Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

Trolls Holiday: The Junior Novelization is an adapted novelization of Trolls Holiday, written by David Lewman.

The book comes with several postcards that can be pulled out, based on holidays featured in the special. On the front cover of the book, each illustrated snowflake is covered in glitter.


Poppy opens the "Super-Scrapbooking" day at Troll Village. The book explains that the Trolls have a holiday for practically every day of the year, and this one is one of Poppy's favorites, as it's dedicated to scrapbooking, one of her favorite activities.

Harper makes a scrapbook on art, King Peppy about superheroes of old. Guy Diamond is teaching new dance moves, and thus shedding glitter everywhere, which mixes in with the scrapbooks. In the afternoon, a parade begins with Biggie & Mr. Dinkles in it dressed in matching outfits. While the events are underway, Poppy is surprised to see Branch making a scrapbook, as he's usually against them. She wants to see it, but it's not ready and makes her promise not to laugh, as it's his first one. After she fails to guess it, he states his theme is rocks. She struggles to be positive about his "Rocks Rock" scrapbook, despite him stating rocks are useful. She suggests more glitter. Despite all things, Branch taking part made the event especially successful.

In Bergen Town, the Bergens weren't celebrating this day as it's unbergen-like. The book explains Trollstice was their only holiday and King Gristle Jr. cancelled it because one can't be friends with someone else and eat them. The Bergens were now capable of being happy, but they weren't good at it. They'd come up with ideas like a picnic at a puddle, but not even the host turned up. Even though Gristle was now with the love of his life, Bridget, both of them were bored.

Gristle and Bridget are sitting on their thrones. Bridget is reading a magazine with not much excitement in it, while Gristle can't get the song "Chopsticks" correct, blaming it on his keyboard being broken.

Cooper is collecting mail in the village and delivering it. He takes one to Bergen Town from Poppy, sending it via a Zip Beetle. The book explains that the Zip Beetles are commonly being used by both the Trolls and Bergens to talk to each other, and they don't mind about it as they love running around. At the other end, the mail Bergen isn't keen about the mail until he sees it's for King Gristle and Bridget. He rushes to the castle and delivers the mail. In the throne room, Todd hands over the card to them, and Gristle mixes up his and Chad's names as "Tadd and Chod", though neither corrects.

The card is yet another holiday card from Poppy, this time celebrating "Catch Your Friend Day". Gristle questions what would happen if they drop her, as they aren't insured for that, but Bridget states she would never drop Poppy. Gristle berates the number of holidays the Trolls have. He states they do awesome stuff and have been sending cards back.

When Poppy was looking at her wall of cards, she receives a card labelled "MONDAY". Branch is making faces in a mirror that look painful to her. He explains that he's practicing his smile, though the smiles are coming off as more grimace then happy. Poppy offers to help, but she can't get him to smile correctly. He tries to change the subject and stop her by asking about the cards. She says that ever since Trollstice was cancelled the Bergens had nothing to celebrate, so she felt really bad for them. Then ideas go off in her head.

Branch sees her face and tells her "no", as he knows she's about to hatch an "elaborate" plan involving lots of hugging, singing, dancing and glitter. He states that he's going home now but tells her not to do anything, to which she states she won't.

That night, her plan keeps her awake as she's too excited. She can't get to sleep, and begins to scrapbook ideas instead.

The next morning, Branch has gotten up early, and exits to get blooming flower tea. He later returns back into the shaft of his bunker and rides it down. At the bottom, Poppy shouts "Good morning, Branch!". After spilling tea over him, he knows what's going on and guesses she already has a crazy plan. She has decided that Bergens need a new holiday, to which Branch tells her to send them a card saying that. Instead, Poppy wants to give them one of their holidays. Branch questions why they're doing this, but Poppy states Bridget is her best friend. As she speaks, she pours tea for Branch, but quickly forgets that it's for him and drinks it herself.

