This is a list of various comic stories that have appeared in the Trolls Annuals, Trolls Magazine and Trolls Graphic Novels. These comics are not considered canon to the overall Trolls franchise, and have been subject to a number of retcons.
The following comics were made by Egmont Group.
Along Comes a Spider[]
Cooper is approached by a Tarantacapuff, who's with Poppy because she found it; the spider has hurt one of its legs. Branch tries to defend Poppy and attacks the spider. Poppy stops him and explains that it's hurt, Branch tells her to be careful, as it may try and eat her later.
The Trolls tend to its health, and Satin & Chenille dress it up in clothes. Poppy stops Branch from muzzling it. The spider later spots Cooper breakdancing and mimics his movements. Branch finds a spider web and tries to warn the others that the spider means harm. "Spidy", as the Trolls have dubbed it, has simply made a trampoline out of webbing as a "thank you" for looking after it.
A Most Hair Emergency[]
Creek sneezes so hard his hair falls off. He is taken to Maddy who says he sneezed his hair off and it may never return. She gives him a bug to wear for the rest of his life. Creek dismisses the bug as its just not his look. Then Maddy has an idea and they all hug, the shared love regrows Creeks hair.
A Very Vanilla Nightmare[]
A baby Troll wakes King Peppy because she had a nightmare where everything is only vanilla-flavored ice cream. He shows her the snack room, which is filled with various flavors.
Bad Hair Day[]
Creek wakes up with a bad hair day after a stressful dream. The other Trolls try to get his hair under control as it creates chaos in the village. The solutions the Trolls suggest make him more stressed, and the hair begins to tingle itself around them and capture them. They manage to calm him down, to which hair appears to relax - except for a patch at the back of his head, which the others keep quiet about.
This comic shares its title with two episodes from ASK POPPY and Trolls: TrollsTopia, respectively.
Bergens United[]
- Bergens Field Day!
King Gristle Jr. tries to find a way to improve the lives of the Bergens by declaring a day of exercise, calling it "Bergens Field Day!". There is no response from Bergen Town until he announces that there will be free pizza. The Bergens eat their pizza and partake in the field track day. Gristle is proud of the Bergens, but he soon realizes their blunder, and notes that next time they should exercise before eating pizza.
- Bergens Poetry Slam
King Gristle Jr. tries to host a rap battle for all the Bergens, but they boo the idea. He changes it to a poetry slam instead. The Bergens only attend because there's a coupon for a free breadstick if they read out a poem. When the reading is over, Gristle says they should celebrate with pizza. He then finds himself flooded by coupons for breadsticks, making him realize that it was a bad idea.
- Bergens Ball
King Gristle Jr. hosts a grand ball for the Bergens. The food served is pizza, but because none of the Bergens want to ruin their fancy gloves, knives and forks are used; the Bergens are used to eating pizza this way. One of them sends a slice onto a ceiling fan, which ends up covering all the attending Bergens.
Brain Freeze[]
Cooper is in trouble and asks his friends for help. Suddenly, his issue goes away and they want to know what caused it. He eats ice cream, then a large bowl of it, and finally gets brain freeze. In an attempt to help him, Poppy gives him more ice cream, but it makes it worse. He then drinks cocoa, which cures him. When Poppy asks him what he learnt about the cure for brain freeze, he says the cure is more ice cream.
Bridget is on... ...a Love Quest![]
Set before Trolls, this comic strip involves Bridget stealing items for her King Gristle Jr. collection.
Bridget 2.0[]
Bridget spends time with her new friends, the Trolls.
Class Visitors[]
Poppy has convinced Branch to attend a class visitation, and Branch tells her that she owes him big time for this. The children of the class start asking questions, Poppy is asked about the favorite thing about being a Troll, to which she answers that she loves everything. Branch is asked about the best thing he likes about Poppy, to which he answers her smile. Another Troll asks a weird question, and then if he can go to the bathroom. A fourth Troll asks when nap time is. Soon, the entire class, including Branch and Poppy, are sleeping.
Chefs on the Chopping Block![]
- Part 1
Three Bergen chefs enter a contest: Chef, Enid and Bert. They have to use the ingredients available to make a meal, which includes sour gummy Trolls and Troll-shaped tofu. Chef shoves Enid and Bert out of the way and makes a meal with all the ingredients, leaving none for them and winning the competition.
- Part 2
It's just Chef and Bert left in the contest, and they have turnips with hair. They have ten minutes to prepare a meal. Chef eats Bert's turnips, and thus is the only one who can present a dish at the end of the time.
- Part 3
The last round involves Troll-shaped tortillas. Chef loses her temper, as she thought there would have been real Trolls. She makes a mush of the tortilla, and the show cuts as she heads to the fridge.
Fashion Show[]
The Trolls are at their first annual Fashion Show announced by Cooper. Guy Diamond shows off the natural style (he's completely naked). Biggie's cape knocks off the after-party treats, and in a bid of saying the show they send out Smidge, who poses to keep the audience in awe. The last show is Creek, who appears as himself and gets applause. As the show closes, part of the scenary background collapses.
Hair School[]
Maddy schools three pupils in hairstyling, using Cooper as a demonstration.
