Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

This policy page lists all the rules related to the Discord chat server on this wiki. Breaking some of these rules may result in a ban from chat, or even a block. If you feel that you have been punished wrongly, contact an administrator.

Main Chat

  • Do not spam or flood chat. This can cause latency for some users and disrupts conversation. Two or more lines consecutive chat in all caps and using a large amount of emoticons can also count as spamming chat or flooding.
  • Only minor profanity is allowed on the live chat, such as "hell", "damn", "piss" and "crap". Other use of profanity is not allowed. This also means abbreviations, implied variation and purposely-misspelled variations.
  • Links that are submitted in chat must be suitable. No links should contain profanity in the URL or tagged with profanity.
  • If a user asks you to drop a topic of conversation, then please do so.
  • Encouraging or planning chat invasions is not permitted.
  • If you are taking recordings of chat, then please make sure the users who are currently in the chat are aware. If anyone at all is uncomfortable with it then you must stop.

Private Messages

A lot of things forbidden in main chat are allowed in private messages, also known as PM's, as long as all users in the PM are happy about some rules being ignored. However there are a few rules.

  • Making people uncomfortable in private messages will not be tolerated.
  • Private messages are private, and you should only share a private message if it is making you feel uncomfortable. If someone does make you feel uncomfortable in a private message then you should contact an Admin.
  • Trying to solicit personal information is prohibited by Wikia, and as such on this wiki. If users give you personal information in a PM, you may not pass it on unless you have their explicit permission.