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Trolls World Tour: The Junior Novelization is an adapted novelization of Trolls World Tour, written by David Lewman.

There are two versions of this novelization, the second being a "deluxe" version that includes a Tiny Diamond and Guy Diamond poster and has a few colored pages.


The book begins with a recap that Poppy is now Queen Poppy, Branch found his True Colors, and the two became best of friends. But unknown to the two, their world was a lot bigger than they imagined.

Deep in the ocean, the shimmering tails of the Techno Trolls dance. To them, every night is the best night ever. King Trollex is at his DJ booth manning his music while his heart beats brightly along with the heart of the other Techno Trolls. As he drops his latest song, a dark shadow in the distance catches his attention. He stops the music and investigates.

The approaching creature unzipsits mouth to reveal Queen Barb. Barb asks him if he received her invite, but Trollex is unaware of it, stating mail is low-priority in the deep ocean. The Rock Trolls begin to attack, knocking back the Techno Trolls. Trollex asks her to stop as they're destroying their vibe. Barb replies that by the end of her world tour they will be one unite nation under Rock. She unleashes another shockwave that destroys his DJ booth.

The next, morning Poppy takes a glittery shower and brushes her teeth with a lollipop (the author notes that a lollipop does not work with humans as a toothbrush). Glowbugs drop her outfit and she puts it on. As she jumps out of her pod, the other Trolls are singing about having fun, except Branch who is still in his bunker. Branch was trying to summon the courage to tell Poppy he liked her a lot as he stared at a photo of the two of them, figuring he'd join in the morning song as it may help him. He jumps on a flower that sent him into the air and he grabbed a zipline that dropped him right next to Poppy.

To Branch, life wasn't about fun and game as he wanted to help Poppy with her everyday things as Queen. As the two discuss the days agenda, Guy Diamond calls for help as he's having a baby. Tiny Diamond is born, a name suggested to him by Poppy and the Pop Trolls sing to celebrate his arrival. After the singing is done, Poppy thanks everyone for taking part.

Alone with Poppy, Branch goes to tell her how he feels, but the fear of rejection overwhelms him. He feels the need to say something and Poppy states she values his friendship, which Branch lets echo in his mind. They try to high-five but keep missing. He begins to worry that if they can't do a high five how could they be more then friends. Fuzzbert manages to high-five Poppy successfully, and as Branch groans Biggie's screaming drowns him out.

Biggie is being chased by a bat, though Poppy gets it away from him, Branch has to sooth it down and soon has it purring. They notice the bat was carrying a message, which they mistake as an invitation to a party held by Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls. They're relieved that's all it is, while Guy has to explain what an invitation is to his son. The Trolls are excited by the idea of a big party until King Peppy appears and tries to destroy the message. Branch has to calm him down as well and Peppy soon begins to explain that they're not the only Trolls in the world. Peppy explains these Trolls are different to them, which Poppy struggles to understand as there are Trolls like Legsly, Fuzzbert and Chris.

Peppy explains their music is called "Pop music" and that they're called "Pop Trolls", which the Trolls understand, but do take some adjustments to as they'd only ever called themselves "Trolls". The idea of other Trolls singing and dancing differently causes panic and the group break into a smaller one.

Peppy explains the history of the Strings to Poppy and her friends, introducing them to the concept of Pop Trolls, Funk Trolls, Rock Trolls, Techno Trolls, Classical Trolls and Country Trolls, plus everything in between. The 6 populations of Trolls came to their indifference and then left each other never to meet again. Poppy believes Barb is trying to unite the Trolls again, but Branch doubts about it, stating he heard that the Strings caused fighting.

Peppy shows her the Pop string. He then tells his plan: run and hide. Peppy and Poppy have a row as she accuses him of judging someone he's never met and he accuses her of not listening to him. Branch is left in the middle, unable to decide even though he agrees with Peppy if he should be aiding Poppy. Later that day, Branch catches her sneaking out on Sheila Balloon as she wants to help Barb plan a big party. Unable to watch her just go alone, he joins her. Cooper comes to the conclusion based on all the talk that he's different to the other Trolls and he needs to find those other Trolls.

The Rock Trolls emerge from the river having gained the Techno string and are celebrating. As Barb settles in her Tour Bus, she notices her father King Thrash is missing. He exits the toilet and she finds herself explaining the plan to get the Strings to him. As Thrash goes to do the Rock Symbol, Riff has to aid him as he can't do it.