Happy Critter Day[]
Poppy asks for Branch's help celebrating "Critter Day" where they thank their critter friends. Branch suggest they scrapbook. Each Troll scrapbooks a card they then later hand to the Critters. Each Critter gets a card and is left happy by it.
Hide and Seek[]
Poppy plays hide and seek with her friends. Biggie can't find a spot to hide behind due to his size, Guy Diamond's glittery hair gives him away and Smidge can't resist doing pull ups. Fuzzbert is declared the winner after Poppy can't find him.
Lost The Beat[]
After a night of partying, DJ Suki can't find her headphones and she searches frantically. Poppy helps her find them by pointing out that they're around her neck.
Listen Up[]
Branch is having trouble relaxing, so Cooper tells him to visit Cybil. Cybil tells him to inhale and not to exhale until she says so. She then becomes so relaxed herself that she forgets to tell him when to exhale, causing him to nearly suffocate.
Mr. Dink-ill[]
Biggie calls on Poppy's help, as he think Mr. Dinkles is hurt. Poppy suggest he's down in the dumps, as hugs don't cheer him up. Mr. Dinkles doesn't join in. They try dressing up as clowns, but this also fails. After several more activities, they star outside and Poppy realizes what Mr. Dinkles said about. At a nearby tree, they find a female worm; it turns out Mr. Dinkles was lovesick all along.
New Friends[]
The Bergens and Trolls have a party. Branch is worried that they'll destroy his bunker, but is told that he can just live with Biggie & Mr. Dinkles if they did. Fireworks set off that night, sprinkling a bunch Bergens with glitter, to which they state that they feel pretty. Guy Diamond shows off the "Troll Stroll". Biggie wants to remember this day forever, so Branch suggests that they take a photo with the Bergens.
Paint How You Feel[]
Poppy convinces Branch to paint how he feels with the other Trolls. She brings him to Harper, who has Cooper and Biggie attending also. All but Branch present how they feel to Harper; Branch has a blank canvas. When he presents his feelings, he puts his head through the canvas to show only his face and expression right now, making the other Trolls laugh at his response.
Pizza Party[]
The Bergens host a pizza party for the Trolls, but they have no ingredients to make pizza to the alarm of King Gristle Jr.; in fact, all they have is an old box of baking soda, which a chef promptly spills over the King. Gristle asks for Bridget's help, and soon they have things running again. She rushes to the candy store and buys 4 bags of sweets for the Trolls. The Trolls are served candy pizzas, and Gristle thanks Bridget for saving the party.
A group of critters help Cooper perform a stunt on a Critterboard.
Rap Battle[]
Cooper hosts a Troll and Bergen rap battle. The Trolls and Bergens take turns to rap while Poppy and Bridget are up first until King Gristle Jr. and Branch are up. Branch is hesitant when it's his turn, but tells them all to go away. After winning, Poppy gives him his prize: a hug.
During a glitter storm, Guy Diamond's pod is destroyed and he has to find somewhere to live a few days while it is rebuild. The only one with room is Branch, so Poppy volunteers his bunker under Branch's protest. She says the only other option is that he sleeps outside, which Branch would prefer, but somehow Poppy takes that as Branch agreeing to let him stay. Branch says he can stay for one night, and is promptly covered in glitter as Guy hugs him.
Branch sets some ground rules: no hugging, no dancing, no acrobatics and no glitter farts, all of which Guy does as he says them, slowly covering Branch in more and more glitter. As they head back to the bunker, Guy continues to ask what he can do, with Branch saying "no" to everything. Within moments of being in the bunker, Guy covers it in glitter. He's told not to touch anything but ignores that, leaving glitter prints everywhere.
As each day passes, Guy does more and more things that shake glitter off. Finally after 3 days of Guy and his glitter, Branch is relieved to learn Guy is leaving. The bunker is a mess. Branch needs to spend a few days with Guy while they clean it for him, which Branch isn't happy about.
Royal Portrait[]
King Peppy shows Poppy the portrait gallery and the space for hers. She has Harper paint her portrait, which turns out quite a bit different to past ones as Trolls are painted around her. Poppy is not worried, but Branch says that the odd portrait might as well be that of a Bergen. Poppy says that the portrait is her decision only. To ensure Branch, she tries to give him a hug, which he dodges. Her father is happy and says the portrait is Poppy.
Secret Messenger[]
Poppy finds a secret hug card shaped like a heart under her door and goes to find the person who sent it to give them a hug. At first she thinks it's Biggie, but he too got a card. Soon, she discovers everyone has a card in the entire village. She uses DJ Suki's microphone to grab the attention of the Trolls and find out who hasn't received a card. The only Troll not present turns out to be Branch, whom they figure gave out the cards. He denies it, angrily closing his bunker hatch door. Poppy notes to the reader that Branch would never confess to being the one, winking to indicate that she knows he's lying.
Surfin' Contest[]
DJ Suki and Guy Diamond host a critter riding contest. The pair are unable to make a decision on who wins, so everyone is declared a winner.
