much the village loves her father. With the party now well underway, everything is going perfectly, and Poppy comes to the conclusion that Branch was overreacting as usual.
The thumping bass of the party alerts a individual far away; this was Chef. She had searched for 20 years to find the Trolls, and for the first time since her search begun she could hear their music. She climbed onto her van and looked at the map she'd made with "x"s on of areas where she searched for them. Looking through a telescope, she begun to stare. As she looked around, a firework caught her attention. She had found the Trolls!
At the village, Poppy gives the signal for everything to quieten down and for everyone to listen to her talk. As she begins to praise her father for his efforts 20 years ago, a loud boom can be heard. As the Trolls worry about what the sound is, a large shadow appears towering over them, and Peppy says "Bergens".
Chef is delighted to see her Trolls again. Cooper poops cupcakes and Poppy offers one to her. Chef unzips her pack around her waist and the Trolls begin to panic. She grabs Biggie while he's looking for Mr. Dinkles. Poppy tells everyone to blend in, but Chef had already snatched up a few Trolls, and naps Smidge at that moment, smacking her like a bug and stunning her for a moment so she could grab her. The twins Satin & Chenille try to run in opposite directions and are captured in their confusion. Poppy leads the young Trolls to safety as she hears Harper calling for help. The Trolls hide in some nearby bushes; Cooper is among them, but his long neck reveals him and he's snatched. Creek yells to the other Trolls to minimize their auras, which wasn't helpful as none of the other Trolls knew what that meant, but it did grab Chef's attention to him. Poppy tried to save Creek, but he could not be saved and Chef bags him as well.
Although she's satisfied with her catch, Chef spots Peppy banging her foot below her, and tries to grab him as well, but Poppy manages to save her father and drags him to cover. Chef gives up and thanks the Trolls for throwing the biggest, the loudest, the craziest party ever, with Cooper adding "the craziest" part in. She zips up the Trolls and leaves with them protesting inside her pouch in horror.
The Trolls slowly come out of hiding, and are worried about Chef coming back. Harper asks what will they do now. Peppy tells them they need to leave and find a new home now; he picks up a few young Trolls and hides them in his hair. Poppy asks her father what happened to "no Troll left behind", and he states that he isn't the King he once was, which is why they have to run, as confused and worried Trolls look at each other.
Poppy states she will go. This leaves the other Trolls worried, as Poppy is a inexperienced princess going on a dangerous rescue mission. Peppy states Poppy can't do it alone, but she feels brave and believes she won't be alone.
Meanwhile, Branch was sitting alone in his bunker with all the supplies he needed to live alone. She sat at a table with all of Poppy's invites she had ever sent him. He hears knocking on his door, and in a moment of embarrassment he hides them. In doing so, he sets off them and he finds himself hushing the invites silently. Branch uses the periscope to tell Poppy, who's the one standing at the door that he isn't going to her party. Poppy tells Branch the party is over, Branch unlocks all his doors and pulls her inside. He then resets all the locks and sets up traps.
They sit surrounded by traps. Poppy tries to tell him the Bergen is gone, and finally gives up after he hushes her and puts up her hand. He lets her talk and asks what could be so important she would risk leading the Bergen to them. She states it's gone, but Branch replies that she doesn't know that. She insists it's really gone, and lists the Trolls it took and Branch gives a concerned look - until she mentions Creek, which makes him roll his eyes. She ignores his reaction to Creek and asks him to go with her on a rescue mission to Bergen Town.
The request startles Branch and he accidentally sets off all his traps. Pulling one off he says no, which Poppy wasn't expecting. When she says they're his friends, he notes that they're her friends, and he crosses his arms in defiance, trying to not set off more traps. As she asks him if he plans to stay in the bunker forever, he states no as he has only 10 years worth of supplies, or 11 if he stores and drinks his own sweat, the latter grossing Poppy out.
At the bottom of the bunker, Poppy can see drawings and red lines connecting them, to which Branch says that he's crazy prepared. Poppy begs him one last time to come with her, as all the other Trolls are expecting her to save them. Branch notes they're not. Poppy then agrees, but says that she's all they've got. As Poppy keeps expecting him to change his mind but he continues to stand in defiance, he wishes her farewell and states he'll see her in 10 or 11 years if she lives. As she leaves, Branch is left alone in his Bunker for what would be expected to be years of loneliness, but he's secretly dreading it.
Light breaks the darkness of his bunker again, and Poppy has returned to borrow it; she brings all the other Trolls in, much to his horror. Though Branch has enough supplies to last him ten years, it will last everyone just two weeks, and Poppy says she'll just have to hurry then. She says goodbye to her father and leaves, leaving Branch alone just as hug time happens.
Poppy sets off and encounters many dangers along the way, eventually rendering herself unconscious as she falls through some spiderwebs. This leaves her cocooned with a number of giant spiders approaching. As they approach, one is hit by a frying pan and they turn to see Branch. Branch whips his hair at them, and the spiders back into the mouth of a large creature waiting for them to approach. His victory is short-lived as he turns to focus on Poppy. He grabs two bugs to zap her awake, and she's glad to see him, but he says she didn't know he was coming. Poppy states she knew he would come after the third hug time, leaving Branch confused as to how she knew that.