On the balloon, Branch attempts to learn how to fly it by use of a 456-page book, but Poppy starts fiddling with the controls. When the balloon settles, Sheila tells Poppy to calm down with the buttons. The pair's attention are turned to snoring as from under some cotton candy; Biggie is revealed to have accidentally stowed away on the balloon. He panics after realizing the situation and almost loses Mr. Dinkles. As Poppy explains that they're going to help Barb, she finds Branch has weapons and kicks them out of the balloon.

Biggie then draws their attention as they approach another Troll Village that is in ruins. As they explore the destroyed landscape, they hear a voice that turns out to be Pennywhistle. The little flute explains that Barb attacked Symphonyville and the Classical Trolls, defeating Trollzart. Barb took their String and their people, leaving nothing behind. They took everything they had. Poppy comes to the realization that Barb's mission is not a good one.

Branch urges Poppy to return home when she reveals that she brought the Pop String with her, but Poppy changes the mission to stopping Barb. Biggie panics and Poppy does a Pinky Promise with him to calm him down. She turns to Branch, who's touched that Poppy realises that she can't do this alone and needs him. Poppy plans to unite the Trolls against Barb and remind her she's a Troll too. Pennywhistle stays behind to rebuild the village as Poppy leaves her. She sighs, knowing this is a futile task.

Debbie returns to Barb, carrying Poppy's message. Barb isn't impressed with Poppy's desire to become friends with her and notes it takes years to form friendships like hers with Carol. Carol doesn't react to this. Barb gets a face full of glitter that shoots out of the card and this causes her to go on a rant. Thrash begins to sing the lyrics of the song from the card and Barb gets ticked off that Poppy messed with her father.

She gathers the Bounty Hunters Chaz, the K-Pop Trolls, the Reggaeton Trolls and orders the 3 groups to go and get Poppy; if they do so, she'll spare their music while everyone else loses theirs. After they leave, she demands to know where the Yodellers are from Riff, but he only knows a rumor. Barb isn't interested in the rumor that Riff notes about them, but is convinced they'll find Poppy. She burns Poppy's card and it turns entirely to ash.

The next morning, Poppy, Branch and Biggie arrive at Lonesome Flats; the trio rush into town as the clock strikes six. As Delta Dawn comes out, a fellow Country Troll greets her. Delta begins to sing a sad song as a baby Country Troll is born and put to work. Life for these Trolls is tough and they begin the day with a sad song. While the sad song is noted by Poppy, Branch likes it as life is sad sometimes. Poppy is convinced the Country Trolls don't know that music is supposed to make you happy. When the song is over, Growley Pete becomes suspicious of the Pop Trolls but is held back by Delta.

Poppy decides to cheer up the Country Trolls and dresses up to sing on a bandstand; she's then joined by Biggie who also changes clothes and Branch who figures out Poppy is likely correct. As they sing, the trio don't notice the glares and angry expressions from the Country Trolls. When they stop, there is silence. The trio are put in jail.

As Delta states they're in jail for crimes against music, Poppy pleas with her that Barb is coming to get her string, all the strings, but Delta knows about Barb. She tells Delta that Barb wants to show everyone their all the same and Delta passes this off stating their not all the same. She leaves them in jail to think about what they did, as she leaves Growley Pete is left to watch them and Clampers gloats to them.

Poppy doesn't understand, as music should unite them and not divide them. Branch says that he was right, and expects an "I told you so", but he says friends don't do that to each other and she did great. Biggie falls from the rafters where he was hiding as a beam breaks; he's anxious about time in jail. Poppy is confused on what they did wrong, but Branch thinks it is because they are different; Poppy considers going home. As she looks for something to help Branch and Biggie execute Branch's "Plan B", Hickory breaks them out of jail.

Hickory states it's not right to throw them in jail because their music is different and Poppy is excited the mission is back on. Branch doesn't trust the new Troll. They get their introductions out of the way, hickory escapes with Poppy on his back, while pulling the jail door with Biggie on. Delta hears the noise and unleashes Clampers, which convinces Branch to join the others. Delta and the Country Trolls give chase.

Clampers is lost to a mine as Hickory ditches her, Delta has Growley Pete lasso Branch with his mustache. Pete tries to pull Branch off of the jail door but Branch grabs Mr. Dinkles while trying to grab Biggie. The worm stretches out as Branch hangs on for his life. Clampers manages to catch up and bites down on Branch, causing him to almost let go. Delta has the Country Trolls flank the Pop Trolls, Branch uses Clampers to bite through Pete's mustache as their group falls off a cliff into a ravine trying to escape Delta.