Branch states "old Branch" would be against the idea but "new Branch" isn't, and goes to smile, which Poppy sitll states as being weird. She pulls out a scrapbook of her plan, including a bit she states is where she breaks into his bunker and gets him on board. He finds it strange, since she knew he would agree to it. He asks her how to get there, noting her first time involved a lot of over-the-top things, such as being swallowed by a bird, a fish and a plant. Poppy in turn asks how he knew, to which he answers that she'd already scrapbooked it. Poppy guesses he kept the scrapbook as a souvenir of their adventure together, but Branch denies it, claiming that he was simply making sure it made it back home.

Poppy explains that they'll catch the Caterbus this time; they will then travel and pitch their ideas to Gristle and Bridget, who will have their minds blown. The other Trolls jump out and yell, making Branch get tea all over himself. She goes on to say she figured out that she needed a "crack team" of holiday experts, to which Branch guesses that means they're all going to Bergen Town and he'll get on some pants.

At the Caterbus stop, Poppy, Branch, Satin & Chenille, Biggie, Cooper, Guy Diamond, Fuzzbert and Smidge wait. Biggie asks if it's safe, to which Poppy answers that it's the safest way to travel. Branch is skeptical and asks who says that, with Poppy claiming that's the driver. At that point, the bus stops inches from the Trolls, making Branch yell for the third time that morning. They board the bus, which is decorated with bright colors inside, and Poppy and Branch take the seat near the front. Much to Branch's horror, the driver is Cloud Guy, who calls out that he's welcome. Cloud Guy gives out safety warnings, and the Trolls seat themselves safely in, with Cloud Guy ensuring them they'll be fine unless they come across a wormhole, which Branch picks upon.

The bus sets off going whichever path it pleases, though it doesn't actually appear to follow any given path, bouncing the Trolls inside it all over the place. Instead of slowing down, Cloud Guy pushes a button and music blasts out, knowing the Trolls couldn't resist dancing to it and that it would drown out Branch's complaints. Branch resists the temptation to dance, but eventually gives up. He then notices that Cloud Guy has joined the dancin, which means that now the bus has no driver.

The bus then proceeds to fall off a cliff. A creature opens it mouth and Cloud Guy calls "wormhole", telling everyone to get seated. Before he can finish, the bus begins to twist and turn.

Outside the bus, it appears that they're travelling through space, even seeing a large Troll outside. Cooper moves his hand, which leaves a rainbow trail behind. Biggie asks him what's wrong only to find the Troll had turned into a large rubber doll, with the same thing happening to Guy Diamond. A flash occurs and they all realize they've been turned into dolls. Cloud Guy laughs, another flash occurs and the bus takes a nose dive. They blink and turn back to normal. Cooper notes that they're still falling, leading to Biggie asking how is it possible to fall in space. Cloud Guy states again that they're in a wormhole, and anything is possible in it.

Outside, black darkness changes to colors and they appear like they're falling through a rainbow. Satin & Chenille love the patterned colors they can see. Finally, there's a whoosh and they see blue sky outside; they're out of the wormhole. Branch isn't cheering as they're still falling. The bus comes to a gentle landing, and Cloud Guy does the caterbus farewell routine. Branch's next question is "Where are they?".

Cloud Guy doesn't know, as the wormhole could have left them anywhere. Branch asks the question again. Poppy says they can't live on the bus forever, which Branch questions on if she's sure about tha. She tells Cloud Guy to open the door slowly. Outside, there are snowy mountains, a deep forest and a green meadow. Branch says the meadow looks at least peaceful, but Cloud Guy claims it could lead to certain death, with Branch adding maybe imprisonment. Cloud Guy says that's a possibility, and Branch adds followed by certain death. Cloud Guy then realizes that the Trolls are asking him where they are; he tries to work it out, but comes to the conclusion he has no idea and that they're totally lost. All the Trolls panic except Poppy and Branch, who take control of the situation.

Branch tries to calm them down from panicking, with Biggie being the only one who refuses. Poppy splits the team into 3 with her, Branch and Cloud Guy going to the snowy mountain while Biggie, Cooper and Smidge go to the forest, leaving the Twins and Fuzzbert to go the meadow. Guy Diamond is left to look after Mr. Dinkles at the bus.

