Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

This policy page lists all the rules about comments on this wiki.

Please keep in mind that this policy is not just for comments, but for threads and discussion posts too.

Article Comments

What comments should be used for:
  • Discussing the edits made on articles, suggesting changes and requesting help with editing.
  • Discussing the topic of the page, such as asking questions about it, sharing opinions on it and information about it.
What comments should not include:
  • Completely off-topic subjects.
  • Spamming (posting the same comment multiple times/"FIRST!"-ing).
  • Profanity/swearing/inappropriate content (which includes the usage of cuss and swear words).
  • Abuse/harassment/bullying other users.
  • Severely mispelled words (since they can lead to confusion for other words, including profane ones; you should always check your spelling when it comes to this).
  • Links which are not G/PG-rated and are inappropriate.
  • Advertising and promoting off-topic content.

When commenting, do not use excessive capitalizing/CAPS LOCK. Too much capitalizing is considered shouting.

Comments versus Discusions

Note that in-depth topics should be taken to our Discussions section, as comments are often more obscure and therefore easily missed or buried by other commenters responding to an article. A comment discussion is only meant to be a quick response, and generally theres are not suitable for a discussion that has depth to it, as they are not as supported or easily accessibly as "Discussions" because of Fandoms design.

While missing a discussion topic is considered the fault of the individual, missing a vital comment discussion is not. Posting an important topic in Comments instead of Discussions could be considered as closing off the topic and making it inaccessible to others. Therefore, vital feedback from readers, editors, etc could be missed.

Lastly, it is very hard to reference a Comment section, should decisions be made from one, whereas a Discussion topic is much easier to locate and reference back.

Blog Comments and Thread Replies

When posting a comment or reply on a blog post or thread, you should not:
  • Be rude to users or post critical comments about anyone.
  • Post comments and replies that are off-topic.


Threads will be closed if:
  • The thread is critical or disrespectful.
  • A thread that has been one month or older had a pass with no responses and has started getting replies again. This is considered necroposting.