Delta and the Country Trolls are unwilling to follow the Pop Trolls due to the rapids in the river below. They give up and head back to town.

Elsewhere, Biggie revives Mr. Dinkles from a near-death experience. Poppy is rescued from the rapids by Branch. Branch saves her and she is happy she always has her back, he says that's what friends are for. Hickory appears shaking water off him onto Branch and he thinks they lost Delta. Poppy tries to repay Hickory with gumdrops, he eats one and comments on their zingy taste. Branch pops a gumdrop in his mouth as he demands answers from Hickory. The Pop Trolls Hug-Time Friendship Bracelets go off and signal hug time. Poppy can't believe Branch mistrusts the Troll who just saved them, but Hickory begins to state he believed Poppy's message about music bringing everyone together. Hickory agrees that 'Trolls is Trolls'. Branch sarcastically repeats the phrase and goes to sit by the stream, as he is told off by Poppy for misbehaving.

Hickory offers to make a raft so they can go down river, to which Branch misses his ability to make it. Moments later, the raft is built complete with a cappuccino machine.

Meanwhile, Cooper's journey leads him to some honking birds. They cause him to poop a cake and he offers it to them.

The Pop trio and Hickory travel all day down the river, and by night they had made it into swampland. Biggie helps Hickory make a fire and the pair sit down as Hickory stirs a pot of food. Poppy goes to put more wood on the fire and Branch catches her attention; he doesn't trust Hickory. As the pair watch, they're unware something is spying on them from under the water. Poppy criticizes Branch's mistrust as Hickory hasn't done anything but be cool. Branch protests about himself also being cool but realises saying you are cool isn't cool. He states he just wants everyone to be safe. Poppy states he thinks Branch doesn't trust her judgement and that he's starting to sound like he doesn't know what friendship is, but Branch says friends do point out when their friends make mistakes.

As they talk, Poppy hears a noise and Chaz rises up from the water. Before the Pop trio can do much, they're under Chaz's Smooth Jazz trance. As the trio experience the hypnotic trace, they wake up moments later to find themselves locked in a cage as the door slams shut. Hickory managed to avoid the trance, and as the two face off, Chaz is kicked into the water. Hickory used gumdrops to block out the sound of Chaz's instrument, and Chaz is left proclaiming Smooth Jazz will be heard again.

With Chaz dealt with, Biggie begins a freak out and tells them they need to return home. Poppy is stunned, but understands that Biggie is right. Biggie is upset how easily they were put in harms way, and is clearly upset about Poppy breaking her promise to protect them no matter what. He helps off using Mr. Dinkles to go along the river yelling about it.

In the desert, Cooper comes across an oasis that turns out to be a mirage. He finally gives up, having found no Trolls like him on his journey he accepts his fate. Just then a shadow blocks out the sun and he is picked up and taken into the strange object, with a beam coming back down to get his hat he left behind. Cooper finds himself moments later in a room. Two shadows tower over him and a female voice addresses the other as having finally ended their search.

Poppy, Branch and Hickory travel down river while Hickory sings a sad song. Hickory banters with Branch on how Poppy isn't the only one on a mission and points out its obvious Branch is set on Poppy. Branch said that he can build a survival bunker, but feelings are not his thing. It doesn't help that Hickory points how different Branch and Poppy are, but even if Branch told her his feelings she isn't listening.

At that moment, a giant spaceship shaped like a chrome clam appears above them. As Poppy wonders how to get up there to meet the Funk Trolls, a beam comes down and takes them upwards anyway.

Inside, they're greeted by a golden-colored Troll who looks like Cooper. Thinking the Troll is Cooper, they're surprised when another Cooper appears. Cooper claims that he has a twin brother and introduces Prince D. D explains that Cooper's egg was snatched by a bird from their parents and carried off, their parents looked but could not find Cooper anywhere. This means Cooper is a Funk Troll, though he expands and explains Trolls can be more then one thing; he is Funk and Pop. D meanwhile suggests his could be Hip-Hop like himself, which reminds Poppy of Tiny Diamond and she wonders how many Hip-hop Trolls there are. She looks on her map for Hip-Hop but doesn't find it, D notes her map is a bit out of date and Branch notes the presence of Disco.

Cooper introduces his parents Queen Essence and King Quincy. Poppy comments that Cooper looks just like his dad and Quincy makes a dad joke, to which Cooper says it was lame. After being asked to shower him with kisses, his mother complies. When they ask Poppy about her plan to fight Barb, Poppy suggests they combine their music, but Quincy says that he would do anything but that.