At the snowy mountains, Poppy thinks it's pretty, but Branch says that it's too cold and asks what are they looking for. Giant snowflakes begin to fall, leaving a maze. Cloud Guy finds this not much fun at all. As icicles fall from the sky, Branch asks Cloud Guy if he can do something about the weather as he's a cloud after all. When they clear the icicles, Cloud Guy states he can see a giant snowball heading their way. The snowball was thrown at them by Freezyfluffs, whom Cloud Guy states are not friendly.

Biggie, Smidge and Cooper find themselves in a dark wood that smells nice, but is tricky to find their way through. Biggie gets stuck as the trees trap him and Cooper, trying to help by thinking his four legs may plough straight through the trees also gets stuck. Smidge tries to help with her hair, but though she helps with getting her friends free, she soon gets it tangled in the trees.

The Twins and Fuzzbert come across a group of critters that make various noises; they have formed a choir and are playing a song. The Twins ask if they know the way to Bergen Town, the critters then ask them if they can sing, to which the twins reply that they can as Trolls. They soon find out many songs later that they can't leave, as the critters won't let them.

Branch, Poppy and Cloud Guy decide they don't want to mess with the FreezyFluffs and run toward the forest where Cooper, Biggie and Smidge are hoping to avoid the large Freezyfluffs. The trio ducks into a thicket of briar, and the Freezyfluffs stop chasing after them. After getting out of the briar, they realize that they're a road, which Cloud Guy thinks it may even lead to Bergen Town. So they go to gather the other Trolls. They cross the road and enter the dark forest.

They call out for the Dark Forest trio. Poppy notices there is ribbons, garlands and other decorations at their feet and Cloud Guy says that these will tangle around their feet if their not careful. The two groups of Trolls meet, and Poppy, Branch and Cloud Guy help untangle Smidge, Cooper and Biggie. The vines tie themselves into bows as the Trolls remove them.

Next, they head to the meadow, where they hear a choir. In the meadow, they find the twins and Fuzzbert surrounded by critters, and they have been singing so long their voices are strained. As the others approach the trio, the vritters ask them if they sing; Poppy states all Trolls sing. The critters then ask Cloud Guy if he's a Troll, to which he says not but he can sing. He does, though he sounds good and he's too loud. The critters are left covering their ears, giving time for their captive trio of Trolls to escape. Branch tells Cloud Guy to keep singing as they escape. They hurry back to the bus, hoping the road they found is the right one.

On the Caterbus, they approach tunnels with one leading to Bergen Town and the rest to certain death. Cloud Guy chooses the right one and they arrive at Bergen Town. They arrive in the town center and the Trolls get off, with Poppy thanking Cloud Guy, leading to a sarcastic remark from Branch about the wormhole.

Outside, Poppy gets everyone ready, with Guy Diamond on glitter, Cooper on pyrotechnics and the twins on festive outfits, which Branch questions about. Poppy bursts through the door and shouts "Stop everything" leading to Gristle and Bridget to be surprised. Poppy and Bridget do their long hello with Branch and Gristle just saying "sup" to each other. Bridget wonders why Poppy and the Trolls are here and Smidge is told to hit the lights.

Poppy states she is here to solve their problems and help them find a holiday. Bridget is polite and allows the Trolls to continue. Glitterpazoola, the first holiday, doesn't go down well, with glitter getting in Gristle's eyes. Poppy moves onto the next holiday hurriedly. It's Tickle Day, which is a day about being tickled until they laugh, but instead of feather spiders tickle them. This doesn't thrill the Bergens, who aren't very ticklish at all, and don't understand how the Trolls could let spiders come down into the village and tickle them all day. Next is Bubble Day, which involves a lot of bubbles, foam and lasers. The bubbles lift up Barnabus to the ceiling. Bridget tries to be positive, stating that it will maybe wash the glitter out of Gristle's eyes, but tells Poppy these aren't Bergen things.