Branch addresses the issue of "how" they are going to save her friends, but her plan is more like a wishlist, and he tries to make his own plan, which ends with them being eaten. As he does, Poppy scrapbooks his plan, to which he states there will be no more scrapbooking.
As the two venture on, Branch asks Poppy why she has to sing and be happy. She replies that being with her friends is making her happy. He still believes they are doomed, and states they're likely right now to be digested in a Bergen's stomach. Poppy still believes they're alive and insists they are. She claims that she would rather go through life being happy than grey all the time like Branch, and as she asks what happened to him, he shushes her. She realizes his Bergen call was a fake-out to silence her.
That night, the pair camp in the forest, and Poppy bids night to a photo of her frames. She begins to sing, once again annoying Branch. She goes on to sing to Branch, and at the end he asks for her instrument, which he throws into the fire.
The next morning they arrive at the tunnels that lead to the Troll Tree. They hear a voice stating one leads to the Troll Tree and the others lead to certain death, with "death" echoing off into silence. Cloud Guy appears, being behind the route of the voice who spoke. Poppy asks him for directions, but Branch doesn't trust him. Cloud Guy says he will tell them if he gets a high-five from Branch, who refuses. Cloud Guy next offers a fist pump, but when Branch goes for it, the cloud messes around, and when he asks him for a hug. Branch snaps a twig and chases the cloud into the tunnels. They soon arrive at the Troll Tree.
Poppy notices that none of the Bergens are happy, which means that they haven't eaten a Troll yet, giving her hope.
Inside the castle, Prince Gristle, now King wonders if he will ever be happy when he hears a voice telling him to say never on the idea of it. Gristle asks Chef, what she's doing here when his father banished her 20 years ago, and she shows him her captured Trolls. Gristle realizes he actually might be happy now, but becomes concerned with the rest of Bergen Town. Chef soon has Gristle bring back Trollstice, but can't wait to stab him in the back for her suffering.
Elsewhere, Poppy and Branch search for the captured Trolls. and Branch believes they must be in a stomach by now. As her hug-time braclet goes off, she realizes that so must her friends and she silences Branch; the "ding" of the bracelet comes from the kitchen, where Chef states Bridget now works for her, and she dumps the Trolls in a cage. As Creek calms the Trolls down, Chef says that a calm Troll is a delicious Troll. She brags that he who controls the Trolls controls the kingdom and she's that "he". Cooper questions her gender, which earns him a squirt of lemon juice to the eyes.
The banquet hall is being prepared for the first time in 20 years for a feast. Poppy and Branch sneak into the hall. While Gristle feels good to be in charge, Poppy is happy to see her friends are alive. Cooper laughs at Gristle as he tries his own Troll bib on and it breaks. As Gristle goes to put Cooper in his place, he realizes there aren't enough Trolls for all Bergens, even though he promised everyone a Troll. To show how confident she was, she grabs Creek and hands him to Gristle.
Chef tries several times to get Gristle to eat Creek before stuffing in his mouth and darting out of the room. As Chef leaves, she tells Bridget to look after the Trolls. Poppy has trouble with what she just witnessed happen to Creek and wants to save him, but Branch tries to make her understand Creek is gone. Poppy focuses on rescuing her friends and dashes after Bridget, with Branch soon following.
In her room, Bridget is sent many pots and pans to wash in time for Trollstice ,and Chef tells her that everyone is invited except her. She sobs herself to sleep, as it's revealed Bridget is in love with King Gristle Jr., but Branch believes that Bergens can't have feelings.
They reach the cage and her friends sing to celebrate their reunion, while Branch tells them to be quiet. He breaks them out of the cage by picking the lock. Poppy still wants to save Creek, but the rest of the Trolls don't believe he's alive. As they talk, Bridget wakes up and the Trolls begin to run around her room as she tries to catch them all. Eventually, she corners Branch and is about to whack him with a frying pan when Poppy tells her that she knows she's in love with the King, stopping Bridget in the process. Poppy begins to uncover the piles of photos of the King that Bridget has, making her feel depressed as it doesn't matter because she'll never be with him.
Poppy makes a deal with Bridget that if they help her get to Gristle, she will help them get to Creek. As the Trolls begin to sing, Bridget notices Branch isn't singing, which makes her doubt. Poppy tries to get Branch to sing, but he keeps refusing until he finally tells them the reason why he won't sing: it killed his grandma.
Branch explains that while he was singing lost in song, he didn't hear his grandma warn him a Bergen was approaching, as he was singing too loud. As she tried to get his attention, the Bergen grabbed her and he never saw her again. Branch hadn't sung since and remained grey. Poppy remarks she just thought Branch had a terrible voice, but Branch tells her his grandmother said it was like an angel's. She then hugs him as do the others and Bridget, despite Branch trying to wiggle free. He gives up and agrees to help.