Reading from a record titled "How it Went Down", the Funk royals explain the true history of what happened. In their version, lots of Tribes of music came together to dance and sing. The result was that a magical musical instrument was created from this. Soon, however, the Pop Trolls formed catchy and simple music that took over the night sky and a colorful ray of light began to dominate the dark sky. When the other Trolls realized Pop was becoming dominate, they removed their respective Strings and took off with them to save all music from Pop. The story ends with the note the Trolls never lived in harmony again.

Hickory feels embarrassed for Poppy and Branch, and Poppy protests this wasn't in their scrapbooks. The Funk Trolls continue to explain that the scrapbooks are written by winners. Branch points out that they tried to do what Barb is now doing, and Poppy protests that if they don't fix the problem history will repeat itself anyway. Poppy can't believe as queen how ignorant she was on the true past, but still wants to convince Barb that all Trolls are the same. Quincy and Essence dislike that idea and point out they're not; that's why they have different Strings and to deny that they were different would be to deny the truth. Poppy notes she hadn't thought about things like that.

At that moment, Rock attacks. Quincy and Essence begin the battle arrangement, and Cooper creates bubbles to send Poppy, Branch and Hickory to safety; Poppy dodges the bubble at first and attempts to go deeper into Vibe City to help, but Branch grabs her and pulls her into it. Poppy is helpless to do anything as she begs Cooper to let them help her, but this changes nothing. Hickory is in another bubble, it leaves the ship via another method and he shouts he'll find them. As Poppy and Branch leave Barb arrives; she doesn't notice the bubble with Poppy and Branch in, as she's too fixed on Vibe City.

Poppy is dismayed that Branch would stop her from helping the Funk Trolls, but he says that it's not his fight. Branch tells her to stop, as they've done things her way so far, but it's time for her to do things his way. Poppy tells him she has to prove she's a good queen and Branch tells her everyone she has been ignoring was right; if she wants to be a good queen she needs to listen. As the other Trolls stated, differences matter and he figures that they're too different to get along.

As the bubble bursts and the two touch the ground, Poppy restates they're really different. Branch is hurt she didn't disagree with him, as he was hoping she would try and argue otherwise. Before Branch knows it the two have a short row, which ends their friendship and he states he doesn't know why he cares about her. He sulks away into the woods, leaving Poppy standing alone.

Branch sings alone until his Hug-time Bracelet goes off. His attention is turned to music, which he knows is K-Pop. Branch is surrounded and tied up by a gang of K-Pop Trolls, who tell him they're taking him down. When they use "Pop Troll" to describe him, he brings up their K-Pop and confused Branch question that aren't they all "Pop Trolls", but the leader of the K-Pop Trolls just says that as K-Pop Trolls their completely different. At that moment, another gang of Trolls known as Reggaeton Trolls turn up. The two groups have a dance off over Branch but it ends with both groups acknowledging each others' talents and saying "respect" to each other. The leader of the Reggaeton Trolls suggests they split Branch and the two gangs agree.

When the two groups turn to him, Branch tries to defend himself and argues about why does Barb get to decide what music survives and what doesn't, shouldn't they all be saved. To his shock, because no one has been listening to him recently, both groups actually listened to him and agreed.

Poppy takes the string of Pop out of her hair and strikes it, noting differences do matter. Hickory finds her and explains where Branch is. She acknowledges her failures in front of him, and while stating how she failed to listen to anyone including her best friend pulls her string out in front of Hickory. Hickory tells her to run when he sees her String, but in confusion she doesn't. Hickory's back legs begin to buck and reveals their actually another Troll. The new Troll tells Hickory off and as Poppy continues to be confused Dickory reveals Hickory is actually a Yodelling Troll via removing his country costume and the two sing. Poppy begins to guess what's going on until the subject of Dickory, the Troll's name, stops her when she brings up him having pretended to be the back end of a Country Troll the entire time. Hickory drops the accent and reverts to his true one, stating it was the only way to save their Yodelling music.

A three-way tug of war starts with the Pop string as Dickory grabs it, Poppy tries to hold on while Hickory tries to also grab it to get it away from both of them. When Dickory comes out with the string, he yodels and Queen Barb shows up.

Barb takes the string and plucks it to allow the final notes of Pop to sound out, which she comments that it will never invade someone's brain again. When Poppy tries to stop her she mocks her and snaps her finger; Poppy is grabed by two of Barb's Rockers. Poppy tells Barb to leave her alone, but Barb comments it was her who was eager to be "best friends". She also reveals they've already attacked and brought down Pop Village to the horror of Poppy.

