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Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

This is a list of all staff members, please use their message wall if you need their help.

Please note that some staff members may have more than one role in the wiki.


Bureaucrats are a level up from Administrators. Bureaucrats only have the ability to manipulate user rights, as well as block and unblock users. For this reason they also have Administrators rights too. Bureaucrats can remove and promote Content Moderators, Discussion Moderators, Chat Moderators, and Administrators rights, however they can only promote Bureaucrats and not remove bureaucrats rights besides their own. They are identified by light green usernames on the wiki. In addition to automatically having the Administrator, Content Moderator, Discussions Moderator, and Rollback positions, Bureaucrats can grant/revoke Rollback, Content Moderator, and Administrator positions as well as appoint new bureaucrats.

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Administrators, also known as admins and sysops, have the abilities from the custodian and chat moderator groups,  in addition to some different ones. Administrators are able to change page protection for all three levels. They can access the Theme Designer feature, allowing them to change the background of the wiki, color scheme and the wiki's logo. Administrators can also edit the Mediawiki pages. They are able to promote other users to lower rights groups, such as Content Moderators, Discussion Moderators and Chat Moderators. They are identified by yellow usernames on the wiki. In addition to automatically having the Content Moderator, Discussions Moderator, and Rollback positions, Administrators can block users from editing and other actions, grant/revoke the Discussions Moderator position, edit the wiki's skin and format, and edit white-listed MediaWiki pages.

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Content Moderators

A Content Moderator is responsible for keeping the wiki tidy. They are equipped with the abilities to delete pages and can undelete pages, protect and unprotect pages and files, reupload files. They also have the rollback ability, which allows them to quickly revert all the edits made by a user. They are identified by blue usernames on the wiki. In addition to automatically having the Rollback position, Content Moderators can edit/move fully protected pages, delete/undelete pages and files, edit/move protected files, rename files, protect/unprotect pages, and patrol pages.

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Discussions Moderators

A Discussions Moderator is a user who has additional tools available to manage conversations in various features across the community. They can remove and restore threads and replies by any user, close and reopen threads, moderate chat, delete blog comments, edit and delete article comments, and moderate the discussions. They are identified by cyan usernames on the wiki.

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Rollbacks are given the "rollback" option, which allows them to instantly revert consecutive contributions from one user and can undo bad faith edits with one click. This is a little different than just undoing a edit. Anyone can revert edits, but it can take a few clicks, while if a user has the rollback right then can revert a edit with one click. Please note that Content Moderators, and Administrators have this tool. They are identified by red usernames on the wiki.

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Discord Moderators

Discord Moderators are responsible for keeping the wiki's Discord server enjoyable for everyone.

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Bot Accounts

Bots are responsible for doing tasks too difficult or tedious for a human and can also provide extra functionally (such as mass renaming files).

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