Trolly Tales is a series of in-series stories told by the Trolls throughout Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. There are 3 episodes of this series: "Trolly Tales", "Trolly Tales 2" and "Trolly Tales 3".
The first Trolly Tales episode involved stories told from the Troll Village library with scrapbooks; a story told by Keith presumably had elements he made up. Trolly Tales 2 included stories that reflected the culture of the Trolls who told them; Keith once again makes up his story, but this time entirely from scratch. While there's no confirmation that Trolly Tales 2 stories are entirely fictional, their characters make an appearance in "Wormhole", indicating there's an alternative reality wherein their tales do exist. Trolly Tales 3 was based on nursery rhymes, which were extended into made-up stories to keep some young Trolls happy, while Gia Grooves was unable to tend to them.
Trolly Tales[]
Handbag and Satchel[]
This story was told by Branch. The scrapbook for this tale was held in the Troll Village library.
It features Satin & Chenille as the sassy fashion twins "Handbag and Satchel". The twins ventured into the woods despite being warned by a woodsman (played by Branch himself). The twins dismiss his warning as their going to a Critter fashion show where Critters dress up as other Critters. The twins explain they won't get lost, as they're leaving a trail of snicker doodles. The woodsman warns those will attract predatory birds, leading the girls to dismiss him and continue on.
The pair venture deeper in the woods and eventually get lost, but find a hut made of designer clothes. They're invited inside by a witch (played by Smidge), who imprisons them once there. The pair are forced to sew the Witch's next lineup, though they manage to escape by tricking the witch to go in the cage they're held in to try on a new outfit and imprisoning her afterwards. On their way out following the trail, a bird catches them and flies off.
This story was told by Poppy. Like with the previous tale, its scrapbook was held in the Troll Village library.
The tale begins with the ruler of a nearby village (played by Poppy) travelling to Rapunztroll's tower (played by Branch), who was imprisoned by the wicked witch (played by Smidge) from "Handbag and Satchel". When asked to let down his hair, Rapunztroll refuses, saying he isn't actually imprisoned by the witch, a fact the witch confirms herself, though she then states that she would actually do that. She proceeds to duck inside her hut, hinting that "Handbag and Satchel" takes place at the same time as "Rapunztroll".
The story involves the ruler trying and finally succeeding to get Rapunztroll out of the tower. Once out, Rapunztroll states how he never realized what he missed, and happily ran off.
It becomes obvious in the closing of the story that Poppy purposely aimed the story at Branch, since it mirrors his own story from Trolls and Trolls: The Beat Goes On!.
Jack and the Eyestalk[]
This story was told by Keith. Again, its scrapbook was held in the Troll Village library, though it's implied that Keith changed parts of the story to make it more interesting.
Keith's tale begins with Jack (played by Keith), his mother (played by Poppy) and his brother (played by Branch) fighting over their last party hat. Jack is told to go into town and exchange his brother for more hats. When Jack's brother complains that's all their mother thinks his worth, she corrects herself on how valuable her eldest son is, and tells Jack to trade his brother for one party hat.
Jack returns with 3 beans he traded for his elder brother. The beans are knocked away by his mother and soon grow into an eyestalk.
After climbing the eyestalk, Jack finds a golden harp, golden goose, and a giant who was also a witch (Smidge again). The witch soon befriends Jack. The two do a best friend's montage. Jack has a lot of fun, but feels bad about trading his brother away. The giant witch gets her Time Machine. The pair, along with the Golden Goose shoot lasers into the air and get into the Time Machine; they travelled through time having adventures.
The moral of the story was "Time Travel is real", according to Keith, which made Poppy and Branch note the absurdity of the tale itself.
Trolly Tales 2[]
The Troll-jan Worm[]
This story was told by Biggie to Archer Pastry.
The tale features the warrior Bigeleus (played by Biggie), whose best friend was the most beautiful creature in the world - Mr. Dinkules (played by Mr. Dinkles). Unfortunately, due to how good looking Dinkules is, he was captured by spiders, and Bigeleus vows to get him back.
Bigeleus summons the fiercest Troll Warriors he knew: Poppyseus the blade expert (played by Poppy) and Branchilles (played by Branch) who was invincible - except for his one weakness, his heel, which made him completely useless.
They begin their war against the spiders by launching the deadliest weapon known to Trollkind - a confetti bomb. The Trolls realize they're pretty bad at war. Branchilles declares he'll save the day only to hurt his heel again. Coopericles (played by Cooper) vows to sneak in and infiltrate the spiders dressed as one. Instead of success, he ends up marrying one of the spiders, forcing the Trolls to go back to the drawing board.
The Trolls try to use a giant wooden worm to get inside, but the spiders realize they're just hiding inside. When the spiders, plus Coopericles, go inside the worm, they're imprisoned as it turns out the Trolls weren't inside; they were outside waiting for them to go in.
And so, Bigeleus and Mr. Dinkules lived happily ever after. They presume Coopericles also did the same, but Biggie notes they never saw him again, as Bigeleus sent the wooden worm rolling far away off a cliff.
King Guydas[]
This tale was told by Guy Diamond to Archer Pastry.