Biggie finally makes it to a devastated Pop Village, and is distraught by the sight of his home in ruins, but soon other members of the Snack Pack reveal themselves as having survived the attack. They decide to go after Poppy and adorn disguises to get past security.

At Volcano Rock City, Poppy is taken to the arena; Queen Barb looks down please with the Rocker Trolls coming into the show.

Meanwhile, the Snack Pack sneak past Barb's roadies and get back stage, but thanks to Legsly's anklet they're spotted. They revealed themselves to the Rocker Trolls dressed in Rock'n'Roll-era clothes and sing a Rock'n'Roll song. Despite how obviously badly matched against Hard Rock they are, they convince the roadie and he hands them the stage equipment.

Riff shoves Poppy into a cage. He comments that she smells like Bubblegum and says he's sorry for putting her in a cage. Mocking her, Barb says "you're welcome". Poppy asks for what she should thank Barb over. Barb replies to her that she's making Poppy's dream of being her "best friend" come true and asks if it's living up to Poppy's expectations. Poppy claims they're not best friends. Barb remarks she gets it, as expectations of being queen are high and she herself is under a lot of pressure to please her dad and that people tell her they're her friends but are dishonest and tell her only what she wants to hear. She ends on the note that the two of them are actually alike - they're both queens who want to unite the world. When Poppy accuses her of wanting to destroy it, she claims that's a lie as she'll unite everyone under Rock.

With the six Strings united, they now glow a bright rainbow color together.

Barb appears on stage with Poppy left on display; she asks if anyone wants to see what the Ultimate Power Chord can do and turns to Poppy. Before she converts her, a book hits her as Branch arrives in Shelia Balloon. Getting to her feet, Barb once again turns to Poppy. Branch throws himself in the way, and when the dust clears Branch was converted to Rock.

Barb reveals she's turning everyone into Rock zombies and Poppy definitely claims she won't be converted. Barb converts the other Trolls into Hard Rockers. One of the Rockers gets excited and jumps into a pool of lava. Barb begins to sing and the Snack Pack are forced to play along. Having claimed victory, Barb notes they will all now live as Rockers, including the Pop Trolls. Poppy attempted to escape by picking the lock of her cage, but is spotted by Barb. She orders Branch to nab her and he does. Barb puts everything into her Power CHord and throws it at Poppy, who steps through the smoke as a Rock Troll.

Barb, wanting total satisfaction of seeing Poppy convert the remaining Trolls, hands her the guitar. Except Poppy goes to play Pop music instead of Rock, to the confusion of Barb. It is then revealed Poppy used Hickory's gumdrop trick to block out the hypnotic music. Barb grabs the guitar and the two wrestle for control of it. Poppy claims that looking and sounding the same isn't true harmony, and Riff concludes Poppy is right, as if everyone was the same he couldn't figure how anyone would know they're cool. Poppy raises the guitar above her head and smashes it, as a terrible song rings out.

The original colors of every Troll are taken, and Poppy rushes to check on Branch. Barb meanwhile tries to salvage the Strings but it's too late, and in anger turns to Poppy, accusing her of destroying all music. Poppy falls to her knees and turns to the crowd to beg for forgiveness; she's met with silence as the Trolls realize they've lost their music.

Out of nowhere, Cooper's heartbeat begins to thump loudly and his brother joins in. Essence realizes that her sons are making music without the Strings. The Country Trolls begin to stomp their feet. Essence concludes that they didn't need the Strings: music was inside of them. As the Trolls all began to bob their heads to the beat, Poppy asks them to sing and she begins to sing herself, with Branch joining in. Barb can't believe they're making music without the Strings, and turns to Thrash for help.

One by one, the Tribes join in after each other, adding their own spin to the song. Eventually, Barb picks up a guitar and joins; her mohawk grows big and colorful, and she joins Poppy across the stage as friends. The song ends on good terms. In the moment, Branch and Poppy make up and they high-five, making a perfect connection at last despite their differences.

Poppy concludes the story, telling the history of the Trolls to a group of young Trolls. She notes that their differences are good, not bad, and they were wrong. Later, Poppy and the rest of the Trolls gather in Pop Village and spend the next week partying.


  • In comparison to the previous Trolls: The Junior Novelization book, this one has far less changed content, and is thus more faithful to its source. The changes are minor and tend to be featured in late parts of the book, mostly focusing on the very late last minute changes DreamWorks made to the film. One example of such was Chance the Rapper's Prince D, which was replaced by Anderson .Paak's version late into development.