Next is Balloon Squeal Day, which by the time the Trolls are done leaves a deafening sound in the entire castle and causes Bridget and Gristle to cringe. Branch gives the signal to take five and attempts to smile at the Bergens but his smile still isn't great, with Bridget and Gristle thinking Branch has gas. Poppy tells him that his smile is still weird.

As the Trolls take a time out, Chad and Todd try to clean up the mess as well as Gristle and Bridget. Outside in the hallway, Poppy congratulates everyone for a job well done so far, but Branch is concerned. He tries to tell her this is a disaster and they need to stop, but she mistakes about what he says about "Go big or go home" as meaning that they have to go bigger.

Poppy has her friends triple their efforts with more singing, music and glitter, and they burst back into the throne room. Guy Diamond introduces Epic Hug Ball Day, with the Trolls demonstrating a giant hug ball that rolls across their stage and falls off. They move on to Shock-A-Friend day with Smidge zapping King Gristle after creating a static shock by rubbing her feet on the floor. Next is Sock Day which sees all the Trolls covering every part of their body in socks; when they're done, they throw them on Gristle, who winces at their dirt. Next up is Tear Away Pants Day, but Biggie forgot to put underwear and leaves himself exposed, Gristle covers Bridget's eyes, and a blushing Branch jumps in front of Biggie to shield him from the Bergens.

Next is Good Luck Troll Gem day, or Good Luck Bergen Day as it would be known as in this case, since it sees a bazooka launch a gem into Gristle's belly button. The Trolls begin to just list off their holidays after this without stopping, until Bridget puts her foot down and calls for a stop. Bridget tells Poppy to leave, with Poppy realizing that she was trying to stop her for some time.

The Trolls find Poppy, and Branch tells the others to give him a moment to speak with her. He approaches a pink ball of hair, which turns out to be a monster. He apologizes and finds Poppy, who believes she just blew it with Bridget, but Branch says it's not possible as Poppy makes friends for life. Branch starts to sing, which makes Poppy to get up and walk away. Branch acts too stubborn and follows her.

At the throne room, the Bergens are cleaning up and Gristle decides there should be no more Trolls in the castle. Bridget doesn't think they should be too hard on the Trolls, as they were trying to make them happy. She says to Gristle that maybe they do have something to celebrate, and that Gristle's rambling gave her an idea. Gristle remarks about his "Kingliness" to Chad, though he was facing Todd upon saying this, who agrees still.

The Trolls are getting concerned that Branch and Poppy aren't back as it's getting dark. Just then the pair come back, and Branch is still singing to Popp. Poppy finally snaps and has a go at Branch for not stopping, realizing this is exactly what she just did to Bridget. They hear singing again, which doesn't come from Branch but rather the Bergens. They find Bergen Town made up with pizza being served and Trollstice bibs decorating the Troll Tree, which Gristle had done up to look like Troll hair.

Bridget and Poppy apologize and acknowledge that they didn't need all the fancy stuff for a holiday; they should be celebrating their friendship with each other. Branch finally pulls off a smile and Bridget says that he has a nice smile. He comments that it's starting to hurt.

The book ends with everyone calling out "Happy Troll-A-Bration".


  • Cooper was originally going to be the village mailman. This is what the book alludes to at one point when Cooper is delivering the village's mail. He actually doesn't do this normally in any other part of the DreamWorks Trolls franchise, but David Lewman commonly references this in his books.
  • This book has some notable differences from the Trolls Holiday special:
    • In the special, Branch has coffee in his bunker, but it's replaced by tea in the book.
    • In the book, the Caterbus ends in a place within Troll Forest after leaving the wormhole, but it flies straight into Bergen Town in the special.
    • Barnebis doesn't make an appearance in the special, but it briefly appears in the book (where it's named "Barnabus" instead).
  • The scrapbook about how to get to Bergen Town involving getting eaten by a bird, fish or plant is a reference to the song Get Back Up Again.
  • Technically, Branch already made his first scrapbook in Trolls: The Junior Novelization, since it's revealed in the end that the book's narrative had been told by Branch, who had scrapbooked the entire adventure. Lewman wrote both books.