Guydas (played by Guy Diamond himself) was a ruler who loved glitter. One day, he prayed to the heavens for all the glitter in the world. The heavens (Cloud Guy) respond by granting Guydas the ability to turn everything he touched into glitter. Guydas went around and starts converting things into Glitter. Eventually, he gets a piece in his eye, causing him to panic as he didn't want to touch himself. He gets the glitter out of his eye, but while congratulating himself pats himself and becomes glitter. After the heavens mock him for being so foolish, Guydas reforms himself into a Glitter Troll.
This tale was told by Keith to Archer Pastry.
It starts with the story of Icarus (played by Keith), a kid with the coolest ideas. He came up with a method to fly, which catches the eye of Bigeleus and Poppyseus from the earlier stories. Poppyseus warns Icarus that he shouldn't fly too close to the sun.
Icarus flew past the sun and jumped into hyperspeed, emerging in the middle of a battle between Lord Badguy (played by Branch) and an unknown force. One of the spiders aboard his ship notes a kid with really cool ideas has appeared. Lord Badguy states they're on a quest to destroy all cool things, and therefore the kid must die. When Icarus tries to flee, Lord Badguy proves too strong and a random laser fire hits one of his wings. Icarus crashes onto a strange and murky land.
The story skips through as Keith tells a long, over-the-top narrative about Icarus' adventures, including a part where he defeated his evil twin twice. Finally, he faced off against Lord Badguy, only for him to be told that Lord Badguy is his father. He ends the story with a loud "Noooo!" and says "To be continued."
Trolly Tales 3[]
Troll be Nimble[]
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Troll be nimble, Troll be quick, Troll jumped over the candlestick. |
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At the daycare center, the toddlers won't stop crying because they miss Gia Grooves. Poppy looks for something to take their minds off of Gia's absence, and finds a scrapbook on old nursery rhymes. DJ Suki reads the first one, and finds that it's rather short. They decide to make up more of the story to entertain the Trolls, but DJ struggles with the idea. Guy steps in and states that all they have to do is ask some basic questions like why did he jump the candlestick.
Guy makes up a story about himself. He's at Sky Toronto's Factory, wherein he constantly jumps over a candlestick. In this story, Sky is Guy's father, who disapproves of him wasting time by jumping on the candlestick. Sky tells his son that he'll be running the factory one day, while Guy states he dreams to jump on the biggest stage in Troll Village, the Madison Hair Garden; Sky doesn't take the dream seriously. Guy was on the verge of giving upon his dream, when Nova Swift appears and introduces herself as the Agent to the Stars. She wants to make Guy's candlestick dream a reality. Starting off jumping in the streets, Guy makes it to Madison Hair Gardens, but there's a problem; the candlestick thinks Guy has been hogging the spotlight and is going solo.
Guy returns to the factory where he prepares to be taken seriously. Sky doesn't want Guy to call him "Dad" anymore - instead, he wants Guy to refer him as his biggest fan. Guy concludes that the one candle he wanted to jump all along was his father's heart.
Little Troll Horner[]
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Little Troll Horner sat in a corner, eating her Troll-berry pie. She put in her thumb and pulled out a plum and said, "What a good Troll am I!?" |
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With Guy not making the kids happy, Poppy takes her turn. Poppy has to come up with a story on her rhyme, and she begins a tale about a Troll who's unlocking a secret message as Little Troll Horner. The focus of her story was actually a super Spy known as "Agent Smidge", who recieves a message to go after "Doctor Biggie", a Troll villain who has created the most danceable record known to Trollkind; if one hears it, they won't be able to stop dancing. Agent Smidge's team must infiltrate his home and stop him from using the record before it's too late.
She assembles "Trolly's Angels" which consists of "Smidge the Muscle", "DJ Suki the Tech", "Satin the Style" and "Chenille not part of this". At the party, DJ Suki switches her headphones to go undercover among the DJ booths. Satin uses Chenille to get up to Doctor Biggie's pod and Smidge checks on Biggie himself. At his pod, Satin looks for the record, but finds other large, flat round objects instead. She ducks as security inspects the pod. Despite finding Chenille, Chenille just says she's not part of this, and the security guard gives the all-clear. Satin gives the all-clear on Biggie's pod, and the story switches to DJ, who's looking for the record at the DJ booths. DJ gives the signal to Smidge, who goes to make her move.
Smidge finds Doctor Biggie playing cards, and asks him if he'll play a game of "Simon Says". He complies and she's soon calling out commands. He gets caught up in the game, and Smidge asks him to hand over the record; he complies and she runs off with it. As Trolly's Angels leave, Chenille attempts to stay as it's a good party, but is pulled away once again. The Angels save the village and Doctor Biggie was never able to throw a party again. Guy pulls up her claim about a Troll never being able to host a party again, which would be bummer territory.
Dickory, Dickory Dock[]
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Hickory, Dickory Dock, the Troll run up a clock. |
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Poppy wants DJ to tell a story, as she's desperate after her story failed to keep the kids happy. DJ is frightened of goofing up the story, but agrees. She has "Dickory, Dickory Dock". In desperation, DJ blurts out the reason a Troll was running up the clock is because it was running away from a pickle. DJ looks sad, as she said something goofy, but the kids start to laugh at the idea of a pickle running, and she continues. The pickle chases the Troll into a cave filled with ice cream cones, grumpy ones that sound like monkeys. Both find this hilarious, as did the pickle and the Troll's brother Fredrico the Cheese, who laughed so hard that he tooted a rainbow.