"Truth or Dare" is the second segment of the 1st episode of the eighth season of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, and the 91st overall episode in the series. It premiered on November 22, 2019.
Branch and The Snack Pack are invited to Poppy's pod for a game of truth or dare, but Biggie isn't prepared to take a dare.
Branch, Biggie, Guy Diamond and Smidge are off to meet Poppy for her monthly truth or dare game with the excited Smidge and Guy chanting as they go. Branch tries to calm the excited pair down, to which they claim that he doesn't know how exciting it is because he has never played before. Guy flashbacks to a time he was dared as a Glitter Troll to wear pants, an act that is viewed as gross and disgusting to Glitter Trolls. Branch laughs at the story and admits it sounds fun, stating "Who doesn't love a good dare?". Biggie reacts with a whimper.
At Poppy's pod, the pair are chanting again while Biggie is sweating nervously. Poppy pulls out Biggie's name first and he gulps. But instead of asking "truth or dare", Poppy asks him "truth or cupcake" because she knows Biggie doesn't like dares. Biggie pretends he doesn't know what she is talking about, but Poppy notes he always picks "truth", and flashbacks to all the chances he had to "dare", where he always chosen "truth" instead. He admits that he does always choose "truth", but doesn't want to ruin the game for his friends.
Poppy tries to make it seem like it is not a big deal, but Smidge and Guy don't cheer as they believe she isn't being emotionally honest. She rephrases the statement, saying that they all make sacrifices for the ones they love and they all love Biggie. This pleases the pair, but the next problem she finds is that everyone chooses "cupcake" and no one is satisfied. She shuts the game down and says she will meet them tomorrow for a new game. Poppy starts to list suggestions of alternative names, but Biggie declares that he won't ruin the game; tomorrow he will do a dare. Guy and Smidge get excited and Poppy questions if Biggie really wants to do a dare. All he needs is help from a Troll preparing it.
He turns to Branch, who was actually not his first choice by Sky Toronto who was busy, so was Harper, so was Tug Duluth, Mags Gumdrop and King Peppy. Branch sarcastically says that Biggie clearly doesn't need help with "truth". He breaks down things into the three most common types of "dare": eating something gross, pull a crazy stunt and do something embarrassing. For something gross, he gets Biggie to eat a Snail Slime. Biggie comments it's not bad but dry; when he tries to wet his mouth, he revives the Snail Slime. Next, Branch dares Biggie to cannonball off of Cannonball Cliff. He tells Biggie to not look down and jumps off himself, Biggie looks down and is terrified, and thus doesn't complete the jump. The third attempt is to get Biggie to do something embarrassing; this time, Biggie simply turns up to a Potluck lunch without food. After the other Trolls show anger at him, Biggie decides he can't do this and thus runs home to get something for the Potluck. Having failed all three of the dares, Branch notes tomorrow is going to be rough.
At Poppy's pod, Guy and Smidge are chanting "truth or dare". Poppy tries to get Biggie to back out, but he still insists on going through with this. Poppy dares him to swipe the statue of Dare-lene J. McGuffin. When Branch asks "Who?", Poppy explains that she was the most daring Troll and her final wish was that they build a memorial to her featuring a statue of her, so Trolls could dare each other to steal it.
So Biggie has to get the statue and bring it back to Poppy without getting caught, he goes to the statue and replaces with a cupcake. As he goes to walk away, an alarm sounds out, alerting to the statue being stolen. Dare-lene herself shows up to get it back; Branch says that he thought she was dead and Poppy asks why he thought that. He explains that it was her story and Poppy thinks Branch read too far into it.
Biggie runs with the statue as Dare-lene chases him. They run through obstacles until Biggie drops the statue and it falls into a lava lake. Biggie, not wanting to ruin his friends' fun, still goes after the statue, but Poppy plays her queen card and orders that the dare is over. He is dismayed as he doesn't want to be the reason his friends can't play the game. Poppy gives him a new dare: they all love him and she dares him to stop and accept that. He's cheerful of what she has to say and notes that now that he has tasted it, he admits he enjoys "dare".
As the Trolls run off chanting "truth or dare", Dare-lene appears out of the lava lake, having gotten her statue back.
- Amanda Leighton as Queen Poppy
- David Fynn as Biggie
- Skylar Astin as Branch
- Kevin Michael Richardson as Smidge
- Fryda Wolff as DJ Suki and Gia Grooves
- Ron Funches as Cooper
- Kari Wahlgren as Bella Brightly, Mags Gumdrop and Dare-lene J. McGuffin
- Other
Physical distribution[]
This episode is available on the "Trolls: The Beat Goes On! - Complete Seasons 5-8" DVD.
- "Truth or dare" is a game wherein players are asked to either choose a question of "truth" or make a "dare".
- The statue is a reference to the Golden Idol that the character Indiana Jones takes in the film Raiders of the Lost Ark.
- Dare-lene J. McGuffin's surname is based on the term "MacGuffin". A MacGuffin is usually an item at the end of a quest that a character in a story is searching for. The statue of herself that Biggie is told to steal is in itself a MacGuffin. Miss Guffin, a cut Troll from Trolls is also based upon this term.
- A "last wish" is normally a reference to someone who has passed and their final request being a final wish they want done, often made either on their deathbed or in their Will. So when Branch was correct in expecting this definition, what Poppy seems to have meant is that this was simply her "last wish", meaning that it's her current last wish she has made in her lifetime. This is a play on expectations.