The Dinkles Drop[]
Biggie and Mr. Dinkles are enjoying the sunrise, Mr. Dinkles shed a tear which at first Biggie thinks is happy tear. It isn't. Biggie tries to cheer him up with cupcakes, but this doesn't work and Biggie ate one earlier. Next he tries comedy but that also doesn't cheer his worm up. Soon his friends try to help but neither DJ's music nor Satin & Chenille's fashion cheers him up. Soon a big party is held but not one of his friends manages to cheer up the worm. They continue the party as Biggie notices nothing is cheering him up. Biggie gives Mr. Dinkles a hug and that cheers the worm up as it was all he wanted.
The Lost Troll[]
Poppy is looking after 4 baby Trolls when Branch comes along. She tries to get Branch to smell a baby Troll, but he refuses and walks off. Then Poppy realizes one of the Troll Babies is missing. She leaves the 3 remaining ones with Smidge, and goes off to find the missing baby. After asking Biggie, Creek, Satin & Chenille she finds Branch. Branch has spent hours trying to figure out where the noises he's been hearing all day are coming from. It turns out the missing baby had climbed and hid in his hair, and what he could hear was it moving around. When she removes the baby and goes away, Branch smells his hair and admits babies don't smell too bad.
The Woods[]
Smidge tells the story of a wondering ghost of a Troll who lost a cupcake and wondered to find it. Cooper thinks he has found a ghost and runs off screaming. It turns out that this was one of Guy Diamond's glitter clouds.
To be or not to be... Someone else[]
Poppy is trying a new holiday. The Trolls swap roles with each other, such as Branch taking on DJ Suki's DJ-ing role, and Guy Diamond ruling the village in Poppy's stead for a day. The storyline ends in a disaster but Poppy can't undo the damage because Guy is in charge and is enjoying the attention. She gets Branch to DJ, which makes him cancel the day as he's terrible as a DJ. Everyone is relieved the event is over.
To Eat or Not to Eat[]
Biggie has trouble deciding if he wants to eat a cupcake or not because it is too beautiful. Creek hears him crying and eats it for him to spare him the decision. Biggie thanks him for it.
Top of the Morning (and Night) to You![]
Biggie and Mr. Dinkles are handing out top hats to the critters, but so many have shown up that they need help. Luckily, Poppy and the other Trolls offer to lend a hand.
Karma and Cybil water the gardens of the greenhouse, but some of the flowers aren't feeling up to it. Poppy tries to tell a joke, but the flowers aren't impressed. She dresses up in a bee costume and sings for them, which works.
Watch Out for Hug Time[]
At the market, Branch is buying a big fruit the size of his head. All of a sudden, hug time happens and the vendor hugs Branch, destroying it in the process anyway. Branch notices Poppy is not around and it's odd for her to miss hug time. Poppy's Hug-Time Bracelet goes off as she nears Maddy's saloon, and she enters to give Maddy a hug. As she hugs Maddy, Maddy accidentally cuts a client's hair wrong and snips off a large chunk. She's confused by Poppy's hug because hug time was 40 minutes ago.
Poppy takes Branch to one of DJ Suki's parties "because it's fun". Her hug bracelet goes off in the middle of her song and she hugs DJ, stopping her from playing music. Poppy exits with Branch.
Away from the party, Poppy realizes her hug bracelet is not working right and states next time it goes off she may want to hug Branch. Branch tries to fix the watch, but a simple "turn-on, turn off" doesn't work. 20 minutes later, Poppy begins to cry over her watch as she fears missing out on hug time, which Peppy overhears. Peppy recalls it happening once before when he was younger, but he can't remember how to fix the watch. Poppy and Branch go to the library.
At the library, Branch sneezes and knocks over some books, leading to him finding the book telling how to fix the watch. He asks if he can go home and Poppy says they can fix the watch now, which is even better. The book is not helpful, as it mentions some kind of Troll magic can fix the bracelet, but the page is torn. Poppy leaves and sneezes again, getting once more covered in books.
Later, Poppy is about to throw her watch away when Branch appears having told the other Trolls what happened. They hug her because they don't want her to feel sad or to throw her watch away. The Troll magic turns out to be love, and Branch lets her hug him just this once.
We Will Rock You![]
Smidge is about to start practicing for her rocking gig. Last week, Poppy and her friends did scrapbooking, and this week, it's Smidge's turn to show one of her hobbies for the Trolls, as she is preparing for a gig with DJ Suki. Smidge sings his Swedish Heavy Metal song called "The Four Horsemen". A few hours later, Smidge and DJ finished their gig, and they will resume their rehearsals tomorrow.
Poppy and her friends find Smidge by forming a search party. The friends found Smidge rehearsing for a gig with Rhyme Dewdrop, and he helped Smidge for the lyrics. Smidge, DJ and Rhyme perform the gig together and the Trolls are grooving along to the music. With Smidge's hobby is done, next week's hobby is going to be Biggie showing his new cupcake flavors, but instead, he stated that he give the hobby week a rest.
Whip You Into Shape[]
Smidge has the Trolls doing exercise. Biggie is distracted by Mr. Dinkles, who finds a stash of cupcakes. They decide to share the cakes with their friends, and the last exercise becomes a cupcake crunch.