Bridget puts on an outfit, and the Trolls form a wig on her head. She strolls through Bergen Town looking for the King until she finds him at Bibbly Bibbington's bib shop. Bibbly is trying to find a bib that satisfies Gristle, but is struggling. He eventually gets one that appeals just as Bridget, who compliments the King after being encouraged to enter. The King takes the compliment well, and instantly refers to her as a "babe", which Bridget can't believe and Poppy has to react quickly when Gristle wants to know her name. The Trolls quickly make up the name of "Lady Glittersparkles Seriously".
The two go on a date to Captain Starfunkle's. Gristle compliments Bridget and the Trolls try to help her figure out what to say, but Gristle isn't the most attractive Bergen. In the end, Branch tells Bridget what to say, saving the moment. Bridget begins to talk about how their date is making her happy, and in mid-discussion Gristle shows Creek, alive and being stored in the lock around his neck. Knowing Creek is alive, the two Bergens finish up their date. Chef suddenly confronts them, with Gristle stating that Lady Glittersparkles will be his plus one at Trollstice. Bridget departs and heads out, as the group wants to reach the castle before Chef returns.
In her room, Bridget can't believe she had a date with the King. The Trolls all cheer about Creek being alive with Branch struggling to express himself. Bridget tries to stop Poppy and the Trolls as they try to leave to save Creek, tp which Branch replies they don't want to be at the dinner where they are serving Troll. Bridget doesn't have the confidence to be Lady Glittersparkles on her own, but Poppy can't stay here either and the group leaves as Bridget sobs.
The group sneaks into Gristle's room unnoticed as he begins his own preparations for tomorrow by doing exercise. When they grab the locket, they're to run from Barnabus, who chases them through the castle until they eventually find a safe place to open the locket. They find it empty and Poppy starts to cry. Branch hugs her, but they're given no time to react as Chef throws down a cage to trap them.
Chef tells them that she's going to get the rest of the Trolls, to which Poppy claims that they're hidden. She reveals that they will come out if driven by someone they know, revealing Creek alive. Branch is stopped from attacking him, as Creek explains he's selling them out in exchange for his own life being spared. He reveals that as he was being eaten, he realized he didn't want to die. He leans in and takes Poppy's cowbell.
Using the cowbell, Creek draws all the Trolls out of hiding and the entire village is soon captured.
The Trolls are thrown into a pot and for the first time, Poppy is sarcastic about the situation and even states to Branch their all going to get eaten and she knows that. She soon turns grey as she loses all her hope, the other Trolls quickly turning grey as well.
Elsewhere, Bridget can only stare at her Lady Glittersparkles outfit as she cleans the plate she's suppose to eat from. Inside, a voice could be heard singing.
The voice was sweet and clear like an angel's, and the Trolls were confused to where it came from. They're shocked upon seeing it came from Branch, who never sung. He tries to cheer up Poppy, but even her hug-time bracelet going off causes a lack of response. Bridget is told to take the Trolls to the banquet hall by Chef. He continues to sing, and she responds and regain her colors. He then sings that he loves her, catching her off guard. As she joins in with his singing, Branch colors up with his "True Colors". All the Trolls begun to glow as each shown their own True Colors.
Poppy thanks Branch for restoring her hope, but Branch thanks her for showing her happiness. The Trolls don't know how to escape, though Poppy's confidence has been restored and she believes they will. As the lid opens up, the Trolls think this is it, but are surprised to see Bridget, who lets them go and tells them she believes Poppy is her friend, as she gave her one great day. Poppy begs her to come, but Bridget says it will only make them easier to find. She pushes Poppy out the door of Bergen Castle and closes it.
Inside the Castle, Chef wants to begin while King Gristle wants to wait for Lady Glittersparkles; he soon gives up the idea of waiting for her. Poppy and the Trolls escape, but Poppy is unable to leave Bridget behind, as she just ruined her life for them and believes they all deserve to be happy. Poppy takes off towards Bergen Town, changing the motto of "No Troll left behind" to "Nobody left behind".
In the banquet hall, Bridget is surrounded by angry Bergens as the pot is revealed empty and she stands accused of eating all the Trolls. The Trolls arrive on a skate and launch themselves at Bridget, recreating the Lady Glittersparkles wig. The King can't believe his eyes, and is confused why she would trick him. He has it explained to him that Bridget didn't believe he would want her. Poppy then makes him realize that what he feels for Bridget is happiness, to which Chef tries to defend that only she can make him happy, even though Poppy dismisses that idea.
Poppy and the Trolls begin to sing, and the Bergens soon realize that Poppy is right. As Chef tries to stop them, she's sent flying out of the Castle. The most incredible thing had happy, the Bergens, were happy.
As the finishing touches are put on his scrapbook, it turns out the narration of the book had been retold by Branch, who goes on to state he believes Poppy will be a great queen. He's complimented by Poppy for having the right amount of glitter, and her father grabs her attention. Poppy is then crowned Queen of the Trolls, and they celebrate into the night with Branch singing.
Everyone lived happily ever after except Creek, who was left as Chef's scrubbing brush.